--- layout: post title: Publishing our Ansible roles description: image: infra.jpeg category: ansible, automation, infrastructure date: 2022-05-30 --- We're delighted to finally announce that we're publishing our Ansible roles into the open under [`git.autonomic.zone/autonomic-cooperative/...`](https://git.autonomic.zone/explore/repos?q=ansible&topic=1) :partying_face: They've always been licensed as libre software but due to the way we managed our internal infrastructure configurations, they were embedded in a private repository. The roles are currently lacking documentation and written for very specific Autonomic needs but they might be handy as a learning resource or a base to fork from. We'd happily accept contributions to generalise them. In particular, we've been running [`autonomic.new-hetzner`](https://git.autonomic.zone/autonomic-cooperative/autonomic.new-hetzner) for years without issue. The role bootstraps a Hetzner VPS from scratch and provisions it with a hardened SSH configuration, firewalls, user accounts and some basic packages and a shiny MOTD. All roles are CI tested on every commit with [Molecule](https://molecule.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) so things don't break. [Expanding re-use with shared infrastructure](https://community.coops.tech/t/cotech-gathering-ansible-and-shared-infrastructure-session/1107) is someting we've always been working on at Autonomic. We have an ongoing critique of Ansible and the pros/cons of when it is a good choice to use. This ultimately lead us to start projects like [Co-op Cloud](https://coopcloud.tech/). However, we will think Ansible is pretty good at satisfying more complicated server provisioning needs. Happy Infra Hacking.