import logging import unittest import os import sys import json import itertools import time import threading import asyncio import traceback from urllib.parse import urlparse from typing import List from nanoid import generate from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor from flask_testing import TestCase from flask import current_app from capsulflask import create_app from capsulflask.db import get_model from capsulflask.http_client import * from capsulflask.shared import * class BaseTestCase(TestCase): def create_app(self): # Use default connection paramaters os.environ['POSTGRES_CONNECTION_PARAMETERS'] = "host=db port=5432 user=capsul password=capsul dbname=capsulflask_test" os.environ['TESTING'] = 'True' os.environ['LOG_LEVEL'] = 'DEBUG' os.environ['SPOKE_MODEL'] = 'mock' os.environ['HUB_MODEL'] = 'capsul-flask' self1 = self get_app = lambda: = create_app(lambda timeout_seconds: TestHTTPClient(get_app, timeout_seconds)) return def setUp(self): set_mylog_test_id( def tearDown(self): set_mylog_test_id("") def _login(self, user_email): get_model().login(user_email) with self.client.session_transaction() as session: session['account'] = user_email session['csrf-token'] = generate() class TestHTTPClient: def __init__(self, get_app, timeout_seconds = 5): self.timeout_seconds = timeout_seconds self.get_app = get_app self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor() def do_multi_http_sync(self, online_hosts: List[OnlineHost], url_suffix: str, body: str, authorization_header=None) -> List[HTTPResult]: future = run_coroutine(self.do_multi_http(online_hosts=online_hosts, url_suffix=url_suffix, body=body, authorization_header=authorization_header)) fromOtherThread = future.result() toReturn = [] for individualResult in fromOtherThread: if individualResult.error != None and individualResult.error != "": mylog_error(self.get_app(), individualResult.error) toReturn.append(individualResult.http_result) return toReturn def do_http_sync(self, url: str, body: str, method="POST", authorization_header=None) -> HTTPResult: future = run_coroutine(self.do_http(method=method, url=url, body=body, authorization_header=authorization_header)) fromOtherThread = future.result() if fromOtherThread.error != None and fromOtherThread.error != "": mylog_error(self.get_app(), fromOtherThread.error) return fromOtherThread.http_result async def do_http(self, url: str, body: str, method="POST", authorization_header=None) -> InterThreadResult: path = urlparse(url).path headers = {} if authorization_header != None: headers['Authorization'] = authorization_header if body: headers['Content-Type'] = "application/json" #mylog_info(self.get_app(), f"path, data=body, headers=headers: {path}, {body}, {headers}") do_request = None if method == "POST": do_request = lambda: self.get_app().test_client().post(path, data=body, headers=headers) if method == "GET": do_request = lambda: self.get_app().test_client().get(path, headers=headers) response = None try: response = await get_event_loop().run_in_executor(self.executor, do_request) except: traceback.print_exc() error_message = my_exec_info_message(sys.exc_info()) response_body = json.dumps({"error_message": f"do_http (HTTP {method} {url}) {error_message}"}) return InterThreadResult( HTTPResult(-1, response_body), f"""do_http (HTTP {method} {url}) failed with: {error_message}""" ) return InterThreadResult(HTTPResult(response.status_code, response.get_data()), None) async def do_multi_http(self, online_hosts: List[OnlineHost], url_suffix: str, body: str, authorization_header=None) -> List[InterThreadResult]: tasks = [] # append to tasks in the same order as online_hosts for host in online_hosts: tasks.append( self.do_http(url=f"{host.url}{url_suffix}", body=body, authorization_header=authorization_header) ) # gather is like Promise.all from javascript, it returns a future which resolves to an array of results # in the same order as the tasks that we passed in -- which were in the same order as online_hosts results = await asyncio.gather(*tasks) return results