#!/bin/sh -e # # create VMs for the capsul service # developed by Cyberia Heavy Industries # POSIX or die vmname="$1" template_file="/tank/img/$2" vcpus="$3" memory="$4" pubkeys="$5" root_volume_size="25G" if echo "$vmname" | grep -vqE '^capsul-[a-z0-9]{10}$'; then echo "vmname $vmname must match "'"^capsul-[a-z0-9]{10}$"' exit 1 fi if [ ! -f "$template_file" ]; then echo "template $template_file not found" exit 1 fi if echo "$vcpus" | grep -vqE "^[0-9]+$"; then echo "vcpus \"$vcpus\" must be an integer" exit 1 fi if echo "$memory" | grep -vqE "^[0-9]+$"; then echo "memory \"$memory\" must be an integer" exit 1 fi echo "$pubkeys" | while IFS= read -r line; do if echo "$line" | grep -vqE "^(ssh|ecdsa)-[0-9A-Za-z+/_=@. -]+$"; then echo "pubkey \"$line\" must match "'"^(ssh|ecdsa)-[0-9A-Za-z+/_=@. -]+$"' exit 1 fi done disk="/tank/vm/$vmname.qcow2" cdrom="/tank/vm/$vmname.iso" xml="/tank/vm/$vmname.xml" if [ -f /tank/vm/$vmname.qcow2 ]; then echo "Randomly generated name matched an existing VM! Odds are like one in a billion. Buy a lotto ticket." exit 1 fi cp "$template_file" "$disk" cp /tank/config/cyberia-cloudinit.yml /tmp/cloudinit.yml echo "$pubkeys" | while IFS= read -r line; do echo " - $line" >> /tmp/cloudinit.yml done cloud-localds "$cdrom" /tmp/cloudinit.yml qemu-img resize "$disk" "$root_volume_size" virt-install \ --memory "$memory" \ --vcpus "$vcpus" \ --name "$vmname" \ --disk "$disk",bus=virtio \ --disk "$cdrom",device=cdrom \ --os-type Linux \ --os-variant generic \ --virt-type kvm \ --graphics vnc,listen= \ --network network=public1,filterref=clean-traffic,model=virtio \ --import \ --print-xml > "$xml" chmod 0600 "$xml" "$disk" "$cdrom" virsh define "$xml" virsh start "$vmname" echo "success"