#!/bin/sh # # check available RAM and IPv4s ram_bytes_to_allocate="$1" ram_bytes_available=$(grep -E "^(size|memory_available_bytes)" /proc/spl/kstat/zfs/arcstats | awk '{sum+=$3} END {printf "%.0f", sum}') ram_bytes_remainder="$((ram_bytes_available - ram_bytes_to_allocate))" if echo "$ram_bytes_to_allocate" | grep -vqE "^[0-9]+$"; then echo "ram_bytes_to_allocate \"$ram_bytes_to_allocate\" must be an integer" exit 1 fi # 20GB if [ "$ram_bytes_remainder" -le $((20 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)) ]; then echo "VM is requesting more RAM than $(hostname -f) has available." echo "Bytes requested: $ram_bytes_to_allocate" echo "Bytes available: $ram_bytes_available" exit 1 fi ipv4_limit=61 total_addresses_used=$(virsh net-dhcp-leases public3 | grep -E '.+' | tail -n +3 | wc -l) ipv4_count=$(printf "$total_addresses_used") if [ "$ipv4_count" -ge "$ipv4_limit" ]; then echo "IPv4 address limit reached" exit 1 fi echo "yes"