{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block title %}Create{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Create Capsul

{% if cant_afford %}

Your account does not have sufficient funds to create a Capsul. (Must be funded enough to last at least one month at creation time).

You must add funds to your account before you can create a Capsul.

{% elif no_ssh_public_keys %}

You don't have any ssh public keys yet.

You must upload one before you can create a Capsul.

{% elif not capacity_avaliable %}

Host(s) at capacity. No capsuls can be created at this time. sorry.

{% else %}
      type     monthly   cpus  mem     ssd   net*
      -----    -------   ----  ---     ---   --- 
      f1-s     $5.33     1     512M    25G   .5TB
      f1-m     $7.16     1     1024M   25G   1TB 
      f1-l     $8.92     1     2048M   25G   2TB 
      f1-x     $16.16    2     4096M   25G   4TB 
      f1-xx    $29.66    4     8096M   25G   8TB 
      f1-xxx   $57.58    8     16G     25G   16TB
      * net is calculated as a per-month average
      * all VMs come standard with one public IPv4 addr
      Your account balance: ${{ account_balance }}
{% for key in ssh_public_keys %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block subcontent %} {% if not cant_afford and not no_ssh_public_keys %}

Using our services implies that you agree to our terms of service & privacy policy.

{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block pagesource %}/templates/create-capsul.html{% endblock %}