# CoTech Website ## Introduction This is a port of the current Wordpress version of the [CoTech Website][] to a statically-generated site using [Jekyll][]. ## Run the site locally You can run the site on your computer as if it were live online using Jekyll. You will need `git` and `ruby` installed on your machine to do this. Then clone the repository git clone git@git.coop:cotech/website.git ### ... using docker Make sure you have [docker](https://docs.docker.com/install/) (CE is fine) installed and running, then: cd website ./dev And visit [localhost:4000](http://localhost:4000) to view the site. ### ... directly on your machine Install the dependencies for the project cd website gem install bundler bundle install Run a local web server so that you can view the site bundle exec jekyll server And visit [localhost:4000](http://localhost:4000) to view the site. ## Deploy CI When changes are committed to the `master` branch the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file triggers the building of the site and then the copying of the results to https://static.coops.tech/ and when changes are committed to the `dev` branch the site at https://dev.static.coops.tech/ is updated. ## Contributing There's a [list of bugs and improvements](https://git.coop/cotech/website/issues) in the repository. Feel free to add more, discuss or claim any of these issues to work on. [CoTech Website]: https://www.coops.tech/ [Jekyll]: https://jekyllrb.com/