298 lines
17 KiB
298 lines
17 KiB
list($thread, $next) = timeline(array_merge($tl, $user_settings));
$replies = ($tl['mode'] == "thread" ? getreplies($tl['thread']) : false);
$notes = ($tl['mode'] == "thread" ? getnotes($tl['thread']) : false);
if (isset($_GET['user']) && (!isset($_GET['next']) && !isset($_GET['since']))) {
list($info, $rel) = user_info($_GET['user']);
$template = file_get_contents("templates/profileheader.txt");
$profile['mainColor'] = averageColor($info['avatar']);
$profile['header'] = $info['header_static'];
$profile['top'] = ($logedin ? "<span id='" . $info['id'] . "' class='profileButton profileMenu' style='position:relative;'>
<div class='menu' style='width:80px; position:absolute; background-color:yellow; top:25px; display:none;'>
<div id='" . $info['id'] . "' class='profileButton " . ($rel[0]['muting'] ? "un" : "") . "mute' style='width:100%; border-radius:0px;'>" . ($rel[0]['muting'] ? " Unmute" : " Mute") . "</div>
<div id='" . $info['id'] . "' class='profileButton " . ($rel[0]['blocking'] ? "un" : "") . "block' style='width:100%; border-radius:0px;'>" . ($rel[0]['blocking'] ? " Unblock" : " Block") . "</div>
</span>" : "");
if ($logedin && $rel[0]['following']) {
$profile['top'] .= "<span id='" . $info['id'] . "' class='profileButton listmenu' style='position:relative;'>Lists 
<div class='menu' style='width:120px; position:absolute; background-color:yellow; top:25px; left:00px; display:none;'><ul>";
$userlist = api_get("accounts/" . $info['id'] . "/lists");
$listids = array();
foreach ($userlist as $lst) {
$listids[] = $lst['id'];
$lists = api_get("/lists");
foreach ($lists as $list) {
$profile['top'] .= "<a href='?action=addtolist&user=" . $info['id'] . "&list=" . $list['id'] . "' id='" . $info['id'] . "' list='" . $list['id'] . "' class='" . (in_array($list['id'], $listids) ? 'rutl' : 'autl') . "' onClick='return false;'><li>" . $list['title'] . "</li></a>";
$profile['top'] .= "<a href='?page=lists' class='ldr' onClick='return false;'><li>Manage Lists</li></a>";
$profile['top'] .= "
if ($logedin) {
if ($rel[0]['following']) {
$label = " Following";
$class = "unfollow";
else {
if ($info['locked']) {
if ($rel[0]['requested']) {
$label = " Follow Requested";
$class = "unfollow";
else {
$label = " Request Follow";
$class = "follow";
else {
$label = " Follow";
$class = "follow";
$profile['top'] .= "<span id='" . $info['id'] . "' class='profileButton $class'>$label</span>";
$profile['top'] .= "<span id='" . $info['id'] . "' class='profileButton " . (in_array($info['id'], $user_settings['nsfw']) ? "unnsfw" : "nsfw") . "'>" . (in_array($info['id'], $user_settings['nsfw']) ? "NSFW <span class='fontello'></span>" : "NSFW <span class='fontello'></span>") . "</span>";
if ($logedin) {
$profile['bottom'] = "
" . ($info['locked'] ? "<span class='profileButton' style='background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.5);'> Locked</span>" : "") . "
" . ($rel[0]['followed_by'] ? "<span class='profileButton' style='background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.5);'> Follows You</span>" : "") . "
" . ($rel[0]['blocking'] ? "<span class='profileButton' style='background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.5);'> Blocked</span>" : "") . "
" . ($rel[0]['muting'] ? "<span class='profileButton' style='background-color: rgba(255,255,255,.5);'> Muted</span>" : "") . "
else {
$profile['bottom'] = "";
$profile['avatar'] = $info['avatar'];
$profile['name'] = emojify($info['display_name'], $info['emojis'], 40);
$profile['acct'] = $info['acct'];
$profile['url'] = $info['url'];
$profile['note'] = emojify(trim($info['note']) , $info['emojis']);
$profile['statuses'] = $info['statuses_count'];
$profile['following'] = $info['following_count'];
$profile['followers'] = $info['followers_count'];
foreach ($profile as $key => $value) {
$template = str_replace(":$key:", $value, $template);
echo $template;
elseif (!isset($_GET['next']) && !isset($_GET['since'])) {
echo "<div class='element'></div>";
if ((!isset($thread[0]['id']) && !empty($thread)) || !is_array($thread)) {
echo "<div class='element'><div class='avatar'></div><span class='button error'> Error loading the timeline. " . json_encode($thread) . "</span></div>";
else {
$e = 0;
foreach ($thread as $elem) {
$post = array();
$post['pid'] = $elem['id'];
$post['replyto'] = "";
$post['rt'] = "";
if ($elem['reblog'] != null) {
$post['name'] = "<b><span id='" . $elem['reblog']['account']['id'] . "' class='user'><a class='link ldr' href='?user=" . $elem['reblog']['account']['id'] . "'>" . emojify($elem['reblog']['account']['display_name'], $elem['reblog']['account']['emojis'], 15) . "</a></span></b>";
$post['replyto'] = "<span>" . ($elem['reblog']['in_reply_to_id'] ? " <a class='fontello link preview ldr' target='_blank' id='" . $elem['reblog']['in_reply_to_id'] . "' href='?thread=" . $elem['reblog']['in_reply_to_id'] . "'></a>" : "") . "</span>";
//$post['rt'] = "<span>[ <span style='font-family:fontello'>  </span> by <img src='".$elem['account']['avatar']."' width=20 style='vertical-align:middle;'> <a class='link ldr user' id='".$elem['account']['id']."' href='?user=" . $elem['account']['id'] . "'>" . emojify($elem['account']['display_name'],$elem['account']['emojis'],15) . "</a> ]</span>";
$post['rt'] = "<span>[ <span style='font-family:fontello'>  </span> by <img src='" . $elem['account']['avatar'] . "' width=30 style='vertical-align:middle; border-radius:30px;'> <a class='link ldr user' id='" . $elem['account']['id'] . "' href='?user=" . $elem['account']['id'] . "'><span class='desktop'>" . emojify($elem['account']['display_name'], $elem['account']['emojis'], 15) . "</span><span class='mobile'>@" . explode("@", $elem['account']['acct']) [0] . "</span></a> ]</span>";
$elem = $elem['reblog'];
else {
$post['name'] = "<span style='position:relative;'><b><span id='" . $elem['account']['id'] . "' class='user'><a class='link ldr' href='?user=" . $elem['account']['id'] . "'>" . emojify($elem['account']['display_name'], $elem['account']['emojis'], 20) . "</a></span></span></b><span class='desktop' style='font.size:10px;'> (" . $elem['account']['acct'] . ")</span> ";
$post['replyto'] = "<span>" . ($elem['in_reply_to_id'] ? " <a class='fontello link preview ldr' target='_blank' id='" . $elem['in_reply_to_id'] . "' href='?thread=" . $elem['in_reply_to_id'] . "'></a>" : "") . "</span>";
if (in_array($elem["account"]['id'], $user_settings['nsfw'])) {
$elem['sensitive'] = true;
if ($user_settings['explicit'] == "hide" && $elem['sensitive'] == true && $tl['mode'] != "thread") {
if (@in_array($elem["pleroma"]['conversation_id'], $user_settings['hide'])) {
$json['id'] = $elem['id'];
$json['scope'] = $elem['visibility'];
if ($logedin) {
$pos['mentions'] = "";
$array = $elem["mentions"];
$json['mentions'] = ($user_settings['acct'] == $elem["account"]['acct'] ? "" : "@" . $elem["account"]['acct']) . " ";
if (!empty($array)) {
foreach ($array as $mnt) {
if ($mnt['acct'] != $user_settings['acct']) {
$json['mentions'] .= "@" . $mnt['acct'] . " ";
$post['json'] = json_encode($json);
$post['menu'] = "<ul>";
if ($logedin) {
$post['menu'] .= ($elem['account']['id'] == $user_settings['uid'] ? "<li><a href='?action=delete&thread=" . $elem['id'] . "' onClick='return false;' class='delete fontello' id=':id:'> Delete Post</a></li>" : "");
$post['menu'] .= "<li><a href='?action=compose"e=" . $elem['id'] . "' onClick='return false;' class='quote fontello' id='" . $elem['id'] . "' style='background-color:transparent;'> Quote Post</a></li>";
$post['menu'] .= ($elem['account']['id'] != $user_settings['uid'] ? "<li><a href='?action=mute&user=" . $elem['account']['id'] . "' onClick='return false;' class='mute fontello' id='" . $elem['account']['id'] . "' style='background-color:transparent;'> Mute User</a></li>" : "");
$post['menu'] .= ($elem['account']['id'] != $user_settings['uid'] ? "<li><a href='?action=mute&thread=" . $elem['account']['id'] . "' onClick='return false;' class='muteconv fontello' id='" . $elem['id'] . "' style='background-color:transparent;'> Drop Thread</a></li>" : "");
$post['menu'] .= (isset($user_settings['pleroma']) ? "<li><a href='?action=hide&thread=" . $elem['pleroma']['conversation_id'] . "' onClick='return false;' class='hide fontello' id='" . $elem['pleroma']['conversation_id'] . "' style='background-color:transparent;'> Hide Thread</a></li>" : "");
$post['menu'] .= (isset($user_settings['pleroma']) ? "<li><a href='?action=bookmark&thread=" . $elem['account']['id'] . "' onClick='return false;' class='" . ($elem['bookmarked'] == true ? "un" : "") . "bookmark fontello' id='" . $elem['id'] . "' style='background-color:transparent;'> " . ($elem['bookmarked'] == true ? "Unb" : "B") . "ookmark</a></li>" : "");
$post['menu'] .= ($elem['account']['id'] != $user_settings['uid'] ? "<li><a href='?action=nsfw&user=" . $elem['account']['id'] . "' onClick='return false;' class='nsfw fontello' id='" . $elem['account']['id'] . "' style='background-color:transparent;'> User is NSFW</a></li>" : "");
$post['menu'] .= "<li><a target='_blank' href='" . $elem['url'] . "' class='original link fontello' style='background-color:transparent;'> Original Note</a></li>";
$post['menu'] .= "</ul>";
$post['text'] = processText($elem);
$post['spoiler'] = (empty($elem['spoiler_text']) ? "" : "<span style='font-weight:bold;font-size:20px;'>" . $elem['spoiler_text'] . "</span><br>");
$post['media'] = "";
$urls = get_urls(strip_tags($elem['content'], '<br><br \>'));
if (!empty($urls)) {
foreach ($urls as $url) {
parse_str(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY) , $my_array_of_vars);
if (isset($my_array_of_vars['v'])) {
$post['media'] = "<embed class='desktop' width='620' height='415' src='https://invidio.us/embed/" . $my_array_of_vars['v'] . "'>";
if (!empty($elem['media_attachments'])) {
if ($user_settings['attach'] != "off"){
$images = count($elem['media_attachments']);
$class = ($images === 1 ? "" : ($images > 4 ? "class='smaller'" : "class='small'"));
foreach ($elem['media_attachments'] as $file) {
$ext = explode(".", $file['url']);
$ext = end($ext);
$ext = explode("?", $ext) [0];
if ($ext == 'mp4' || $ext == 'webm') {
$post['media'] .= "<div style='overflow:hidden; float:left; margin:2px;' $class><video preload='metadata' style='text-align:center; max-width:100%; max-height:100%;' controls loop>
<source src='" . $file['url'] . "' type='video/$ext'>
elseif ($ext == 'mp3' || $ext == 'ogg') {
$post['media'] .= "<div style='text-align:center; width:100%;'><audio controls>
<source src='" . $file['url'] . "' type='audio/$ext'>
Your browser does not support the audio tag.
</audio> </div>";
else {
if ($elem['sensitive'] == true && $user_settings['explicit'] != 'off') {
$post['media'] .= "<div style='overflow:hidden; float:left; margin:2px;' $class><a target='_blank' href='" . $file['url'] . "' onClick='return false;' class='blur'><noscript><img src='" . $file['url'] . "' style='width:100%;'></noscript><img " . ($e < 2 ? "src='" . $file['url'] . "'" : "data-src='" . $file['url'] . "'") . " class='lazyload' style='max-width:100%; max-height:100% vertical-align:middle;'></a><a target='_blank' href='" . $file['url'] . "' onClick='return false;' class='open-lightbox' style='display:none;'><img src='" . $file['url'] . "' class='lazyload' style='width:100%;'></a></div>";
else {
//$post['media'] .= "<div style='margin:0px; background-color:#".averageColor($file['url']).";' $class><a target='_blank' href='" . $file['url'] . "' onClick='return false;' class='open-lightbox'><img " . ($e < 2 ? "src='" . $file['url'] . "'" : "data-src='" . $file['url'] . "'") . " class='lazyload' style='" . ($images === 1 ? "width:100%;" : "max-width:100%; max-height:100%;") . " vertical-align:middle;'><noscript><img src='" . $file['url'] . "' style='width:100%;'></noscript></a></div>";
$post['media'] .= "<div style='margin:0px; background-color:#000;' $class><a target='_blank' href='" . $file['url'] . "' onClick='return false;' class='open-lightbox'><img " . ($e < 2 ? "src='" . $file['url'] . "'" : "data-src='" . $file['url'] . "'") . " class='lazyload' style='" . ($images === 1 ? "width:100%;" : "max-width:100%; max-height:100%;") . " vertical-align:middle;'><noscript><img src='" . $file['url'] . "' style='width:100%;'></noscript></a></div>";
} else {
$post['text'] .= "<br><br>\n";
foreach ($elem['media_attachments'] as $file) {
$post['text'] .= "<span class='fontello'></span><a href='".$file['url']."' target='_blank' onClick='return false;' class='open-lightbox'>See attachment ".($elem['sensitive'] == true ? "(NSFW)" : "")."</a><br>\n";
$public = "";
$private = "";
$unlisted = "";
$direct = "";
$post['footer'] = "<div style='float:left; color:darkgray;'>
<a style='text-decoration:none;color:darkgray;' class='ldr' target='_blank' href='?thread=" . $elem['id'] . "&instance=$srv" . "'>" . date("d/m/y H:i", strtotime($elem['created_at'])) . "</a> - <span class='fontello'>" . $$elem['visibility'] . " </span>
<div class='post_buttons' id='" . $elem['id'] . "'>
" . ($logedin ? "<div class='felem'><a onClick='return false' class='replyform' href='?thread=" . $elem['id'] . "' style='font-family:fontello; vertical-align:middle;'></a></div>" : "") . "
<div class='felem'><a onClick='return false' " . ($logedin ? "class='" . ($elem['favourited'] == true ? "unfav" : "fav") . "' href='?action=true&mode=".($elem['favourited'] == true ? "off" : "true")."&fav=" . $elem['id'] . "'" : "class='notAllowed'") . " style='font-family:fontello; vertical-align:middle;'> <span>" . $elem['favourites_count'] . "</span></a></div>
<div class='felem'><a onClick='return false' " . ($logedin && ($elem['visibility'] == "public" || $elem['visibility'] == "unlisted") ? "class='" . ($elem['reblogged'] == true ? "unreblog" : "reblog") . "' href='?action=reblog&thread=" . $elem['id'] . "'" : "class='notAllowed'") . " style='font-family:fontello; vertical-align:middle;'> <span>" . $elem['reblogs_count'] . "</span></a></div>
<div class='felem'><a class='replies' onClick='return false' href='?thread=" . $elem['id'] . "' style='font-family:fontello; vertical-align:middle;'> <span>" . $elem['replies_count'] . "</span></a></div>
$post['form'] = ($tl['mode'] == 'thread' && $logedin ? str_replace(array(
) , array(
) , file_get_contents("templates/replyform.txt")) : "");
$post['ancestors'] = " ";
$post['descendants'] = " ";
if ($tl['mode'] == 'thread') {
foreach ($replies as $e) {
if ($e['mode'] == 'ancestor') {
$post['ancestors'] .= render_reply($e['content']);
else {
$post['descendants'] .= render_reply($e['content']);
$post['style'] = ""; //($tl['mode'] == "single" ? "display:none;" : "");
$post['id'] = $elem['id'];
$post['avatar'] = $elem['account']['avatar'];
$post['notes'] = "";
if ($notes) {
foreach ($notes as $note) {
$post['notes'] .= "<div id='" . $note[1]['id'] . "'>
<a href='?user=" . $note[1]['id'] . "' class='ldr' title='" . $note[1]['acct'] . "'>
<div class='nte' style='background-image:url(" . $note[1]['avatar'] . ");'>
<div class='nte_type' style='background-color:" . ($note[0] == "fav" ? "red" : "green") . "'><span>" . ($note[0] == "fav" ? "" : "") . "</span></div>
if ((empty($elem['media_attachments']) && $post['media'] == "") || (!(empty($elem['media_attachments']) && $post['media'] == "") && $user_settings['attach'] == "off")) {
$post['template'] = file_get_contents("templates/textpost.txt");
else {
$post['template'] = file_get_contents("templates/post.txt");
foreach ($post as $key => $value) {
$post['template'] = str_replace(":$key:", $value, $post['template']);
echo $post['template'];
if ((!isset($_GET['next']) || (isset($_GET['next']) && !isset($_GET['ajax']))) && !isset($_GET['since']) && !isset($_GET['thread'])) {
$query = http_build_query(array_filter(array(
'user' => (isset($tl['user']) ? $tl['user'] : false) ,
'mode' => $tl['mode']
echo "<div class='element'><div class='avatar' style='height:0px;'></div><div class='loadmore' style='display:table-cell; height:50px; line-height:50px;'><a class='link' onClick='return false;' style='margin:5px;' href='?next=$next&" . $query . "'>Load More Posts</a></div></div>";