--- layout: post title: New Co-op Cloud blog, socials and updates description: Co-op Cloud project blog, socials and monthly updates image: ccblog.png category: coop, co-op, cloud, docker, swarm, libre-software, hosting, date: 2021-07-07 --- The Co-op Cloud is starting to come into its own and we've decided to move our posts over to a dedicated [new and shiny blog](https://coopcloud.tech/blog/). We are working on opening up shared ownership of the project and want to create digital spaces where Autonomic is not implicitly having some sort of gate keeping role. We'll be writing regularly about our progress over there. We've also made new [Twitter](https://twitter.com/Coop_Cloud) and [Mastodon](https://social.coop/@coopcloud) which can you can follow along. That's all for now!