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Why Interpeer?

The Interpeer Project was born out of a deeply critical perspective of the contemporary state of human-computer interaction and the Internet.

Computers have become ubiquitous. However, the most popular protocol connecting users to remote machines, HTTP, follows an obsolete philosophy. User data does not need to be arbitrated by and traverse third party machines.

We need an Internet that fits contemporary usage patterns.

The Interpeer Project was developed to address these topics, with the goal of helping build a human-centric internet.

An Internet where people own their data and can share it between devices and contacts without the need for intermediaries.

Where cryptography allows users to securely delegate trust to any number of devices, even those they don’t know directly.

A peer-to-peer networking technology that enables trust delegated machines to share data directly and efficiently.

The Interpeer Project was developed to address these topics, with the goal of helping build a human-centric internet.

On “Human-centric”

It's important to provide a clear definition of what "human-centric" means in the context of this project.

For the purposes of this project, "Human" opposes the artificial, data-harvesting, centralised market logic of the main communication platforms in contemporary society.

It also acknowledges the human experiences as a small part of what constitutes nature, and is in now way superior or more important than any other life form or living consciousness.

On “Human-centric”

It's important to provide a clear definition of what "human-centric" means in the context of this project.

For the purposes of this project, "Human" opposes the artificial, data-harvesting, centralised market logic of the main communication platforms in contemporary society.

It also acknowledges the human experiences as a small part of what constitutes nature, and is in now way superior or more important than any other life form or living consciousness.

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