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3 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
forest 6d52f56d27 documenting the janky tests logs situation
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details
continuous-integration/drone/pr Build is failing Details
2021-07-27 14:49:10 -05:00
forest f5640a1d01 getting unit tests to log properly
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details
2021-07-27 14:44:10 -05:00
forest 45d7e2c62e breaking up after abusive relationship with logger 2021-07-27 14:28:42 -05:00
20 changed files with 171 additions and 140 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -17,3 +17,4 @@ build/

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ from flask import current_app
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
from capsulflask.shared import my_exec_info_message
from capsulflask.shared import *
from capsulflask import hub_model, spoke_model, cli
from capsulflask.btcpay import client as btcpay
from capsulflask.http_client import MyHTTPClient
@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def create_app():
app = Flask(__name__)
TESTING=config.get("TESTING", False),
TESTING=config.get("TESTING", "False").lower() in ['true', '1', 't', 'y', 'yes'],
BASE_URL=config.get("BASE_URL", "http://localhost:5000"),
SECRET_KEY=config.get("SECRET_KEY", "dev"),
HUB_MODE_ENABLED=config.get("HUB_MODE_ENABLED", "True").lower() in ['true', '1', 't', 'y', 'yes'],
@ -96,28 +96,21 @@ def create_app():
app.config['HUB_URL'] = config.get("HUB_URL", app.config['BASE_URL'])
log_filters = {
'setLogLevelToDebugForHeartbeatRelatedMessages': {
'()': SetLogLevelToDebugForHeartbeatRelatedMessagesFilter,
if app.config['TESTING'] != False:
log_filters['captureLogOutputDuringTests'] = {
'()': CaptureLogOutputDuringTestsFilter,
'version': 1,
'formatters': {'default': {
'format': '[%(asctime)s] %(levelname)s in %(module)s: %(message)s',
'filters': log_filters,
'filters': {
'setLogLevelToDebugForHeartbeatRelatedMessages': {
'()': SetLogLevelToDebugForHeartbeatRelatedMessagesFilter,
'handlers': {'wsgi': {
'class': 'logging.StreamHandler',
'stream': 'ext://flask.logging.wsgi_errors_stream',
'formatter': 'default',
'filters': list(log_filters.keys())
'filters': ['setLogLevelToDebugForHeartbeatRelatedMessages']
'root': {
'level': app.config['LOG_LEVEL'],
@ -125,11 +118,11 @@ def create_app():
# app.logger.critical("critical")
# app.logger.error("error")
# app.logger.warning("warning")
# app.logger.debug("debug")
# mylog_critical(app, "critical")
# mylog_error(app, "error")
# mylog_warning(app, "warning")
# mylog_info(app, "info")
# mylog_debug(app, "debug")
stripe.api_key = app.config['STRIPE_SECRET_KEY']
stripe.api_version = app.config['STRIPE_API_VERSION']
@ -137,7 +130,7 @@ def create_app():
if app.config['MAIL_SERVER'] != "":
app.config['FLASK_MAIL_INSTANCE'] = Mail(app)
app.logger.warning("No MAIL_SERVER configured. capsul will simply print emails to stdout.")
mylog_warning(app, "No MAIL_SERVER configured. capsul will simply print emails to stdout.")
app.config['FLASK_MAIL_INSTANCE'] = StdoutMockFlaskMail()
app.config['HTTP_CLIENT'] = MyHTTPClient(timeout_seconds=int(app.config['INTERNAL_HTTP_TIMEOUT_SECONDS']))
@ -148,7 +141,7 @@ def create_app():
app.config['BTCPAY_CLIENT'] = btcpay.Client(api_uri=app.config['BTCPAY_URL'], pem=app.config['BTCPAY_PRIVATE_KEY'])
app.config['BTCPAY_ENABLED'] = True
app.logger.warning("unable to create btcpay client. Capsul will work fine except cryptocurrency payments will not work. The error was: " + my_exec_info_message(sys.exc_info()))
mylog_warning(app, "unable to create btcpay client. Capsul will work fine except cryptocurrency payments will not work. The error was: " + my_exec_info_message(sys.exc_info()))
# only start the scheduler and attempt to migrate the database if we are running the app.
# otherwise we are running a CLI command.
@ -159,7 +152,7 @@ def create_app():
('test' in command_line)
)"is_running_server: {is_running_server}")
mylog_info(app, f"is_running_server: {is_running_server}")
if app.config['HUB_MODE_ENABLED']:
if app.config['HUB_MODEL'] == "capsul-flask":
@ -252,7 +245,7 @@ def url_for_with_cache_bust(endpoint, **values):
class StdoutMockFlaskMail:
def send(self, message: Message):"Email would have been sent if configured:\n\nto: {','.join(message.recipients)}\nsubject: {message.subject}\nbody:\n\n{message.body}\n\n")
mylog_info(current_app, f"Email would have been sent if configured:\n\nto: {','.join(message.recipients)}\nsubject: {message.subject}\nbody:\n\n{message.body}\n\n")
class SetLogLevelToDebugForHeartbeatRelatedMessagesFilter(logging.Filter):
def isHeartbeatRelatedString(self, thing):
@ -279,13 +272,4 @@ class SetLogLevelToDebugForHeartbeatRelatedMessagesFilter(logging.Filter):
return True
class CaptureLogOutputDuringTestsFilter(logging.Filter):
def filter(self, record):
file_object = open('unittest-output.log', 'a')
file_object.write("%s" % record.msg)
for arg in record.args:
file_object.write("%s" % arg)
return True

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from nanoid import generate
from capsulflask.metrics import durations as metric_durations
from capsulflask.auth import admin_account_required
from capsulflask.db import get_model
from capsulflask.shared import my_exec_info_message
from capsulflask.shared import *
bp = Blueprint("admin", __name__, url_prefix="/admin")
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ def index():
current_app.logger.warning(f"/admin: capsul {vm['id']} has public_ipv4 {vm['public_ipv4']} which is out of range for its host network {host_id} {network['network_name']} {network['public_ipv4_cidr_block']}")
mylog_warning(current_app, f"/admin: capsul {vm['id']} has public_ipv4 {vm['public_ipv4']} which is out of range for its host network {host_id} {network['network_name']} {network['public_ipv4_cidr_block']}")

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ from flask_mail import Message
from werkzeug.exceptions import abort
from capsulflask.db import get_model
from capsulflask.shared import *
bp = Blueprint("auth", __name__, url_prefix="/auth")

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ from psycopg2 import ProgrammingError
from flask_mail import Message
from capsulflask.db import get_model
from capsulflask.shared import my_exec_info_message
from capsulflask.shared import *
from capsulflask.console import get_account_balance
bp = Blueprint('cli', __name__)
@ -68,19 +68,19 @@ def sql_script(f, c):
def cron_task():
# make sure btcpay payments get completed (in case we miss a webhook), otherwise invalidate the payment"cron_task: starting clean_up_unresolved_btcpay_invoices")
mylog_info(current_app, "cron_task: starting clean_up_unresolved_btcpay_invoices")
clean_up_unresolved_btcpay_invoices()"cron_task: finished clean_up_unresolved_btcpay_invoices")
mylog_info(current_app, "cron_task: finished clean_up_unresolved_btcpay_invoices")
# notify when funds run out"cron_task: starting notify_users_about_account_balance")
mylog_info(current_app, "cron_task: starting notify_users_about_account_balance")
notify_users_about_account_balance()"cron_task: finished notify_users_about_account_balance")
mylog_info(current_app, "cron_task: finished notify_users_about_account_balance")
# make sure vm system and DB are synced"cron_task: starting ensure_vms_and_db_are_synced")
mylog_info(current_app, "cron_task: starting ensure_vms_and_db_are_synced")
ensure_vms_and_db_are_synced()"cron_task: finished ensure_vms_and_db_are_synced")
mylog_info(current_app, "cron_task: finished ensure_vms_and_db_are_synced")
@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ def clean_up_unresolved_btcpay_invoices():
btcpay_invoice = current_app.config['BTCPAY_CLIENT'].get_invoice(invoice_id)
mylog_error(current_app, f"""
error was thrown when contacting btcpay server for invoice {invoice_id}:
@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ def clean_up_unresolved_btcpay_invoices():
days = float(( - unresolved_invoice['created']).total_seconds())/float(60*60*24)
if btcpay_invoice['status'] == "complete":
f"resolving btcpay invoice {invoice_id} "
f"({unresolved_invoice['email']}, ${unresolved_invoice['dollars']}) as completed "
get_model().btcpay_invoice_resolved(invoice_id, True)
elif days >= 1:
f"resolving btcpay invoice {invoice_id} "
f"({unresolved_invoice['email']}, ${unresolved_invoice['dollars']}) as invalidated, "
f"btcpay server invoice status: {btcpay_invoice['status']}"
@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ def notify_users_about_account_balance():
index_to_send = i
if index_to_send > -1:"cron_task: sending {warnings[index_to_send]['id']} warning email to {account['email']}.")
mylog_info(current_app, f"cron_task: sending {warnings[index_to_send]['id']} warning email to {account['email']}.")
get_body = warnings[index_to_send]['get_body']
get_subject = warnings[index_to_send]['get_subject']
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ def notify_users_about_account_balance():
get_model().set_account_balance_warning(account['email'], warnings[index_to_send]['id'])
if index_to_send == len(warnings)-1:
for vm in vms:
current_app.logger.warning(f"cron_task: deleting {vm['id']} ( {account['email']} ) due to negative account balance.")
mylog_warning(current_app, f"cron_task: deleting {vm['id']} ( {account['email']} ) due to negative account balance.")
current_app.config["HUB_MODEL"].destroy(email=account["email"], id=vm['id'])
get_model().delete_vm(email=account["email"], id=vm['id'])
@ -282,9 +282,9 @@ def ensure_vms_and_db_are_synced():
email_addresses_raw = current_app.config['ADMIN_EMAIL_ADDRESSES'].split(",")
email_addresses = list(filter(lambda x: len(x) > 6, map(lambda x: x.strip(), email_addresses_raw ) ))"cron_task: sending inconsistency warning email to {','.join(email_addresses)}:")
mylog_info(current_app, f"cron_task: sending inconsistency warning email to {','.join(email_addresses)}:")
for error in errors:"cron_task: {error}.")
mylog_info(current_app, f"cron_task: {error}.")

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from nanoid import generate
from capsulflask.metrics import durations as metric_durations
from capsulflask.auth import account_required
from capsulflask.db import get_model
from capsulflask.shared import my_exec_info_message
from capsulflask.shared import *
from capsulflask.payment import poll_btcpay_session
from capsulflask import cli
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ def double_check_capsul_address(id, ipv4, get_ssh_host_keys):
if result != None and result.ssh_host_keys != None and get_ssh_host_keys:
get_model().update_vm_ssh_host_keys(email=session["account"], id=id, ssh_host_keys=result.ssh_host_keys)
mylog_error(current_app, f"""
the virtualization model threw an error in double_check_capsul_address of {id}:
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ def detail(id):
else:"deleting {vm['id']} per user request ({session['account']})")
mylog_info(current_app, f"deleting {vm['id']} per user request ({session['account']})")
current_app.config["HUB_MODEL"].destroy(email=session['account'], id=id)
get_model().delete_vm(email=session['account'], id=id)
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ def detail(id):
else:"force stopping {vm['id']} per user request ({session['account']})")
mylog_info(current_app, f"force stopping {vm['id']} per user request ({session['account']})")
current_app.config["HUB_MODEL"].vm_state_command(email=session['account'], id=id, command="force-stop")
vm["state"] = "stopped"
@ -193,9 +193,12 @@ def detail(id):
def create():
raise "console.create()!"
#raise "console.create()!"
# file_object = open('unittest-output.log', 'a')
# file_object.write("console.create()!\n")
# file_object.close()
mylog_error(current_app, "console.create()!")
vm_sizes = get_model().vm_sizes_dict()
operating_systems = get_model().operating_systems_dict()
@ -279,7 +282,7 @@ def create():
if not capacity_avaliable:
current_app.logger.warning(f"when capsul capacity is restored, send an email to {session['account']}")
mylog_warning(current_app, f"when capsul capacity is restored, send an email to {session['account']}")
return render_template(

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from flask import current_app
from flask import g
from capsulflask.db_model import DBModel
from capsulflask.shared import my_exec_info_message
from capsulflask.shared import *
def init_app(app, is_running_server):
@ -28,11 +28,11 @@ def init_app(app, is_running_server):
schemaMigrations = {}
schemaMigrationsPath = join(app.root_path, 'schema_migrations')"loading schema migration scripts from {}".format(schemaMigrationsPath))
mylog_info(app, "loading schema migration scripts from {}".format(schemaMigrationsPath))
for filename in listdir(schemaMigrationsPath):
result ="^\d+_(up|down)", filename)
if not result:
app.logger.error(f"schemaVersion {filename} must match ^\\d+_(up|down). exiting.")
mylog_error(app, f"schemaVersion {filename} must match ^\\d+_(up|down). exiting.")
key =
with open(join(schemaMigrationsPath, filename), 'rb') as file:
@ -57,12 +57,12 @@ def init_app(app, is_running_server):
hasSchemaVersionTable = True
if hasSchemaVersionTable == False:"no table named schemaversion found in the {} schema. running migration 01_up".format(app.config['DATABASE_SCHEMA']))
mylog_info(app, "no table named schemaversion found in the {} schema. running migration 01_up".format(app.config['DATABASE_SCHEMA']))
app.logger.error("unable to create the schemaversion table because: {}".format(my_exec_info_message(sys.exc_info())))
mylog_error(app, "unable to create the schemaversion table because: {}".format(my_exec_info_message(sys.exc_info())))
actionWasTaken = True
@ -70,24 +70,24 @@ def init_app(app, is_running_server):
schemaVersion = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
if schemaVersion > desiredSchemaVersion:
app.logger.critical("schemaVersion ({}) > desiredSchemaVersion ({}). schema downgrades are not supported yet. exiting.".format(
mylog_critical(app, "schemaVersion ({}) > desiredSchemaVersion ({}). schema downgrades are not supported yet. exiting.".format(
schemaVersion, desiredSchemaVersion
while schemaVersion < desiredSchemaVersion:
migrationKey = "%02d_up" % (schemaVersion+1)"schemaVersion ({}) < desiredSchemaVersion ({}). running migration {}".format(
mylog_info(app, "schemaVersion ({}) < desiredSchemaVersion ({}). running migration {}".format(
schemaVersion, desiredSchemaVersion, migrationKey
except KeyError:
app.logger.critical("missing schema migration script: {}_xyz.sql".format(migrationKey))
mylog_critical(app, "missing schema migration script: {}_xyz.sql".format(migrationKey))
app.logger.critical("unable to execute the schema migration {} because: {}".format(migrationKey, my_exec_info_message(sys.exc_info())))
mylog_critical(app, "unable to execute the schema migration {} because: {}".format(migrationKey, my_exec_info_message(sys.exc_info())))
actionWasTaken = True
@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def init_app(app, is_running_server):
versionFromDatabase = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
if schemaVersion != versionFromDatabase:
app.logger.critical("incorrect schema version value \"{}\" after running migration {}, expected \"{}\". exiting.".format(
mylog_critical(app, "incorrect schema version value \"{}\" after running migration {}, expected \"{}\". exiting.".format(
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ def init_app(app, is_running_server):
app.config['PSYCOPG2_CONNECTION_POOL'].putconn(connection)"{} current schemaVersion: \"{}\"".format(
mylog_info(app, "{} current schemaVersion: \"{}\"".format(
("schema migration completed." if actionWasTaken else "schema is already up to date. "), schemaVersion

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from nanoid import generate
from flask import current_app
from typing import List
from capsulflask.shared import OnlineHost
from capsulflask.shared import *
class DBModel:
@ -270,7 +270,7 @@ class DBModel:
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if row:
if int(row[1]) != int(dollars):
mylog_warning(current_app, f"""
{payment_type} gave us a completed payment session with a different dollar amount than what we had recorded!!
id: {id}
account: {row[0]}

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import threading
import aiohttp
import asyncio
from flask import current_app
from capsulflask.shared import OnlineHost, my_exec_info_message
from capsulflask.shared import *
from typing import List
class HTTPResult:
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ class MyHTTPClient:
toReturn = []
for individualResult in fromOtherThread:
if individualResult.error != None and individualResult.error != "":
mylog_error(current_app, individualResult.error)
return toReturn
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class MyHTTPClient:
future = run_coroutine(self.do_http(method=method, url=url, body=body, authorization_header=authorization_header))
fromOtherThread = future.result()
if fromOtherThread.error != None and fromOtherThread.error != "":
mylog_error(current_app, fromOtherThread.error)
return fromOtherThread.http_result
def get_client_session(self):

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ from flask import request, make_response
from werkzeug.exceptions import abort
from capsulflask.db import get_model
from capsulflask.shared import my_exec_info_message, authorized_as_hub
from capsulflask.shared import *
bp = Blueprint("hub", __name__, url_prefix="/hub")
@ -21,19 +21,19 @@ def authorized_for_host(id):
def ping_all_hosts_task():
if authorized_as_hub(request.headers):
all_hosts = get_model().get_all_hosts()
current_app.logger.debug(f"pinging {len(all_hosts)} hosts...")
mylog_debug(current_app, f"pinging {len(all_hosts)} hosts...")
authorization_header = f"Bearer {current_app.config['HUB_TOKEN']}"
results = current_app.config["HTTP_CLIENT"].do_multi_http_sync(all_hosts, "/spoke/heartbeat", None, authorization_header=authorization_header)
for i in range(len(all_hosts)):
host = all_hosts[i]
result = results[i]
current_app.logger.debug(f"response from {} ({host.url}): {result.status_code} {result.body}")
mylog_debug(current_app, f"response from {} ({host.url}): {result.status_code} {result.body}")
if result.status_code == 200:
return "ok"
current_app.logger.warning(f"/hub/heartbeat-task returned 401: invalid hub token")
mylog_warning(current_app, f"/hub/heartbeat-task returned 401: invalid hub token")
return abort(401, "invalid hub token")
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ def heartbeat(host_id):
if authorized_for_host(host_id):
return "ok"
current_app.logger.warning(f"/hub/heartbeat/{host_id} returned 401: invalid token")
mylog_warning(current_app, f"/hub/heartbeat/{host_id} returned 401: invalid token")
return abort(401, "invalid host id or token")
@bp.route("/claim-operation/<int:operation_id>/<string:host_id>", methods=("POST",))
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def claim_operation(operation_id: int, host_id: str):
payload_json = get_model().get_payload_json_from_host_operation(operation_id, host_id)
if payload_json is None:
error_message = f"{host_id} can't claim operation {operation_id} because host_operation row not found"
mylog_error(current_app, error_message)
return abort(404, error_message)
# right now if there is a can_claim_handler there needs to be a corresponding on_claimed_handler.
@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ def claim_operation(operation_id: int, host_id: str):
if error_message != "":
error_message = f"{host_id} can't claim operation {operation_id} because {error_message}"
mylog_error(current_app, error_message)
return abort(400, error_message)
# we will only return this payload as json if claiming succeeds, so might as well do this now...
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def claim_operation(operation_id: int, host_id: str):
if error_message != "":
error_message = f"{host_id} can't claim operation {operation_id} because {error_message}"
mylog_error(current_app, error_message)
return abort(400, error_message)
claimed = get_model().claim_operation(operation_id, host_id)
@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ def claim_operation(operation_id: int, host_id: str):
return abort(409, f"operation was already assigned to another host")
current_app.logger.warning(f"/hub/claim-operation/{operation_id}/{host_id} returned 401: invalid token")
mylog_warning(current_app, f"/hub/claim-operation/{operation_id}/{host_id} returned 401: invalid token")
return abort(401, "invalid host id or token")
def can_claim_create(payload, host_id) -> (str, str):

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from subprocess import run
from capsulflask.db import get_model
from capsulflask.http_client import HTTPResult
from capsulflask.shared import VirtualizationInterface, VirtualMachine, OnlineHost, validate_capsul_id, my_exec_info_message
from capsulflask.shared import *
class MockHub(VirtualizationInterface):
def __init__(self):
@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ class MockHub(VirtualizationInterface):
def create(self, email: str, id: str, os: str, size: str, template_image_file_name: str, vcpus: int, memory_mb: int, ssh_authorized_keys: list):
validate_capsul_id(id)"mock create: {id} for {email}")
mylog_info(current_app, f"mock create: {id} for {email}")
@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ class MockHub(VirtualizationInterface):
def destroy(self, email: str, id: str):"mock destroy: {id} for {email}")
mylog_info(current_app, f"mock destroy: {id} for {email}")
def vm_state_command(self, email: str, id: str, command: str):"mock {command}: {id} for {email}")
mylog_info(current_app, f"mock {command}: {id} for {email}")
class CapsulFlaskHub(VirtualizationInterface):
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ class CapsulFlaskHub(VirtualizationInterface):
operation_desc = ""
if operation_id:
operation_desc = f"for operation {operation_id}"
current_app.logger.error(f"""error reading assignment_status {operation_desc} from host {}:
mylog_error(current_app, f"""error reading assignment_status {operation_desc} from host {}:
result_is_json: {result_is_json}
result_is_dict: {result_is_dict}
result_has_status: {result_has_status}
@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ class CapsulFlaskHub(VirtualizationInterface):
all_valid = False
if not all_valid:
current_app.logger.error(f"""error reading ids for list_ids operation, host {}""")
mylog_error(current_app, f"""error reading ids for list_ids operation, host {}""")
result_json_string = json.dumps({"error_message": "invalid response, missing 'ids' list"})
current_app.logger.error(f"""missing 'ids' list for list_ids operation, host {}""")
mylog_error(current_app, f"""missing 'ids' list for list_ids operation, host {}""")
# no need to do anything here since if it cant be parsed then generic_operation will handle it.
@ -196,7 +196,7 @@ class CapsulFlaskHub(VirtualizationInterface):
def create(self, email: str, id: str, os: str, size: str, template_image_file_name: str, vcpus: int, memory_mb: int, ssh_authorized_keys: list):
online_hosts = get_model().get_online_hosts()
current_app.logger.debug(f"hub_model.create(): ${len(online_hosts)} hosts")
mylog_debug(current_app, f"hub_model.create(): ${len(online_hosts)} hosts")
payload = json.dumps(dict(

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ from flask import render_template
from flask import current_app
from capsulflask.db import get_model
from capsulflask.shared import *
bp = Blueprint("landing", __name__, url_prefix="/")

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ from werkzeug.exceptions import abort
from capsulflask.db import get_model
from capsulflask.auth import account_required
from capsulflask.shared import *
mutex = Lock()
bp = Blueprint("metrics", __name__, url_prefix="/metrics")
@ -143,7 +144,7 @@ def get_plot_bytes(metric, capsulid, duration, size):
def draw_plot_png_bytes(data, scale, size_x=3, size_y=1):, indent=4, default=str))
#mylog_info(current_app, json.dumps(data, indent=4, default=str))"seaborn-dark")
fig, my_plot = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(size_x, size_y))

View File

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from werkzeug.exceptions import abort
from capsulflask.auth import account_required
from capsulflask.db import get_model
from capsulflask.shared import my_exec_info_message
from capsulflask.shared import *
bp = Blueprint("payment", __name__, url_prefix="/payment")
@ -67,11 +67,11 @@ def btcpay_payment():
))"created btcpay invoice: {invoice}")
mylog_info(current_app, f"created btcpay invoice: {invoice}")
# print(invoice)"created btcpay invoice_id={invoice['id']} ( {session['account']}, ${dollars} )")
mylog_info(current_app, f"created btcpay invoice_id={invoice['id']} ( {session['account']}, ${dollars} )")
get_model().create_payment_session("btcpay", invoice["id"], session["account"], dollars)
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ def poll_btcpay_session(invoice_id):
invoice = current_app.config['BTCPAY_CLIENT'].get_invoice(invoice_id)
mylog_error(current_app, f"""
error was thrown when contacting btcpay server:
@ -101,13 +101,13 @@ def poll_btcpay_session(invoice_id):
dollars = invoice['price']"poll_btcpay_session invoice_id={invoice_id}, status={invoice['status']} dollars={dollars}")
mylog_info(current_app, f"poll_btcpay_session invoice_id={invoice_id}, status={invoice['status']} dollars={dollars}")
if invoice['status'] == "paid" or invoice['status'] == "confirmed" or invoice['status'] == "complete":
success_account = get_model().consume_payment_session("btcpay", invoice_id, dollars)
if success_account:"{success_account} paid ${dollars} successfully (btcpay_invoice_id={invoice_id})")
mylog_info(current_app, f"{success_account} paid ${dollars} successfully (btcpay_invoice_id={invoice_id})")
if invoice['status'] == "complete":
get_model().btcpay_invoice_resolved(invoice_id, True)
@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ def poll_btcpay_session(invoice_id):
@bp.route("/btcpay/webhook", methods=("POST",))
def btcpay_webhook():"got btcpay webhook")
mylog_info(current_app, f"got btcpay webhook")
# IMPORTANT! there is no signature or credential to authenticate the data sent into this webhook :facepalm:
# its just a notification, thats all.
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ def stripe_payment():
if len(errors) == 0:"creating stripe checkout session for {session['account']}, ${dollars}")
mylog_info(current_app, f"creating stripe checkout session for {session['account']}, ${dollars}")
checkout_session = stripe.checkout.Session.create(
success_url=current_app.config['BASE_URL'] + "/payment/stripe/success?session_id={CHECKOUT_SESSION_ID}",
@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ def stripe_payment():
stripe_checkout_session_id = checkout_session['id']"stripe_checkout_session_id={stripe_checkout_session_id} ( {session['account']}, ${dollars} )")
mylog_info(current_app, f"stripe_checkout_session_id={stripe_checkout_session_id} ( {session['account']}, ${dollars} )")
get_model().create_payment_session("stripe", stripe_checkout_session_id, session["account"], dollars)
@ -251,13 +251,13 @@ def validate_stripe_checkout_session(stripe_checkout_session_id):
def success():
stripe_checkout_session_id = request.args.get('session_id')
if not stripe_checkout_session_id:"/payment/stripe/success returned 400: missing required URL parameter session_id")
mylog_info(current_app, "/payment/stripe/success returned 400: missing required URL parameter session_id")
abort(400, "missing required URL parameter session_id")
for _ in range(0, 5):
paid = validate_stripe_checkout_session(stripe_checkout_session_id)
if paid:"{paid['email']} paid ${paid['dollars']} successfully (stripe_checkout_session_id={stripe_checkout_session_id})")
mylog_info(current_app, f"{paid['email']} paid ${paid['dollars']} successfully (stripe_checkout_session_id={stripe_checkout_session_id})")
return redirect(url_for("console.account_balance"))

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import re
from flask import current_app
from flask import current_app, Flask
from typing import List
class OnlineHost:
@ -54,4 +54,40 @@ def authorized_as_hub(headers):
return False
def my_exec_info_message(exec_info):
return "{}: {}".format(".".join([exec_info[0].__module__, exec_info[0].__name__]), exec_info[1])
return "{}: {}".format(".".join([exec_info[0].__module__, exec_info[0].__name__]), exec_info[1])
mylog_current_test_id_container = {
'value': '',
def set_mylog_test_id(test_id):
mylog_current_test_id_container['value'] = ".".join(test_id.split(".")[-2:])
def log_output_for_tests(app: Flask, message: str):
if app.config['TESTING'] and mylog_current_test_id_container['value'] != "":
file_object = open('unittest-log-output.log', 'a')
file_object.write(f"{mylog_current_test_id_container['value']}: {message}\n")
def mylog_debug(app: Flask, message: str):
log_output_for_tests(app, f"DEBUG: {message}")
def mylog_info(app: Flask, message: str):
log_output_for_tests(app, f"INFO: {message}")
def mylog_warning(app: Flask, message: str):
log_output_for_tests(app, f"WARNING: {message}")
def mylog_error(app: Flask, message: str):
log_output_for_tests(app, f"ERROR: {message}")
def mylog_critical(app: Flask, message: str):
log_output_for_tests(app, f"CRITICAL: {message}")

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ from flask import request
from flask.json import jsonify
from werkzeug.exceptions import abort
from capsulflask.shared import my_exec_info_message, authorized_as_hub
from capsulflask.shared import *
bp = Blueprint("spoke", __name__, url_prefix="/spoke")
@ -19,18 +19,18 @@ def heartbeat():
authorization_header = f"Bearer {current_app.config['SPOKE_HOST_TOKEN']}"
result = current_app.config['HTTP_CLIENT'].do_http_sync(url, body=None, authorization_header=authorization_header)
if result.status_code == -1:"/spoke/heartbeat returned 503: hub at {url} timed out or cannot be reached")
mylog_info(current_app, f"/spoke/heartbeat returned 503: hub at {url} timed out or cannot be reached")
return abort(503, "Service Unavailable: hub timed out or cannot be reached")
if result.status_code == 401:"/spoke/heartbeat returned 502: hub at {url} rejected our token")
mylog_info(current_app, f"/spoke/heartbeat returned 502: hub at {url} rejected our token")
return abort(502, "hub rejected our token")
if result.status_code != 200:"/spoke/heartbeat returned 502: hub at {url} returned {result.status_code}")
mylog_info(current_app, f"/spoke/heartbeat returned 502: hub at {url} returned {result.status_code}")
return abort(502, "Bad Gateway: hub did not return 200")
return "OK"
else:"/spoke/heartbeat returned 401: invalid hub token")
mylog_info(current_app, f"/spoke/heartbeat returned 401: invalid hub token")
return abort(401, "invalid hub token")
@bp.route("/operation/<int:operation_id>", methods=("POST",))
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ def operation_impl(operation_id: int):
if authorized_as_hub(request.headers):
request_body_json = request.json
request_body = json.loads(request_body_json)"request.json: {request_body}")
#mylog_info(current_app, f"request.json: {request_body}")
handlers = {
"capacity_avaliable": handle_capacity_avaliable,
"get": handle_get,
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def operation_impl(operation_id: int):
return handlers[request_body['type']](operation_id, request_body)
error_message = my_exec_info_message(sys.exc_info())
current_app.logger.error(f"unhandled exception in {request_body['type']} handler: {error_message}")
mylog_error(current_app, f"unhandled exception in {request_body['type']} handler: {error_message}")
return jsonify(dict(error_message=error_message))
error_message = f"'type' must be one of {types_csv}"
@ -71,15 +71,15 @@ def operation_impl(operation_id: int):
error_message = "'type' json property is required"
if error_message != "":
current_app.logger.error(f"/hosts/operation returned 400: {error_message}")
mylog_error(current_app, f"/hosts/operation returned 400: {error_message}")
return abort(400, f"bad request; {error_message}")
current_app.logger.warning(f"/hosts/operation returned 401: invalid hub token")
mylog_warning(current_app, f"/hosts/operation returned 401: invalid hub token")
return abort(401, "invalid hub token")
def handle_capacity_avaliable(operation_id, request_body):
if 'additional_ram_bytes' not in request_body:
current_app.logger.error(f"/hosts/operation returned 400: additional_ram_bytes is required for capacity_avaliable")
mylog_error(current_app, f"/hosts/operation returned 400: additional_ram_bytes is required for capacity_avaliable")
return abort(400, f"bad request; additional_ram_bytes is required for capacity_avaliable")
has_capacity = current_app.config['SPOKE_MODEL'].capacity_avaliable(request_body['additional_ram_bytes'])
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ def handle_capacity_avaliable(operation_id, request_body):
def handle_get(operation_id, request_body):
if 'id' not in request_body:
current_app.logger.error(f"/hosts/operation returned 400: id is required for get")
mylog_error(current_app, f"/hosts/operation returned 400: id is required for get")
return abort(400, f"bad request; id is required for get")
vm = current_app.config['SPOKE_MODEL'].get(request_body['id'], request_body['get_ssh_host_keys'])
@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ def handle_list_ids(operation_id, request_body):
def handle_create(operation_id, request_body):
if not operation_id:
current_app.logger.error(f"/hosts/operation returned 400: operation_id is required for create ")
mylog_error(current_app, f"/hosts/operation returned 400: operation_id is required for create ")
return abort(400, f"bad request; operation_id is required. try POST /spoke/operation/<id>")
parameters = ["email", "id", "os", "size", "template_image_file_name", "vcpus", "memory_mb", "ssh_authorized_keys"]
@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ def handle_create(operation_id, request_body):
error_message = f"{error_message}\n{parameter} is required for create"
if error_message != "":
current_app.logger.error(f"/hosts/operation returned 400: {error_message}")
mylog_error(current_app, f"/hosts/operation returned 400: {error_message}")
return abort(400, f"bad request; {error_message}")
# only one host should create the vm, so we first race to assign this create operation to ourselves.
@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ def handle_create(operation_id, request_body):
elif result.status_code == 409:
assignment_status = "assigned_to_other_host"
current_app.logger.error(f"{url} returned {result.status_code}: {result.body}")
mylog_error(current_app, f"{url} returned {result.status_code}: {result.body}")
return abort(503, f"hub did not cleanly handle our request to claim the create operation")
if assignment_status == "assigned":
@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ def handle_create(operation_id, request_body):
params= f"{params} network_name='{request_body['network_name'] if 'network_name' in request_body else 'KeyError'}', "
params= f"{params} public_ipv4='{request_body['public_ipv4'] if 'public_ipv4' in request_body else 'KeyError'}', "
current_app.logger.error(f"spoke_model.create({params}) failed: {error_message}")
mylog_error(current_app, f"spoke_model.create({params}) failed: {error_message}")
return jsonify(dict(assignment_status=assignment_status, error_message=error_message))
@ -174,11 +174,11 @@ def handle_create(operation_id, request_body):
def handle_destroy(operation_id, request_body):
if 'id' not in request_body:
current_app.logger.error(f"/hosts/operation returned 400: id is required for destroy")
mylog_error(current_app, f"/hosts/operation returned 400: id is required for destroy")
return abort(400, f"bad request; id is required for destroy")
if 'email' not in request_body:
current_app.logger.error(f"/hosts/operation returned 400: email is required for destroy")
mylog_error(current_app, f"/hosts/operation returned 400: email is required for destroy")
return abort(400, f"bad request; email is required for destroy")
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ def handle_destroy(operation_id, request_body):
error_message = my_exec_info_message(sys.exc_info())
params = f"email='{request_body['email'] if 'email' in request_body else 'KeyError'}', "
params= f"{params} id='{request_body['id'] if 'id' in request_body else 'KeyError'}', "
current_app.logger.error(f"current_app.config['SPOKE_MODEL'].destroy({params}) failed: {error_message}")
mylog_error(current_app, f"current_app.config['SPOKE_MODEL'].destroy({params}) failed: {error_message}")
return jsonify(dict(assignment_status="assigned", status="error", error_message=error_message))
return jsonify(dict(assignment_status="assigned", status="success"))
@ -198,11 +198,11 @@ def handle_vm_state_command(operation_id, request_body):
required_properties = ['id', 'email', 'command']
for required_property in required_properties:
if required_property not in request_body:
current_app.logger.error(f"/hosts/operation returned 400: {required_property} is required for vm_state_command")
mylog_error(current_app, f"/hosts/operation returned 400: {required_property} is required for vm_state_command")
return abort(400, f"bad request; {required_property} is required for vm_state_command")
if request_body['command'] not in ["stop", "force-stop", "start", "restart"]:
current_app.logger.error(f"/hosts/operation returned 400: command ({request_body['command']}) must be one of stop, force-stop, start, or restart")
mylog_error(current_app, f"/hosts/operation returned 400: command ({request_body['command']}) must be one of stop, force-stop, start, or restart")
return abort(400, f"bad request; command ({request_body['command']}) must be one of stop, force-stop, start, or restart")
@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ def handle_vm_state_command(operation_id, request_body):
params = f"email='{request_body['email'] if 'email' in request_body else 'KeyError'}', "
params= f"{params} id='{request_body['id'] if 'id' in request_body else 'KeyError'}', "
params= f"{params} command='{request_body['command'] if 'command' in request_body else 'KeyError'}', "
current_app.logger.error(f"current_app.config['SPOKE_MODEL'].vm_state_command({params}) failed: {error_message}")
mylog_error(current_app, f"current_app.config['SPOKE_MODEL'].vm_state_command({params}) failed: {error_message}")
return jsonify(dict(assignment_status="assigned", status="error", error_message=error_message))
return jsonify(dict(assignment_status="assigned", status="success"))

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ from subprocess import run
from capsulflask.db import get_model
from capsulflask.shared import VirtualizationInterface, VirtualMachine, validate_capsul_id, my_exec_info_message
from capsulflask.shared import *
class MockSpoke(VirtualizationInterface):
@ -43,15 +43,15 @@ class MockSpoke(VirtualizationInterface):
def create(self, email: str, id: str, template_image_file_name: str, vcpus: int, memory_mb: int, ssh_authorized_keys: list, network_name: str, public_ipv4: str):
validate_capsul_id(id)"mock create: {id} for {email}")
mylog_info(current_app, f"mock create: {id} for {email}")
self.capsuls[id] = dict(email=email, id=id, network_name=network_name, public_ipv4=public_ipv4)
def destroy(self, email: str, id: str):"mock destroy: {id} for {email}")
mylog_info(current_app, f"mock destroy: {id} for {email}")
def vm_state_command(self, email: str, id: str, command: str):"mock {command}: {id} for {email}")
mylog_info(current_app, f"mock {command}: {id} for {email}")
class ShellScriptSpoke(VirtualizationInterface):
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ class ShellScriptSpoke(VirtualizationInterface):
completedProcess = run(my_args, capture_output=True)
if completedProcess.returncode != 0:
mylog_error(current_app, f""" exited {completedProcess.returncode} with
@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class ShellScriptSpoke(VirtualizationInterface):
lines = completedProcess.stdout.splitlines()
output = lines[len(lines)-1]
if not output == b"yes":
current_app.logger.error(f" exited 0 and returned {output} but did not return \"yes\" ")
mylog_error(current_app, f" exited 0 and returned {output} but did not return \"yes\" ")
return False
return True
@ -96,14 +96,14 @@ class ShellScriptSpoke(VirtualizationInterface):
lines = completedProcess.stdout.splitlines()
if len(lines) == 0:
current_app.logger.warning("shell_scripts/ returned zero lines!")
mylog_warning(current_app, "shell_scripts/ returned zero lines!")
return None
result_string = lines[0].decode("utf-8")
fields = result_string.split(" ")
if fields[0] != "true":
current_app.logger.warning(f"shell_scripts/ was called for {id} which libvirt says does not exist.")
mylog_warning(current_app, f"shell_scripts/ was called for {id} which libvirt says does not exist.")
return None
if len(fields) < 2:
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class ShellScriptSpoke(VirtualizationInterface):
ssh_host_keys = json.loads(completedProcess2.stdout.decode("utf-8"))
return VirtualMachine(id, current_app.config["SPOKE_HOST_ID"], state=state, ipv4=ipaddr, ssh_host_keys=ssh_host_keys)
mylog_warning(current_app, f"""
failed to ssh-keyscan {id} at {ipaddr}:
@ -218,5 +218,5 @@ class ShellScriptSpoke(VirtualizationInterface):
completedProcess = run([join(current_app.root_path, f"shell_scripts/{command}.sh"), id], capture_output=True)
self.validate_completed_process(completedProcess, email)
returned_string = completedProcess.stdout.decode("utf-8")"{command} vm {id} for {email} returned: {returned_string}")
mylog_info(current_app, f"{command} vm {id} for {email} returned: {returned_string}")

View File

@ -58,6 +58,7 @@ class ConsoleTests(BaseTestCase):
def test_create_fails_capacity(self):
with self.client as client:
csrf_token = self.get_context_variable('csrf_token')
@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ class ConsoleTests(BaseTestCase):
file_object = open('unittest-output.log', 'a')
file_object.write(f"{} captured output:\n{self.logs_from_test.getvalue()}\n")
@ -207,3 +208,4 @@ class ConsoleTests(BaseTestCase):
get_model().cursor.execute("DELETE FROM vms")
get_model().cursor.execute("DELETE FROM payments")

View File

@ -9,12 +9,13 @@ from flask import current_app
from capsulflask import create_app
from capsulflask.db import get_model
from capsulflask.shared import *
class BaseTestCase(TestCase):
def create_app(self):
# Use default connection paramaters
os.environ['POSTGRES_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS'] = "host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres password=dev dbname=capsulflask_test"
os.environ['TESTING'] = '1'
os.environ['TESTING'] = 'True'
os.environ['LOG_LEVEL'] = 'DEBUG'
os.environ['SPOKE_MODEL'] = 'mock'
os.environ['HUB_MODEL'] = 'capsul-flask'
@ -22,14 +23,13 @@ class BaseTestCase(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def tearDown(self):
def _login(self, user_email):
with self.client.session_transaction() as session:
session['account'] = user_email
session['csrf-token'] = generate()

View File

@ -6,7 +6,9 @@ To run tests:
1. create a Postgres database called `capsulflask_test`
- e.g.: `docker exec -it 98e1ddfbbffb createdb -U postgres -O postgres capsulflask_test`
- (`98e1ddfbbffb` is the docker container ID of the postgres container)
2. run `python3 -m unittest`
2. run `python3 -m unittest && cat unittest-log-output.log && rm unittest-log-output.log`
**NOTE** that right now we can't figure out how to get the tests to properly output the log messages that happened when they failed, (or passed), so for now we have hacked it to write to a file.
### Architecture