"""Tool configuration.""" from getpass import getuser # current user WHOAMI = getuser() # home directory of the current user HOME_DIR = "/home/{}".format(WHOAMI) # configuration directory for the toolbelt CONFIG_DIR = "{}/.autonomic".format(HOME_DIR) # SSH url for our infrastructure repository INFRA_REPO = ( "ssh://git@git.autonomic.zone:222/autonomic-cooperative/infrastructure.git" ) # infrastructure directory INFRA_DIR = "{}/infrastructure".format(CONFIG_DIR) # list of autonomic members yaml file MEMBERS_YAML = "{}/resources/members.yml".format(INFRA_DIR) # directory where we store our ansible action plays ACTIONS_DIR = "{}/actions".format(INFRA_DIR) # toolbelt configuration file CONFIG_YAML = "{}/autonomic.yml".format(CONFIG_DIR) # password store directory PASS_STORE_DIR = "{}/credentials/password-store".format(INFRA_DIR)