[![pipeline status](https://gitlab.com/autonomic-cooperative/autonomic-cooperative.gitlab.io/badges/master/pipeline.svg)](https://gitlab.com/autonomic-cooperative/autonomic-cooperative.gitlab.io/commits/master) # autonomic-cooperative.gitlab.io A [Jekyll] based site for the Autonomic Cooperative. The template is based on the [spectral-jekyll-theme]. [Jekyll]: https://jekyllrb.com/ [spectral-jekyll-theme]: https://github.com/andrewbanchich/spectral-jekyll-theme # Contribute Please see [CONTRIBUTING.md] for the juicy details. [CONTRIBUTING.md]: https://gitlab.com/autonomic-cooperative/autonomic-cooperative.gitlab.io/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md # Make A New Release Our production site is contained in the [proddist folder]. You'll need to make sure you have the latest changes by running: ```bash $ make proddist ``` If you see any unstaged changes, please verify them with someone and push them to the upstream master remote. Make sure the latest pipeline is passing and tag HEAD with: ```bash $ git tag -a 2.0.0 $(git rev-parse HEAD) $ git push upstream master --tags ``` Then make a release with: ```bash $ make release ``` This pushes the contents of the [proddist folder] to the production branch which will get picked up by our production instance of the site. [proddist folder]: https://gitlab.com/autonomic-cooperative/autonomic-cooperative.gitlab.io/tree/master/proddist