{% extends 'base.html' %} {% block title %}Create{% endblock %} {% block content %}

Create Capsul

{% if created_os %}

Your Capsul was successfully created! You should already see it listed on the Capsuls page, but it may not have obtained an IP address yet. Its IP address should become visible once the machine has booted and taken a DHCP lease.

{% if created_os == 'debian10' %}

Note: because Debian delays fully booting until after entropy has been generated, Debian Capsuls may take an extra-long time to obtain an IP address, like up to 10 minutes. Be patient.

{% endif %} {% else %} {% if cant_afford %}

Your account does not have sufficient funds to create a Capsul. (Must be funded enough to last at least one month at creation time).

You must add funds to your account before you can create a Capsul.

{% elif no_ssh_public_keys %}

You don't have any ssh public keys yet.

You must upload one before you can create a Capsul.

{% elif not capacity_avaliable %}

Host(s) at capacity. No capsuls can be created at this time. sorry.

{% else %}
      type     monthly   cpus  mem     ssd   net*
      -----    -------   ----  ---     ---   --- 
      f1-s     $5.33     1     512M    25G   .5TB
      f1-m     $7.16     1     1024M   25G   1TB 
      f1-l     $8.92     1     2048M   25G   2TB 
      f1-x     $16.16    2     4096M   25G   4TB 
      f1-xx    $29.66    4     8096M   25G   8TB 
      f1-xxx   $57.58    8     16G     25G   16TB
      * net is calculated as a per-month average
      * all VMs come standard with one public IPv4 addr
      Your account balance: ${{ account_balance }}
{% for key in ssh_public_keys %} {% endfor %}
{% endif %} {% endif %}
{% endblock %} {% block subcontent %} {% if not cant_afford and not no_ssh_public_keys %}

Using our services implies that you agree to our terms of service & privacy policy.

{% endif %} {% endblock %} {% block pagesource %}/templates/create-capsul.html{% endblock %}