# capsulflask Python Flask web application for capsul.org ## how to run locally Ensure you have the pre-requisites for the psycopg2 Postgres database adapter package ``` sudo apt install python3-dev libpq-dev pg_config --version ``` Ensure you have the wonderful `pipenv` python package management and virtual environment cli ``` sudo apt install pipenv ``` Create python virtual environment and install packages ``` # install deps pipenv install ``` Run an instance of Postgres (I used docker for this, you can use whatever you want, point is its listening on localhost:5432) ``` docker run --rm -it -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=dev -p 5432:5432 postgres ``` Modify the default email settings ``` nano capsulflask/__init__.py ``` Run the app ``` pipenv run flask run ``` Run the app in gunicorn ``` pipenv run gunicorn --bind app:app ``` ----- ## cli You can manually mess around with the database like this: ``` pipenv run flask cli sql -f test.sql ``` ``` pipenv run flask cli sql -c 'SELECT * FROM vms' ``` This one selects the vms table with the column name header: ``` pipenv run flask cli sql -c "SELECT string_agg(column_name::text, ', ') from information_schema.columns WHERE table_name='vms'; SELECT * from vms" ``` How to modify a payment manually, like if you get a chargeback or to fix customer payment issues: ``` $ pipenv run flask cli sql -c "SELECT id, created, email, dollars, invalidated from payments" 1, 2020-05-05T00:00:00, forest.n.johnson@gmail.com, 20.00, FALSE $ pipenv run flask cli sql -c "UPDATE payments SET invalidated = True WHERE id = 1" 1 rows affected. $ pipenv run flask cli sql -c "SELECT id, created, email, dollars, invalidated from payments" 1, 2020-05-05T00:00:00, forest.n.johnson@gmail.com, 20.00, TRUE ``` How you would kick off the scheduled task: ``` pipenv run flask cli cron-task ``` ----- ## postgres database schema management capsulflask has a concept of a schema version. When the application starts, it will query the database for a table named `schemaversion` that has one row and one column (`version`). If the `version` it finds is not equal to the `desiredSchemaVersion` variable set in `db.py`, it will run migration scripts from the `schema_migrations` folder one by one until the `schemaversion` table shows the correct version. For example, the script named `02_up_xyz.sql` should contain code that migrates the database from schema version 1 to schema version 2. Likewise, the script `02_down_xyz.sql` should contain code that migrates from schema version 2 back to schema version 1. **IMPORTANT: if you need to make changes to the schema, make a NEW schema version. DO NOT EDIT the existing schema versions.** In general, for safety, schema version upgrades should not delete data. Schema version downgrades will simply throw an error and exit for now. ----- ## how to setup btcpay server Generate a private key and the accompanying bitpay SIN for the bitpay API client. I used this code as an example: https://github.com/bitpay/bitpay-python/blob/master/bitpay/key_utils.py#L6 ``` $ python ./readme/generate_btcpay_keys.py ``` It should output something looking like this: ``` -----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- EXAMPLEIArx/EXAMPLEKH23EXAMPLEsYXEXAMPLE5qdEXAMPLEcFHoAcEXAMPLEK oUQDQgAEnWs47PT8+ihhzyvXX6/yYMAWWODluRTR2Ix6ZY7Z+MV7v0W1maJzqeqq NQ+cpBvPDbyrDk9+Uf/sEaRCma094g== -----END EC PRIVATE KEY----- EXAMPLEwzAEXAMPLEEXAMPLEURD7EXAMPLE ``` In order to register the key with the btcpay server, you have to first generate a pairing token using the btcpay server interface. This requires your btcpay server account to have access to the capsul store. Ask Cass about this. Navigate to `Manage store: Access Tokens` at: `https://btcpay.cyberia.club/stores//Tokens` ![](readme/btcpay_sin_pairing.jpg) Finally, send an http request to the btcpay server to complete the pairing: ``` curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" https://btcpay.cyberia.club/tokens -d "{'id': 'EXAMPLEwzAEXAMPLEEXAMPLEURD7EXAMPLE', 'pairingCode': 'XXXXXXX'}" ``` It should respond with a token: ``` {"data":[{"policies":[],"pairingCode":"XXXXXXX","pairingExpiration":1589473817597,"dateCreated":1589472917597,"facade":"merchant","token":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx","label":"capsulflask"}]} ``` And you should see the token in the btcpay server UI: ![](readme/paired.jpg) Now simply set your `BTCPAY_PRIVATE_KEY` variable in `.env` ``` BTCPAY_PRIVATE_KEY='-----BEGIN EC PRIVATE KEY----- EXAMPLEIArx/EXAMPLEKH23EXAMPLEsYXEXAMPLE5qdEXAMPLEcFHoAcEXAMPLEK oUQDQgAEnWs47PT8+ihhzyvXX6/yYMAWWODluRTR2Ix6ZY7Z+MV7v0W1maJzqeqq NQ+cpBvPDbyrDk9+Uf/sEaRCma094g== -----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----' ```