# Paystro Paystro is a pre-configured setup for Astro and Payloadcms, designed to make it easy for you to start building your website. With Paystro, you'll have a complete development environment that you can run locally using Docker. This setup simplifies the testing and development of your website before deploying it to a production environment. ## Architecture Paystro is a fork of [Astroad](https://github.com/mooxl/astroad). Unlike Astroad – where the "Astro" image is the built static site served with Nginx – Paystro's Astro image is a builder image. In Paystro, the Docker stack just contains Payload and a generic Nginx container. ## How to use this template 1. Create a new Gitea repository based on this template repo (choose at least "git content") 2. Edit `.env.sample` to define the project name 3. Remove this notice (everything down to the `---`) To set up deployment: 1. Make sure the server you want to deploy to is set up for Drone access, including adding an SSH key as an organisational secret for the organisation this project is in (see [Autonomic internal docs](https://docz.autonomic.zone/doc/setting-up-auto-deployment-using-drone-I4j2onjaKT)) 2. Edit `.drone.yml` to set variables: - `HOST`: hostname or IP address of the server to deploy to (e.g. `vps.example.tld`) - `DOMAIN`: domain name of the live site (e.g. `site.example.tld`) - `STACK_NAME`: the Docker stack name, usually `$DOMAIN` with dots replaced with underscores (e.g. `site_example_tld`) `STACK_NAME` / `DOMAIN` of the deployed app. 3. Make sure that DNS records for `$DOMAIN` and `admin.$DOMAIN`, pointing to `$HOST`, are defined. 4. Generate secrets (`openssl rand -hex 32` works well) for `PAYLOAD_SECRET` and `MONGO_PASSWORD`. Insert the personal user token for a Drone bot user (e.g. `autono-bot`) as `TOKEN`). For all of them, use something like `echo "foobar" | docker secret create paystro_swarm-demo_autonomic_zone_token_v1 -`, where `paystro_swarm-demo_autonomic_zone` is the `STACK_NAME`. 5. Activate the repo in Drone --- # ${REPO_NAME} ## Prerequisites Before getting started, make sure you have Docker installed (and, if your Docker doesn't include `docker compose`, the separate `docker-compose` tool). ## Configuration Copy `.env.sample` to `.env` and edit as appropriate (e.g. to change the port for Payload). ## Development Launch local containers using `yarn dev` or, if you don't have yarn installed, plain `docker-compose up` / `docker compose up`. The `docker-compose.yml` file includes everything you need to run the containers. The containers use the environment variables declared in the `.env` file, and mounted volumes to store data persistently even after the containers are stopped and started. ## Deployment Whenever the repository is updated, Drone builds new Docker images for Payload and Astro, and deploys a new Docker Swarm stack to the `HOST` configured in `.drone.yml`. Whenever changes are made to Payload content on the live site, Drone uses the Astro builder image to regenerate the static site, and publish it to the Nginx container by copying it into the Docker volume.