_initialize(); } } protected function _initialize() { self::$_ = ET_Core_Data_Utils::instance(); self::$_metadata = et_core_get_components_metadata(); $third_party_providers = et_core_get_third_party_components( 'api/spam' ); $load_fields = is_admin() || et_core_is_saving_builder_modules_cache() || et_core_is_fb_enabled() || isset( $_GET['et_fb'] ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.NonceVerification.NoNonceVerification $all_names = array( 'official' => self::$_metadata['groups']['api/spam']['members'], 'third-party' => array_keys( $third_party_providers ), ); $_names_by_slug = array(); foreach ( $all_names as $provider_type => $provider_names ) { $_names_by_slug[ $provider_type ] = array(); foreach ( $provider_names as $provider_name ) { if ( 'Fields' === $provider_name || self::$_->includes( $provider_name, 'Provider' ) ) { continue; } if ( 'official' === $provider_type ) { $class_name = self::$_metadata[ $provider_name ]; $provider_slug = self::$_metadata[ $class_name ]['slug']; $provider = $load_fields ? new $class_name( 'ET_Core', '' ) : null; } else { $provider = $third_party_providers[ $provider_name ]; $provider_slug = is_object( $provider ) ? $provider->slug : ''; } if ( ! $provider_slug ) { continue; } $_names_by_slug[ $provider_type ][ $provider_slug ] = $provider_name; if ( $load_fields && is_object( $provider ) ) { self::$_fields[ $provider_slug ] = $provider->get_account_fields(); } } } /** * Filters the enabled anti-spam providers. * * @since 4.0.7 * * @param array[] $_names_by_slug { * * @type string[] $provider_type { * * @type string $slug Provider name * } * } */ self::$_names_by_slug = apply_filters( 'et_core_api_spam_enabled_providers', $_names_by_slug ); foreach ( array_keys( $all_names ) as $provider_type ) { self::$_names[ $provider_type ] = array_values( self::$_names_by_slug[ $provider_type ] ); self::$_slugs[ $provider_type ] = array_keys( self::$_names_by_slug[ $provider_type ] ); } } /** * Returns the spam provider accounts array from core. * * @since 4.0.7 * * @return array|mixed */ public function accounts() { return ET_Core_API_Spam_Provider::get_accounts(); } /** * @see {@link \ET_Core_API_Spam_Provider::account_exists()} */ public function account_exists( $provider, $account_name ) { return ET_Core_API_Spam_Provider::account_exists( $provider, $account_name ); } public function account_fields( $provider = 'all' ) { if ( 'all' !== $provider ) { if ( isset( self::$_fields[ $provider ] ) ) { return self::$_fields[ $provider ]; } if ( ! is_admin() && et_core_is_saving_builder_modules_cache() ) { // Need to initialize again because et_core_is_saving_builder_modules_cache // can't be called too early. $this->_initialize(); return et_()->array_get( self::$_fields, $provider, array() ); } return array(); } return self::$_fields; } /** * Get class instance for a provider. Instance will be created if necessary. * * @param string $name_or_slug The provider's name or slug. * @param string $account_name The identifier for the desired account with the provider. * @param string $owner The owner for the instance. * * @return ET_Core_API_Spam_Provider|bool The provider instance or `false` if not found. */ public function get( $name_or_slug, $account_name, $owner = 'ET_Core' ) { $name_or_slug = str_replace( ' ', '', $name_or_slug ); $is_official = isset( self::$_metadata[ $name_or_slug ] ); if ( ! $is_official && ! $this->is_third_party( $name_or_slug ) ) { return false; } if ( ! in_array( $name_or_slug, array_merge( self::names(), self::slugs() ) ) ) { return false; } // Make sure we have the component name if ( $is_official ) { $class_name = self::$_metadata[ $name_or_slug ]; $name = self::$_metadata[ $class_name ]['name']; } else { $components = et_core_get_third_party_components( 'api/spam' ); if ( ! $name = array_search( $name_or_slug, self::$_names_by_slug['third-party'] ) ) { $name = $name_or_slug; } } if ( ! isset( self::$providers[ $name ][ $owner ] ) ) { self::$providers[ $name ][ $owner ] = $is_official ? new $class_name( $owner, $account_name ) : $components[ $name ]; } return self::$providers[ $name ][ $owner ]; } public static function instance() { if ( null === self::$_instance ) { self::$_instance = new self; } return self::$_instance; } public function is_third_party( $name_or_slug ) { $is_third_party = in_array( $name_or_slug, self::$_names['third-party'] ); return $is_third_party ? $is_third_party : in_array( $name_or_slug, self::$_slugs['third-party'] ); } /** * Returns the names of available providers. List can optionally be filtered. * * @since 4.0.7 * * @param string $type The component type to include ('official'|'third-party'|'all'). Default is 'all'. * * @return array */ public static function names( $type = 'all' ) { if ( 'all' === $type ) { $names = array_merge( self::$_names['third-party'], self::$_names['official'] ); } else { $names = self::$_names[ $type ]; } return $names; } /** * Returns an array mapping the slugs of available providers to their names. * * @since 4.0.7 * * @param string $type The component type to include ('official'|'third-party'|'all'). Default is 'all'. * * @return array */ public function names_by_slug( $type = 'all' ) { if ( 'all' === $type ) { $names_by_slug = array_merge( self::$_names_by_slug['third-party'], self::$_names_by_slug['official'] ); } else { $names_by_slug = self::$_names_by_slug[ $type ]; } return $names_by_slug; } /** * @see {@link \ET_Core_API_Spam_Provider::remove_account()} */ public function remove_account( $provider, $account_name ) { ET_Core_API_Spam_Provider::remove_account( $provider, $account_name ); } /** * Returns the slugs of available providers. List can optionally be filtered. * * @since 4.0.7 * * @param string $type The component type to include ('official'|'third-party'|'all'). Default is 'all'. * * @return array */ public static function slugs( $type = 'all' ) { if ( 'all' === $type ) { $names = array_merge( self::$_slugs['third-party'], self::$_slugs['official'] ); } else { $names = self::$_slugs[ $type ]; } return $names; } /** * @since 4.0.7 * * @see {@link \ET_Core_API_Spam_Provider::update_account()} */ public function update_account( $provider, $account, $data ) { ET_Core_API_Spam_Provider::update_account( $provider, $account, $data ); } }