--- layout: post title: CiviCRM AngularJS extension description: Adding custom validation to the CiviCRM Mailing form image: civicrm_validation_header.jpg category: howto date: 2019-08-30 --- Some of our clients use [CiviCRM](https://civicrm.org/) which is a popular open source "constituent relationship management" platform. One of those clients regularly uses the "Mailing" features to send out emails to their supporters and we found out they're experiancing a bug where a user sends out a mailing with the same name (not subject line, just the internal identifier 🙄) as an existing mailing, it'll cause the CRM to freeze up at a later time. As an added challenge, the mailings feature of CiviCRM [now use AngularJS](https://docs.civicrm.org/dev/en/latest/framework/angular/) following a recent rebuild by the developers, and there aren't many tutorials or examples out there of workarounds to this issue. Luckily, the CiviCRM developer community was super-helpful, and we managed to sort out some in-form validation to prevent duplicate mailing names for our client and now for you, too! ## Create a new extension Using [`civix`](https://github.com/totten/civix), we set up a new CiviCRM extension for our code: civix generate:module mailing (We called our extension `mailing`, because our creative director was occupied with an Art at the time) Our client sensibly keeps their custom CiviCRM extensions in `git`, at this stage we initialised a repository, added the boilerplate template code, and pushed. ## Set up the AngularJS hook A function called `mailing_civicrm_alterAngular()` will get executed whenever an AngularJS page loads, and you can use a `ChangeSet` to edit an AngularJS template – and, because AngularJS templates specify form logic, also change the validation behaviour. Our hook function looks like this: function mailing_civicrm_alterAngular($angular) { $changeSet = \Civi\Angular\ChangeSet::create('mailing_name_unique') ->alterHtml('~/crmMailing/BlockSummary.html', function(phpQueryObject $doc) { // name validation $doc->find('.crm-group:has([crm-ui-id="subform.mailingName"])')->attr('ng-controller', 'NameValidateCtrl'); $doc->find('[crm-ui-id="subform.mailingName"]')->attr('ng-blur', 'validateName(mailing, \'name\')'); $doc->find('[crm-ui-id="subform.mailingName"]')->attr('crm-ui-validate', 'isValid'); }); $angular->add($changeSet); CRM_Core_Resources::singleton()->addScriptFile('mailing', 'js/disallow-duplicate-names.js'); } Setting `crm-ui-validate` to `validateName` directly fired the event _way_ too many times, so instead `validateName` is only called when focus leaves the field, `ng-blur`, which then sets the `isValid` variable that's checked by `crm-ui-validate`. ## Create the `validateName` function Then, the code which queries the CiviCRM API to check for mailings with duplicate names: var validating = false; (function(angular, $) { var crmMailing = angular.module('crmMailing'); crmMailing.controller('NameValidateCtrl', function($scope) { $scope.isValid = false; $scope.validateName = function(mailing, field) { if (!validating) { validating = true; CRM.api3('Mailing', 'get', { "sequential": 1, "name": mailing[field], "id": {"!=": mailing.id} }).then(function(result) { // do something with result if (result.count > 0 ) { $scope.isValid = false; CRM.alert(ts('There is already a mailing with this name; sending this one will crash CiviCRM!')); } else { $scope.isValid = true; } }, function(error) { // oops console.log(error); }); validating = false; } }; }); })(angular, CRM.$); (saved as `js/disallow-duplicate-names.js`) ## Conclusion Activate the extension, e.g. with `cv` $ cv en mailing Now, open a mailing and try to give it the same name as an existing one – you should see the field border turn red, and you'll be prevented from continuing or sending the mailing: ![](/assets/images/civicrm_validation.png) (As a bonus, the extension also sends a notification to the user using `CRM.alert` to explain the error) It does seem like a red border sometimes hangs around the field label even after the value is valid again.. but apart from that, the feature is working great!