(function(){ tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.etquicktags', { /** * Initializes the plugin, this will be executed after the plugin has been created. * This call is done before the editor instance has finished it's initialization so use the onInit event * of the editor instance to intercept that event. * * @param {tinymce.Editor} ed Editor instance that the plugin is initialized in. * @param {string} url Absolute URL to where the plugin is located. */ init : function(ed, url) { ed.addButton('et_learn_more', { title : et_quicktags_strings.learn_more, image : url + '/../images/icon-toggle.gif', onclick : function() { CustomButtonClick('learn_more'); } }); ed.addButton('et_box', { title : et_quicktags_strings.box, image : url + '/../images/icon-boxes.gif', onclick : function() { CustomButtonClick('box'); } }); ed.addButton('et_button', { title : et_quicktags_strings.button, image : url + '/../images/icon-buttons.gif', onclick : function() { CustomButtonClick('button'); } }); ed.addButton('et_tabs', { title : et_quicktags_strings.tabs, image : url + '/../images/icon-tabs.gif', onclick : function() { CustomButtonClick('tabs'); } }); ed.addButton('et_author', { title : et_quicktags_strings.author, image : url + '/../images/icon-author.gif', onclick : function() { CustomButtonClick('author'); } }); }, /** * Creates control instances based in the incomming name. This method is normally not * needed since the addButton method of the tinymce.Editor class is a more easy way of adding buttons * but you sometimes need to create more complex controls like listboxes, split buttons etc then this * method can be used to create those. * * @param {String} n Name of the control to create. * @param {tinymce.ControlManager} cm Control manager to use inorder to create new control. * @return {tinymce.ui.Control} New control instance or null if no control was created. */ createControl : function(n, cm) { return null; }, /** * Returns information about the plugin as a name/value array. * The current keys are longname, author, authorurl, infourl and version. * * @return {Object} Name/value array containing information about the plugin. */ getInfo : function() { return { longname : "Elegant Themes " + et_quicktags_strings.shortcodes, author : 'Elegant Themes', authorurl : 'http://www.elegantthemes.com/', infourl : 'http://www.elegantthemes.com/', version : "1.0" }; } }); tinymce.PluginManager.add('et_quicktags', tinymce.plugins.etquicktags); })()