* @license GNU General Public License v2 */ // The general idea here is loosely based on . // Quick exit if accessed directly if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { exit; } // We only want to load these MU Plugins if Support Center is installed $support_center_installed = get_option( 'et_support_center_installed' ); if ( $support_center_installed ) { // Compile a list of plugins in the `mu-plugins/et-safe-mode` directory // (see `$pathname_to` in `ET_Core_SupportCenter::maybe_add_mu_autoloader()`) if ( $mu_plugins = glob( dirname( __FILE__ ) . '/et-safe-mode/*.php' ) ) { // Verbose logging: only log if `wp-config.php` has defined `ET_DEBUG='support_center'` $DEBUG_ET_SUPPORT_CENTER = defined( 'ET_DEBUG' ) && 'support_center' === ET_DEBUG; // Loop through the list of plugins and require each in turn foreach ( $mu_plugins as $plugin ) { if ( file_exists( $plugin ) ) { if ( $DEBUG_ET_SUPPORT_CENTER ) { error_log( 'ET Support Center: loading mu-plugin: ' . $plugin ); } require_once( $plugin ); } } } }