2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
< ? php
/* this file will fetch and render the posts of a timeline based
on the options of the user_settings cookie and the url query .
a " timeline " may be something like TWKN or just a single post
2020-04-21 22:42:31 +00:00
$thread = timeline ( array_merge ( $tl , $user_settings ));
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
if the timeline requested is the first part of an user profile it will render first
the user profile header , i may move this to it ' s own place in the future but
for now it ' s here .
if ( isset ( $_GET [ 'user' ]) && ( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'next' ]) && ! isset ( $_GET [ 'since' ]))) {
list ( $info , $rel ) = user_info ( $_GET [ 'user' ]);
$template = themes ( " get " , " templates/profileheader.txt " );
$profile [ 'mainColor' ] = averageColor ( $info [ 'avatar' ]);
$profile [ 'header' ] = $info [ 'header_static' ];
/* display user buttons (block, mute, list, etc) for loged in users only */
$profile [ 'top' ] = ( $logedin ? " <span id=' " . $info [ 'id' ] . " ' class='profileButton profileMenu' style='position:relative;'>
< div class = 'menu' style = 'width:80px; position:absolute; background-color:yellow; top:25px; display:none;' >
< div id = '" . $info[' id '] . "' class = 'profileButton " . ($rel[0][' muting '] ? "un" : "") . "mute' style = 'width:100%; border-radius:0px;' > " . ( $rel[0] ['muting'] ? " & #xe81a; Unmute" : " Mute") . "</div>
< div id = '" . $info[' id '] . "' class = 'profileButton " . ($rel[0][' blocking '] ? "un" : "") . "block' style = 'width:100%; border-radius:0px;' > " . ( $rel[0] ['blocking'] ? " & #xe80d Unblock" : " Block") . "</div>
</ div >
</ span > " : " " );
if ( $logedin && $rel [ 0 ][ 'following' ]) {
$profile [ 'top' ] .= " <span id=' " . $info [ 'id' ] . " ' class='profileButton listmenu' style='position:relative;'>Lists 
< div class = 'menu' style = 'width:120px; position:absolute; background-color:yellow; top:25px; left:00px; display:none;' >< ul > " ;
$userlist = api_get ( " accounts/ " . $info [ 'id' ] . " /lists " );
$listids = array ();
foreach ( $userlist as $lst ) {
$listids [] = $lst [ 'id' ];
$lists = api_get ( " /lists " );
foreach ( $lists as $list ) {
$profile [ 'top' ] .= " <a href='?action=addtolist&user= " . $info [ 'id' ] . " &list= " . $list [ 'id' ] . " ' id=' " . $info [ 'id' ] . " ' list=' " . $list [ 'id' ] . " ' class=' " . ( in_array ( $list [ 'id' ], $listids ) ? 'rutl' : 'autl' ) . " ' onClick='return false;'><li> " . $list [ 'title' ] . " </li></a> " ;
$profile [ 'top' ] .= " <a href='?page=lists' class='ldr' onClick='return false;'><li>Manage Lists</li></a> " ;
$profile [ 'top' ] .= "
</ ul ></ div >
</ span > " ;
if ( $logedin ) {
if ( $rel [ 0 ][ 'following' ]) {
$label = "  Following " ;
$class = " unfollow " ;
else {
if ( $info [ 'locked' ]) {
if ( $rel [ 0 ][ 'requested' ]) {
$label = "  Follow Requested " ;
$class = " unfollow " ;
else {
$label = "  Request Follow " ;
$class = " follow " ;
else {
$label = "  Follow " ;
$class = " follow " ;
$profile [ 'top' ] .= " <span id=' " . $info [ 'id' ] . " ' class='profileButton $class '> $label </span> " ;
/* The NSFW button is available even to non logged in users, the value is stored in a cookie */
$profile [ 'top' ] .= " <span id=' " . $info [ 'id' ] . " ' class='profileButton " . ( in_array ( $info [ 'id' ], $user_settings [ 'nsfw' ]) ? " unnsfw " : " nsfw " ) . " '> " . ( in_array ( $info [ 'id' ], $user_settings [ 'nsfw' ]) ? " NSFW <span class='fontello'></span> " : " NSFW <span class='fontello'></span> " ) . " </span> " ;
/* display some indicators (blocked, muting, etc) for loged in users only */
if ( $logedin ) {
$profile [ 'bottom' ] = "
" . ( $info['locked'] ? " < span class = 'profileButton' style = 'background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.5);' >& #xe819; Locked</span>" : "") . "
" . ( $rel[0] ['followed_by'] ? " < span class = 'profileButton' style = 'background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.5);' >& #xe80c; Follows You</span>" : "") . "
" . ( $rel[0] ['blocking'] ? " < span class = 'profileButton' style = 'background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.5);' >& #xe82c; Blocked</span>" : "") . "
" . ( $rel[0] ['muting'] ? " < span class = 'profileButton' style = 'background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.5);' >& #xe813; Muted</span>" : "") . "
" ;
else {
$profile [ 'bottom' ] = " " ;
/* some values are processed from the profile and stored in the $profile array*/
$profile [ 'avatar' ] = $info [ 'avatar' ];
$profile [ 'name' ] = emojify ( $info [ 'display_name' ], $info [ 'emojis' ], 40 );
$profile [ 'acct' ] = $info [ 'acct' ];
$profile [ 'url' ] = $info [ 'url' ];
$profile [ 'note' ] = emojify ( trim ( $info [ 'note' ]) , $info [ 'emojis' ]);
$profile [ 'statuses' ] = $info [ 'statuses_count' ];
$profile [ 'following' ] = $info [ 'following_count' ];
$profile [ 'followers' ] = $info [ 'followers_count' ];
/* now we replace the text of the index of $profile array with the contents of the index
in the fetched template */
foreach ( $profile as $key => $value ) {
$template = str_replace ( " : $key : " , $value , $template );
echo $template ;
elseif ( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'next' ]) && ! isset ( $_GET [ 'since' ])) {
echo " <div class='element'></div> " ;
if the timeline array is empty or the content is not a post , we just display an error message .
if (( ! isset ( $thread [ 0 ][ 'id' ]) && ! empty ( $thread )) || ! is_array ( $thread )) {
//echo "<div class='element'><div class='avatar'></div><span class='button error'> Error loading the timeline. " . json_encode($thread) . "</span></div>";
} else {
$e = 0 ;
/* process all the posts on the timeline */
foreach ( $thread as $elem ) {
$post = array ();
/* pid is the ABSOLUTE id of a post , not linked to the relative id ,
a retweet has a different absolute id than the post that was retweeted */
$post [ 'pid' ] = $elem [ 'id' ];
$post [ 'replyto' ] = " " ;
$post [ 'rt' ] = " " ;
/* if the post is a retweet , we ' ll flag it as such and fetch the data of the post entity
from the " reblog " key
if ( $elem [ 'reblog' ] != null ) {
2020-04-21 22:42:31 +00:00
if ( $user_settings [ 'reblog' ] == 'off' ){
continue ;
2020-05-20 19:53:33 +00:00
$post [ 'name' ] = emojify ( $elem [ 'reblog' ][ 'account' ][ 'display_name' ], $elem [ 'reblog' ][ 'account' ][ 'emojis' ], 20 );
$post [ 'uid' ] = $elem [ 'reblog' ][ 'account' ][ 'id' ];
$post [ 'acct' ] = '' ; //$elem['reblog']['account']['acct'];
$post [ 'handle' ] = explode ( " @ " , $elem [ 'reblog' ][ 'account' ][ 'acct' ])[ 0 ];
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
$post [ 'replyto' ] = " <span> " . ( $elem [ 'reblog' ][ 'in_reply_to_id' ] ? " <a class='fontello link preview ldr' target='_blank' id=' " . $elem [ 'reblog' ][ 'in_reply_to_id' ] . " ' href='?thread= " . $elem [ 'reblog' ][ 'in_reply_to_id' ] . " '></a> " : " " ) . " </span> " ;
2020-10-15 19:25:16 +00:00
$post [ 'rt' ] = " <div style='display:inline-block; font-family:fontello, sans-serif; vertical-align:top;'> by <img src=' " . $elem [ 'account' ][ 'avatar' ] . " ' width=20 style='border-radius:5px; vertical-align:middle;'> <span class='user' id=' " . $elem [ 'account' ][ 'id' ] . " '><a class='link ldr' style='font-size:12px;' id=' " . $elem [ 'account' ][ 'id' ] . " ' href='?user= " . $elem [ 'account' ][ 'id' ] . " '><span>@ " . explode ( " @ " , $elem [ 'account' ][ 'acct' ]) [ 0 ] . " </a></span></div> " ;
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
$elem = $elem [ 'reblog' ];
else {
2020-05-20 19:53:33 +00:00
$post [ 'name' ] = emojify ( $elem [ 'account' ][ 'display_name' ], $elem [ 'account' ][ 'emojis' ], 20 );
$post [ 'uid' ] = $elem [ 'account' ][ 'id' ];
$post [ 'acct' ] = " (@ " . $elem [ 'account' ][ 'acct' ] . " ) " ;
$post [ 'handle' ] = explode ( " @ " , $elem [ 'account' ][ 'acct' ])[ 0 ];
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
$post [ 'replyto' ] = " <span> " . ( $elem [ 'in_reply_to_id' ] ? " <a class='fontello link preview ldr' target='_blank' id=' " . $elem [ 'in_reply_to_id' ] . " ' href='?thread= " . $elem [ 'in_reply_to_id' ] . " '></a> " : " " ) . " </span> " ;
2020-04-23 01:25:00 +00:00
/* We skip the post if it contains any of the muted words */
foreach ( $user_settings [ 'mtwords' ] as $word ){
2020-05-06 16:48:21 +00:00
if ( contains ( $elem [ 'content' ], trim ( $word ))){
2020-04-23 01:25:00 +00:00
continue 2 ;
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
/* if the poster ID was flagged as NSFW by the user , the post is flagged
as sensitive by default */
if ( in_array ( $elem [ " account " ][ 'id' ], $user_settings [ 'nsfw' ])) {
$elem [ 'sensitive' ] = true ;
/* if the settings say to avoid showing posts with NSFW content, we skip to the next post */
if ( $user_settings [ 'explicit' ] == " hide " && $elem [ 'sensitive' ] == true && $tl [ 'mode' ] != " thread " ) {
continue ;
/* if this thread has been hidden by the user , we skip to the next one
note that the " conversation_id " post key is only available with pleroma servers
if ( @ in_array ( $elem [ " pleroma " ][ 'conversation_id' ], $user_settings [ 'hide' ])) {
continue ;
/* the $json array stores some data about the thread that is embedded inside the
html of the post and is mostly used by the javascript portion of the FE . It stores
the id of the post , the visibility and who was mentioned in the post .
$json [ 'id' ] = $elem [ 'id' ];
$json [ 'scope' ] = $elem [ 'visibility' ];
if ( $logedin ) {
$pos [ 'mentions' ] = " " ;
$array = $elem [ " mentions " ];
$json [ 'mentions' ] = ( $user_settings [ 'acct' ] == $elem [ " account " ][ 'acct' ] ? " " : " @ " . $elem [ " account " ][ 'acct' ]) . " " ;
if ( ! empty ( $array )) {
foreach ( $array as $mnt ) {
if ( $mnt [ 'acct' ] != $user_settings [ 'acct' ]) {
$json [ 'mentions' ] .= " @ " . $mnt [ 'acct' ] . " " ;
$post [ 'json' ] = json_encode ( $json );
/* the options menu of the post */
$post [ 'menu' ] = " <ul> " ;
if ( $logedin ) {
$post [ 'menu' ] .= ( $elem [ 'account' ][ 'id' ] == $user_settings [ 'uid' ] ? " <li><a href='?action=delete&thread= " . $elem [ 'id' ] . " ' onClick='return false;' class='delete fontello' id=':id:'> Delete Post</a></li> " : " " );
$post [ 'menu' ] .= " <li><a href='?action=compose"e= " . $elem [ 'id' ] . " ' onClick='return false;' class='quote fontello' id=' " . $elem [ 'id' ] . " ' style='background-color:transparent;'> Quote Post</a></li> " ;
$post [ 'menu' ] .= ( $elem [ 'account' ][ 'id' ] != $user_settings [ 'uid' ] ? " <li><a href='?action=mute&user= " . $elem [ 'account' ][ 'id' ] . " ' onClick='return false;' class='mute fontello' id=' " . $elem [ 'account' ][ 'id' ] . " ' style='background-color:transparent;'> Mute User</a></li> " : " " );
$post [ 'menu' ] .= ( $elem [ 'account' ][ 'id' ] != $user_settings [ 'uid' ] ? " <li><a href='?action=mute&thread= " . $elem [ 'account' ][ 'id' ] . " ' onClick='return false;' class='muteconv fontello' id=' " . $elem [ 'id' ] . " ' style='background-color:transparent;'> Drop Thread</a></li> " : " " );
$post [ 'menu' ] .= ( isset ( $user_settings [ 'pleroma' ]) ? " <li><a href='?action=hide&thread= " . $elem [ 'pleroma' ][ 'conversation_id' ] . " ' onClick='return false;' class='hide fontello' id=' " . $elem [ 'pleroma' ][ 'conversation_id' ] . " ' style='background-color:transparent;'> Hide Thread</a></li> " : " " );
$post [ 'menu' ] .= ( isset ( $user_settings [ 'pleroma' ]) ? " <li><a href='?action=bookmark&thread= " . $elem [ 'account' ][ 'id' ] . " ' onClick='return false;' class=' " . ( $elem [ 'bookmarked' ] == true ? " un " : " " ) . " bookmark fontello' id=' " . $elem [ 'id' ] . " ' style='background-color:transparent;'> " . ( $elem [ 'bookmarked' ] == true ? " Unb " : " B " ) . " ookmark</a></li> " : " " );
$post [ 'menu' ] .= ( $elem [ 'account' ][ 'id' ] != $user_settings [ 'uid' ] ? " <li><a href='?action=nsfw&user= " . $elem [ 'account' ][ 'id' ] . " ' onClick='return false;' class='nsfw fontello' id=' " . $elem [ 'account' ][ 'id' ] . " ' style='background-color:transparent;'> User is NSFW</a></li> " : " " );
$post [ 'menu' ] .= " <li><a target='_blank' href=' " . $elem [ 'url' ] . " ' class='original link fontello' style='background-color:transparent;'> Original Note</a></li> " ;
$post [ 'menu' ] .= " </ul> " ;
$post [ 'style' ] = " " ;
$post [ 'id' ] = $elem [ 'id' ];
$post [ 'avatar' ] = $elem [ 'account' ][ 'avatar' ];
$post [ 'text' ] = processText ( $elem );
2020-04-13 16:30:51 +00:00
if ( ! empty ( $elem [ 'poll' ])){
2020-04-23 01:25:00 +00:00
$post [ 'text' ] .= " <div class='poll' id=' " . $elem [ 'poll' ][ 'id' ] . " ' " . ( $elem [ 'poll' ][ 'multiple' ] ? " multiple " : " " ) . " > " ;
$post [ 'text' ] .= renderPoll ( $elem );
2020-04-13 16:30:51 +00:00
$post [ 'text' ] .= " </div> " ;
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
$post [ 'spoiler' ] = ( empty ( $elem [ 'spoiler_text' ]) ? " " : " <span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;'> " . $elem [ 'spoiler_text' ] . " </span><br> " );
$post [ 'media' ] = " " ;
$urls = get_urls ( strip_tags ( $elem [ 'content' ], '<br><br \>' ));
/* embed videos in the post via invidio.us if there are youtube links */
if ( ! empty ( $urls )) {
foreach ( $urls as $url ) {
parse_str ( parse_url ( $url , PHP_URL_QUERY ) , $my_array_of_vars );
if ( isset ( $my_array_of_vars [ 'v' ])) {
2020-09-08 19:38:27 +00:00
$post [ 'media' ] = " <embed class='desktop' width='620' height='415' src='https://invidiou.site/embed/ " . $my_array_of_vars [ 'v' ] . " '> " ;
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
/* embed the media attachments to the post... */
if ( ! empty ( $elem [ 'media_attachments' ])) {
/* ...only if there are attachments and the user hasn't turned off the attachments in the settings */
if ( $user_settings [ 'attach' ] != " off " ){
$images = count ( $elem [ 'media_attachments' ]);
$class = ( $images === 1 ? " " : ( $images > 4 ? " class='smaller' " : " class='small' " ));
2020-05-13 20:26:38 +00:00
$m = 1 ;
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
foreach ( $elem [ 'media_attachments' ] as $file ) {
$ext = explode ( " . " , $file [ 'url' ]);
$ext = end ( $ext );
$ext = explode ( " ? " , $ext ) [ 0 ];
2020-06-02 22:37:50 +00:00
if ( in_array ( $ext , array ( 'webm' , 'mp4' , 'ogv' )) || $file [ 'type' ] == " video " ) {
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
$post [ 'media' ] .= " <div style='overflow:hidden; float:left; margin:2px;' $class ><video preload='metadata' style='text-align:center; max-width:100%; max-height:100%;' controls " . ( $user_settings [ 'videoloop' ] == " on " ? " loop " : " " ) . " >
2020-04-23 01:25:00 +00:00
< source src = '" . $file[' url '] . "' type = 'video/".($ext == "ogv" ? "ogg" : $ext)."' >
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
</ video ></ div >
" ;
2020-06-02 22:37:50 +00:00
elseif ( in_array ( $ext , array ( 'mp3' , 'ogg' , 'oga' , 'opus' )) || $file [ 'type' ] == " audio " ) {
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
$post [ 'media' ] .= " <div style='text-align:center; width:100%;'><audio controls>
< source src = '" . $file[' url '] . "' type = 'audio/$ext' >
Your browser does not support the audio tag .
</ audio > </ div > " ;
2020-06-02 22:37:50 +00:00
elseif ( in_array ( $ext , array ( 'jpg' , 'jpeg' , 'png' , 'gif' , 'apng' , 'svg' )) || $file [ 'type' ] == " image " ) {
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
/* we'll either hide the attachment or assign a css class depending on the user's settings */
2020-05-13 20:26:38 +00:00
/* if the post is marked as sensitive and nsfw hiding isn't turned off, we'll blur the image */
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
if ( $elem [ 'sensitive' ] == true && $user_settings [ 'explicit' ] != 'off' ) {
2020-05-13 20:26:38 +00:00
$post [ 'media' ] .= " <div style='overflow:hidden; float:left; margin:2px;background-color:# " . (( $class != " " ) || ( $elem [ 'sensitive' ] == true && $user_settings [ 'explicit' ] != 'off' ) ? averageColor ( $file [ 'url' ]) : " 000 " ) . " !important; " . ( $images === 1 ? " width:100%; " : " max-width:100%; max-height:100%; " ) . " ' $class >
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
< div class = 'toggleblur' style = 'height:25px;' >& #xe81b; Blur</div>
< a target = '_blank' href = '" . $file[' url '] . "' onClick = 'return false;' style = 'width:100%;' class = 'blur' >
< noscript >< img src = '" . $file[' url '] . "' style = 'width:100%;' ></ noscript >
2020-05-13 20:26:38 +00:00
< img " . ( $e < 2 ? " src = '" . $file[' url '] . "' " : " data - src = '" . $file[' url '] . "' " ) . " class = 'lazyload' style = '".($images === 1 ? "width:100%;" : "max-width:100%; max-height:100%;")." vertical-align:middle;' >
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
</ a >
< a target = '_blank' href = '" . $file[' url '] . "' onClick = 'return false;' class = 'open-lightbox' style = 'display:none;' >
< img src = '" . $file[' url '] . "' class = 'lazyload' style = 'width:100%;' >
</ a >
</ div > " ;
else {
2020-05-13 20:26:38 +00:00
/* If the post was sensitive and wasn ' t caught by the nsfw filter and
didn ' t got blurred , then the image will be shown normally */
$post [ 'media' ] .= " <div style='margin:0px; " . ( $images == 3 && $m == 3 ? " width:100% !important; " : " " ) . " background-color:# " . ( $class != " " ? averageColor ( $file [ 'url' ]) : " 000 " ) . " ;' $class ><a target='_blank' href=' " . $file [ 'url' ] . " ' onClick='return false;' class='open-lightbox'><img " . ( $e < 2 ? " src=' " . $file [ 'url' ] . " ' " : " data-src=' " . $file [ 'url' ] . " ' " ) . " class='lazyload' style=' " . ( $images === 1 ? " width:100%; " : " max-width:100%; max-height:100%; " ) . " vertical-align:middle;'><noscript><img src=' " . $file [ 'url' ] . " ' style='width:100%;'></noscript></a></div> " ;
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
2020-06-02 22:37:50 +00:00
} else {
$post [ 'media' ] .= " <center><table><tr><td><a href=' " . $file [ 'url' ] . " ' download><img src='img/doc.png' width=40 border=0></a></td><td><a href=' " . $file [ 'url' ] . " ' target='_blank'> " . $file [ 'description' ] . " </a></td></tr></table></center> " ;
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
2020-05-13 20:26:38 +00:00
$m ++ ;
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
} else {
/* if the user turned off attachments we'll only show a link to it */
$post [ 'text' ] .= " <br><br> \n " ;
foreach ( $elem [ 'media_attachments' ] as $file ) {
$post [ 'text' ] .= " <span class='fontello'></span><a href=' " . $file [ 'url' ] . " ' target='_blank' onClick='return false;' class='open-lightbox'>See attachment " . ( $elem [ 'sensitive' ] == true ? " (NSFW) " : " " ) . " </a><br> \n " ;
/* the code of the post footer (date, visibility and like/reblog buttons */
2020-04-21 22:42:31 +00:00
$post [ 'footer' ] = " <div style='float:left;'>
2020-04-29 17:29:25 +00:00
< a style = 'text-decoration:none;' class = 'ldr postAge' id = '".strtotime($elem[' created_at '])."' target = '_blank' href = '?thread=" . $elem[' id '] . "' title = '".gmdate("d/m/y H:i", strtotime($elem[' created_at ']))."' > " .time_elapsed_string( $elem['created_at'] ) . " </ a > - < span class = 'fontello ".$elem[' visibility ']."' > </ span >
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
</ div >
< div class = 'post_buttons' id = '" . $elem[' id '] . "' >
" . ( $logedin ? " < div class = 'felem' >< a onClick = 'return false' class = 'replyform' href = '?thread=" . $elem[' id '] . "' style = 'font-family:fontello; vertical-align:middle;' alt = 'reply' >& #xf112;</a></div>" : "") . "
< div class = 'felem' >< a onClick = 'return false' " . ( $logedin ? " class = '" . ($elem[' favourited '] == true ? "unfav" : "fav") . "' href = '?action=true&mode=".($elem[' favourited '] == true ? "off" : "true")."&fav=" . $elem[' id '] . "' " : " class = 'notAllowed' " ) . " style = 'font-family:fontello; vertical-align:middle;' >& #xe802; <span>" . $elem['favourites_count'] . "</span></a></div>
< div class = 'felem' >< a onClick = 'return false' " . ( $logedin && ( $elem['visibility'] == " public " || $elem['visibility'] == " unlisted " ) ? " class = '" . ($elem[' reblogged '] == true ? "unreblog" : "reblog") . "' href = '?action=true&mode=".($elem[' reblogged '] == true ? "off" : "on")."&reblog=" . $elem[' id '] . "' " : " class = 'notAllowed' " ) . " style = 'font-family:fontello; vertical-align:middle;' >& #xe83a; <span>" . $elem['reblogs_count'] . "</span></a></div>
< div class = 'felem' >< a class = 'replies' onClick = 'return false' href = '?thread=" . $elem[' id '] . "' style = 'font-family:fontello; vertical-align:middle;' >& #xe827; <span>" . $elem['replies_count'] . "</span></a></div>
</ div > " ;
$post [ 'form' ] = ( $tl [ 'mode' ] == 'thread' && $logedin ? str_replace ( array (
" :id: " ,
" :content: "
) , array (
$elem [ 'id' ],
$json [ 'mentions' ]
) , themes ( " get " , " templates/replyform.txt " )) : " " );
$post [ 'ancestors' ] = " " ;
$post [ 'descendants' ] = " " ;
$post [ 'notes' ] = " " ;
/* if the timeline is a single post, we'll fetch the replies and notes */
if ( $tl [ 'mode' ] == 'thread' ) {
$replies = ( $tl [ 'mode' ] == " thread " ? getreplies ( $tl [ 'thread' ]) : false );
$notes = ( $tl [ 'mode' ] == " thread " ? getnotes ( $tl [ 'thread' ]) : false );
foreach ( $replies as $e ) {
if ( $e [ 'mode' ] == 'ancestor' ) {
$post [ 'ancestors' ] .= render_reply ( $e [ 'content' ]);
else {
$post [ 'descendants' ] .= render_reply ( $e [ 'content' ]);
if ( $notes ) {
foreach ( $notes as $note ) {
$post [ 'notes' ] .= " <div id=' " . $note [ 1 ][ 'id' ] . " '>
< a href = '?user=" . $note[1][' id '] . "' class = 'ldr' title = '" . $note[1][' acct '] . "' >
< div class = 'nte' style = 'background-image:url(" . $note[1][' avatar '] . ");' >
< div class = 'nte_type' style = 'background-color:" . ($note[0] == "fav" ? "red" : "green") . "' >< span > " . ( $note[0] == " fav " ? " & #xe802;" : "") . "</span></div>
</ div >
</ a >
</ div > " ;
2020-04-15 22:52:06 +00:00
if (( empty ( $elem [ 'media_attachments' ]) && $post [ 'media' ] == " " ) || ( ! ( empty ( $elem [ 'media_attachments' ]) && $post [ 'media' ] == " " ) && $user_settings [ 'attach' ] == " off " )) {
$post [ 'template' ] = themes ( " get " , " templates/textpost.txt " );
else {
2021-03-27 18:01:13 +00:00
if ( $logedin ){
$post [ 'template' ] = themes ( " get " , " templates/post.txt " );
} else {
$post [ 'template' ] = themes ( " get " , " templates/post_logout.txt " );
2020-04-15 22:52:06 +00:00
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
foreach ( $post as $key => $value ) {
$post [ 'template' ] = str_replace ( " : $key : " , $value , $post [ 'template' ]);
echo $post [ 'template' ];
unset ( $post );
$e ++ ;
2020-04-21 22:42:31 +00:00
$next = $elem [ 'id' ];
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
if (( ! isset ( $_GET [ 'next' ]) || ( isset ( $_GET [ 'next' ]) && ! isset ( $_GET [ 'ajax' ]))) && ! isset ( $_GET [ 'since' ]) && ! isset ( $_GET [ 'thread' ])) {
$query = http_build_query ( array_filter ( array (
'user' => ( isset ( $tl [ 'user' ]) ? $tl [ 'user' ] : false ) ,
'mode' => $tl [ 'mode' ]
2020-04-13 16:30:51 +00:00
if ( $tl [ 'mode' ] != " search " ){
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00
echo " <div class='element'><div class='avatar' style='height:0px;'></div><div class='loadmore' style='display:table-cell; height:50px; line-height:50px;'><a class='link' onClick='return false;' style='margin:5px;' href='?next= $next & " . $query . " '>Load More Posts</a></div></div> " ;
2020-04-13 16:30:51 +00:00
2020-04-01 00:46:27 +00:00