# Administration Records and documentation for the CoTech fund ## Generating receipts Install `wkhtmltopdf` using, for example homebrew on OS X ``` brew install Caskroom/cask/wkhtmltopdf ``` Then in the root of the project run ``` ruby scripts/generate_invoices.rb ``` The invoices should be generated in `invoices/sent/2022/`. The ruby script can be edited to change the start of the range of invoice numbers and to generate the output in a different directory. The data used to generate the invoices is in `members.csv`. ## Running reports We keep a plain-text ledger of transactions in ~cotech.journal~. Using the [hledger](https://hledger.org/) tool we can generate reports. A typical one is the (financial) year-by-year break down of income and expenses which we report occasionally on the [discourse forum](https://community.coops.tech/c/cotech/fund/25). ``` hledger -f cotech.journal is -p "yearly from 2019-04-06" ```