--- - name: Ruby packages installed apt: pkg: - ruby2.3 - ruby-addressable - ruby-json - ruby-net-http-persistent - ruby-syslog-logger state: present update_cache: yes tags: - email - name: Ruby script receive-mail in place copy: src: files/receive-mail dest: /usr/local/bin/receive-mail mode: 0755 tags: - email - name: Ruby script discourse-smtp-fast-rejection in place copy: src: files/discourse-smtp-fast-rejection dest: /usr/local/bin/discourse-smtp-fast-rejection mode: 0755 tags: - email - name: Old, unneeded files removed file: path: /usr/local/bin/discourse-smtp-rcpt-acl state: absent tags: - email - name: debconf-utils installed for Ansible apt: name: debconf-utils state: present tags: - email - name: Debconf Postfix hostname set debconf: name: postfix question: "postfix/mailname" value: "{{ hostname }}" vtype: string tags: - email - name: Debconf Postfix set to be a internet server debconf: name: postfix question: "postfix/main_mailer_type" value: "Internet Site" vtype: string tags: - email - name: Postfix and related email packages installed apt: pkg: - ca-certificates - curl - debian-archive-keyring - dnsutils - mailutils - mutt - opendkim - opendkim-tools - postfix - pwgen - whois state: present tags: - email - name: Postfix smtpd_relay_restrictions set command: postconf -e "smtpd_relay_restrictions = permit_mynetworks permit_sasl_authenticated reject_unauth_destination" changed_when: false tags: - email - name: Postfix set not to use /etc/aliases command: postconf -e "alias_maps = " changed_when: false tags: - email - name: Postfix mydestination set to localhost command: postconf -e "mydestination = localhost" changed_when: false tags: - email - name: python-docker installed apt: pkg: - python3-docker state: present tags: - email - name: Fetch app container information docker_container_info: name: app register: containerinfo tags: - email - name: Get the app container IP address set_fact: app_ip_address: '{{ containerinfo.container.NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' tags: - email - name: Postfix my networks set to include {{ app_ip_address }} command: postconf -e "mynetworks =,{{ app_ip_address }}" changed_when: false tags: - email - name: Postfix relay domains set to {{ hostname }} command: postconf -e "relay_domains = {{ hostname }}" changed_when: false tags: - email - name: Postfix smtpd_recipient_restrictions set command: postconf -e "smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, check_policy_service unix:private/policy" changed_when: false tags: - email - name: Postfix opportunistic TLS enabled command: postconf -e "smtp_tls_security_level = may" changed_when: false tags: - email - name: Postfix set to use sub-addresing command: postconf -e "recipient_delimiter = +" changed_when: false tags: - email - name: Postfix disable UTF-8 SMTP input command: postconf -e "smtputf8_enable=no" changed_when: false tags: - email - name: Postfix Time Zone and Lang set command: postconf -e "export_environment='TZ LANG'" changed_when: false tags: - email - name: Postfix set for ipv4 only command: postconf -e "inet_protocols = ipv4" changed_when: false tags: - email - name: Postfix set to use /usr/local/bin/receive-mail command: postconf -M -e "discourse/unix=discourse unix - n n - - pipe user=nobody:nogroup argv=/usr/local/bin/receive-mail ${recipient}" changed_when: false tags: - email - name: Postfix transport in place template: src: templates/transport.j2 dest: /etc/postfix/transport mode: 0644 tags: - email - name: Postfix Transport Maps file set command: postconf -e "transport_maps=hash:/etc/postfix/transport" changed_when: false tags: - email - name: Postmap run with Transport Maps file command: postmap /etc/postfix/transport changed_when: false tags: - email - name: Postfix set to reject incorrect email addresses command: postconf -M -e "policy/unix=policy unix - n n - - spawn user=nobody argv=/usr/local/bin/discourse-smtp-fast-rejection" changed_when: false tags: - email - name: Stat "/var/discourse/shared/standalone/letsencrypt/{{ hostname }}/{{ hostname }}.cer" stat: path: "/var/discourse/shared/standalone/letsencrypt/{{ hostname }}/{{ hostname }}.cer" check_mode: false register: le_cert tags: - email - block: - name: Postfix configured to use Let's Encrypt RSA cert for incoming email command: postconf -e "smtpd_tls_cert_file = /var/discourse/shared/standalone/letsencrypt/{{ hostname }}/{{ hostname }}.cer" tags: - email - name: Postfix configured to use Let's Encrypt RSA key for incoming email command: postconf -e "smtpd_tls_key_file = /var/discourse/shared/standalone/letsencrypt/{{ hostname }}/{{ hostname }}.key" tags: - email when: le_cert.stat.exists - name: Directories for opendkim keys and configuration present file: path: "{{ dir.name }}" state: directory owner: "{{ dir.owner }}" group: "{{ dir.group }}" mode: "{{ dir.mode }}" loop: - name: /etc/opendkim mode: "0750" owner: root group: opendkim - name: /etc/opendkim/keys mode: "0750" owner: root group: opendkim loop_control: loop_var: dir tags: - email - name: Set a fact for the postfix_dkim_domains array if it it not defined set_fact: dkim_domains: - "{{ hostname | default(inventory_hostname) }}" when: ( dkim_domains is not defined ) or ( dkim_domains == [] ) tags: - email - name: Generate new KeyTable and SigningTable files template: src: "{{ template }}.j2" dest: "/etc/opendkim/{{ template }}.new" loop: - KeyTable - SigningTable loop_control: loop_var: template tags: - email - name: Loop through the postfix_dkim_domains array including DKIM tasks include_tasks: dkim_domain.yml loop: "{{ dkim_domains }}" loop_control: loop_var: domain tags: - email - name: Copy the new KeyTable and SigningTable files into place if changed copy: src: "{{ file }}.new" dest: "{{ file }}" remote_src: true loop: - /etc/opendkim/KeyTable - /etc/opendkim/SigningTable loop_control: loop_var: file tags: - email - name: Check if the KeyTable has more than one line command: wc -l /etc/opendkim/KeyTable check_mode: false changed_when: false register: opendkim_keytable_check tags: - email - name: Check if the SigningTable has more than one line command: wc -l /etc/opendkim/SigningTable check_mode: false changed_when: false register: opendkim_signingtable_check tags: - email - name: Set fact for KeyTable and SigningTable file lengths set_fact: opendkim_keytable_length: "{{ opendkim_keytable_check.stdout | replace('/etc/opendkim/KeyTable', '') | trim | int }}" opendkim_signingtable_length: "{{ opendkim_signingtable_check.stdout | replace('/etc/opendkim/SigningTable', '') | trim | int }}" tags: - email - name: Enable OpenDKIM block: - name: Configure TrustedHosts template: src: templates/TrustedHosts.j2 dest: /etc/opendkim/TrustedHosts owner: root group: root mode: 0644 tags: - email - name: OpenDKIM configuration in place template: src: templates/opendkim.conf.j2 dest: /etc/opendkim.conf tags: - email - name: Run postconf to add DKIM configuration to main.cf command: postconf -e "{{ edit }}" loop: - "milter_default_action = accept" - "milter_protocol = 6" - "smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:{{ postfix_opendkim_port }}" - "non_smtpd_milters = inet:localhost:{{ postfix_opendkim_port }}" loop_control: loop_var: edit tags: - email - name: OpenDKIM enabled and restarted service: name: opendkim enabled: true state: restarted tags: - email when: ( opendkim_keytable_length | int > 1 ) and ( opendkim_signingtable_length | int > 1 ) - name: Disable OpenDKIM block: - name: Run postconf to remove DKIM configuration from main.cf command: postconf -X "{{ remove }}" loop: - "milter_default_action" - "milter_protocol" - "smtpd_milters" - "non_smtpd_milters" loop_control: loop_var: remove changed_when: false tags: - email - name: OpenDKIM disabled and stopped service: name: opendkim enabled: false state: stopped when: ( postfix_dkim_dns_configured is not defined ) or ( not postfix_dkim_dns_configured ) tags: - email when: ( opendkim_keytable_length | int == 1 ) or ( opendkim_signingtable_length | int == 1 ) - name: mail-receiver-environment in place template: src: templates/mail-receiver-environment.json.j2 dest: /etc/postfix/mail-receiver-environment.json owner: root group: root mode: 0644 - name: Postfix restarted service: name: postfix state: restarted tags: - email - name: Root .forward in place template: src: templates/forward.j2 dest: /root/.forward tags: - email ...