/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */ module.exports = { content: [ "./themes/**/layouts/**/*.html", "./content/**/layouts/**/*.html", "./layouts/**/*.html", "./content/**/*.html", ], theme: { fontFamily: { custom: ["Inter", "sans-serif"], }, colors: { transparent: "transparent", current: "currentColor", salmon: "#FA765B", forest: "#0A4D50", "almost-white": "#F5F5F5", grayish: "#F5F5F5", white: "#FFFFFF", black: "#000000", }, maxWidth: { "4xl": "960", }, maxWidth: ({ theme, breakpoints }) => ({ none: "none", 0: "0rem", xs: "20rem", sm: "24rem", md: "28rem", lg: "32rem", xl: "36rem", "2xl": "42rem", "3xl": "48rem", "4xl": "60rem", "5xl": "64rem", "6xl": "72rem", "7xl": "80rem", full: "100%", min: "min-content", max: "max-content", fit: "fit-content", prose: "65ch", ...breakpoints(theme("screens")), }), typography: (theme) => ({ DEFAULT: { css: { color: theme("colors.forest"), p: { "margin-bottom": "1rem", "line-height": "22.4px", }, h1: { "font-style": "normal", "font-weight": 500, "font-size": "28px", "line-height": "130%", "margin-bottom": "14px", }, h2: { "font-style": "normal", "font-weight": 500, "font-size": "24px", "line-height": "130%", "margin-bottom": "10px", }, h3: { "font-style": "normal", "font-weight": 500, "font-size": "20px", "line-height": "120%", "margin-bottom": "8px", }, }, }, }), extend: {}, }, "container-small": { // you can configure the container to be centered center: true, // or have default horizontal padding padding: "1rem", // default breakpoints but with 40px removed screens: { sm: "600px", md: "728px", lg: "984px", xl: "1140px", }, }, plugins: [require("@tailwindcss/typography")], };