string for default image placeholder
* @since 4.0.10
* @return string
function et_builder_wc_placeholder_img() {
return sprintf(
et_core_esc_attr( 'placeholder', ET_BUILDER_PLACEHOLDER_LANDSCAPE_IMAGE_DATA ),
esc_attr__( 'Product image', 'et_builder' )
* Gets the Product Content options.
* This array is used in Divi Page Settings metabox and in Divi Theme Options ⟶ Builder ⟶ Post Type integration.
* @since 3.29
* @param string $translation_context Translation Context to indicate if translation origins from Divi Theme or
* from the Builder. Optional. Default 'et_builder'.
* @return array
function et_builder_wc_get_page_layouts( $translation_context = 'et_builder' ) {
switch ( $translation_context ) {
case 'Divi':
$product_page_layouts = array(
'et_build_from_scratch' => esc_html__( 'Build From Scratch', 'Divi' ),
'et_default_layout' => esc_html__( 'Default', 'Divi' ),
$product_page_layouts = array(
'et_build_from_scratch' => esc_html__( 'Build From Scratch', 'et_builder' ),
'et_default_layout' => et_builder_i18n( 'Default' ),
return $product_page_layouts;
* Adds WooCommerce Module settings to the Builder settings.
* Adding in the Builder Settings tab will ensure that the field is available in Extra Theme and
* Divi Builder Plugin.
* @since 4.0.3 Hide Product Content layout settings Divi Builder Plugin options.
* @since 3.29
* @param array $builder_settings_fields Builder settings fields.
* @return array
function et_builder_wc_add_settings( $builder_settings_fields ) {
// Bail early to hide WooCommerce Settings tab under the Builder tab.
// If $fields['tab_slug'] is not equal to the tab slug (i.e. woocommerce_page_layout) then WooCommerce settings tab won't be displayed.
// {@see ET_Builder_Settings::_get_builder_settings_in_epanel_format}.
if ( ! et_is_woocommerce_plugin_active() ) {
return $builder_settings_fields;
$fields = array(
'et_pb_woocommerce_product_layout' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'id' => 'et_pb_woocommerce_product_layout',
'index' => - 1,
'label' => esc_html__( 'Product Layout', 'et_builder' ),
'description' => esc_html__( 'Here you can choose Product Page Layout for WooCommerce.', 'et_builder' ),
'options' => array(
'et_right_sidebar' => esc_html__( 'Right Sidebar', 'et_builder' ),
'et_left_sidebar' => esc_html__( 'Left Sidebar', 'et_builder' ),
'et_no_sidebar' => esc_html__( 'No Sidebar', 'et_builder' ),
'et_full_width_page' => esc_html__( 'Fullwidth', 'et_builder' ),
'default' => 'et_right_sidebar',
'validation_type' => 'simple_text',
'et_save_values' => true,
'tab_slug' => 'post_type_integration',
'toggle_slug' => 'performance',
'et_pb_woocommerce_page_layout' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'id' => 'et_pb_woocommerce_product_page_layout',
'index' => -1,
'label' => esc_html__( 'Product Content', 'et_builder' ),
'description' => esc_html__( '"Build From Scratch" loads a pre-built WooCommerce page layout, with which you build on when the Divi Builder is enabled. "Default" option lets you use default WooCommerce page layout.', 'et_builder' ),
'options' => et_builder_wc_get_page_layouts(),
'default' => 'et_build_from_scratch',
'validation_type' => 'simple_text',
'et_save_values' => true,
'tab_slug' => 'post_type_integration',
'toggle_slug' => 'performance',
// Hide setting in DBP :
if ( et_is_builder_plugin_active() ) {
unset( $fields['et_pb_woocommerce_product_layout'] );
return array_merge( $builder_settings_fields, $fields );
* Gets the pre-built layout for WooCommerce product pages.
* @since 3.29
* @param array $args {
* Additional args.
* @type string $existing_shortcode Existing builder shortcode.
* }
* @return string
function et_builder_wc_get_initial_content( $args = array() ) {
* Filters the Top section Background in the default WooCommerce Modules layout.
* @param string $color Default empty.
$et_builder_wc_initial_top_section_bg = apply_filters( 'et_builder_wc_initial_top_section_bg', '' );
$content = '
[et_pb_section custom_padding="0px||||false|false" background_color="' . esc_attr( $et_builder_wc_initial_top_section_bg ) . '"]
[et_pb_row width="100%" custom_padding="0px||0px||false|false"]
[et_pb_column type="4_4"]
[et_pb_row custom_padding="0px||||false|false" width="100%"]
[et_pb_column type="1_2"]
[et_pb_column type="1_2"]
[et_pb_wc_add_to_cart form_field_text_align="center"][/et_pb_wc_add_to_cart]
[et_pb_row width="100%"]
[et_pb_column type="4_4"]
[et_pb_wc_upsells columns_number="3"][/et_pb_wc_upsells]
[et_pb_wc_related_products columns_number="3"][/et_pb_wc_related_products]
if ( ! empty( $args['existing_shortcode'] ) ) {
return $content . $args['existing_shortcode'];
return $content;
* Gets the Product layout for a given Post ID.
* @since 3.29
* @param int $post_id Post Id.
* @return string The return value will be one of the values from
* {@see et_builder_wc_get_page_layouts()} when the Post ID is valid.
* Empty string otherwise.
function et_builder_wc_get_product_layout( $post_id ) {
$post = get_post( $post_id );
if ( ! $post ) {
return false;
return get_post_meta( $post_id, ET_BUILDER_WC_PRODUCT_PAGE_LAYOUT_META_KEY, true );
* Sets the pre-built layout for WooCommerce product pages.
* @param string $maybe_shortcode_content Post content.
* @param int $post_id Post id.
* @return string
function et_builder_wc_set_initial_content( $maybe_shortcode_content, $post_id ) {
$post = get_post( absint( $post_id ) );
$args = array();
if ( ! ( $post instanceof WP_Post ) || 'product' !== $post->post_type ) {
return $maybe_shortcode_content;
// $post_id is a valid Product ID by now.
$product_page_layout = et_builder_wc_get_product_layout( $post_id );
* When FALSE, this means the Product doesn't use Builder at all;
* Or the Product has been using the Builder before WooCommerce Modules QF launched.
if ( ! $product_page_layout ) {
$product_page_layout = et_get_option(
$is_product_content_modified = 'modified' === get_post_meta(
// Content was already saved or default content should be loaded.
if ( $is_product_content_modified || 'et_default_layout' === $product_page_layout ) {
return $maybe_shortcode_content;
if ( has_shortcode( $maybe_shortcode_content, 'et_pb_section' ) && 'et_build_from_scratch' === $product_page_layout && ! empty( $maybe_shortcode_content ) ) {
$args['existing_shortcode'] = $maybe_shortcode_content;
return et_builder_wc_get_initial_content( $args );
* Saves the WooCommerce long description metabox content.
* The content is stored as post meta w/ the key `_et_pb_old_content`.
* @param int $post_id Post id.
* @param WP_Post $post Post Object.
* @param array $request The $_POST Request variables.
* @since 3.29
function et_builder_wc_long_description_metabox_save( $post_id, $post, $request ) {
if ( ! isset( $request['et_bfb_long_description_nonce'] ) ) {
if ( current_user_can( 'edit_posts', $post_id ) && et_core_security_check( 'edit_posts', 'et_bfb_long_description_nonce', '_et_bfb_long_description_nonce', '_POST', false )
) {
if ( 'product' !== $post->post_type ) {
if ( ! isset( $request['et_builder_wc_product_long_description'] ) ) {
$long_desc_content = $request['et_builder_wc_product_long_description'];
$is_updated = update_post_meta( $post_id, ET_BUILDER_WC_PRODUCT_LONG_DESC_META_KEY, wp_kses_post( $long_desc_content ) );
* Output Callback for Product long description metabox.
* @since 3.29
* @param WP_Post $post Post.
function et_builder_wc_long_description_metabox_render( $post ) {
$settings = array(
'textarea_name' => 'et_builder_wc_product_long_description',
'quicktags' => array( 'buttons' => 'em,strong,link' ),
'tinymce' => array(
'theme_advanced_buttons1' => 'bold,italic,strikethrough,separator,bullist,numlist,separator,blockquote,separator,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,separator,link,unlink,separator,undo,redo,separator',
'theme_advanced_buttons2' => '',
'editor_css' => '',
// Since we use $post_id in more than one place, use a variable.
$post_id = $post->ID;
// Long description metabox content. Default Empty.
$long_desc_content = get_post_meta( $post_id, ET_BUILDER_WC_PRODUCT_LONG_DESC_META_KEY, true );
$long_desc_content = ! empty( $long_desc_content ) ? $long_desc_content : '';
* Filters the wp_editor settings used in the Long description metabox.
* @param array $settings WP Editor settings.
* @since 3.29
$settings = apply_filters( 'et_builder_wc_product_long_description_editor_settings', $settings );
wp_nonce_field( '_et_bfb_long_description_nonce', 'et_bfb_long_description_nonce' );
* Adds the Long description metabox to Product post type.
* @since 3.29
* @param WP_Post $post WP Post.
function et_builder_wc_long_description_metabox_register( $post ) {
if ( 'on' !== get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_et_pb_use_builder', true ) ) {
__( 'Product long description', 'et_builder' ),
* Determine if WooCommerce's $product global need to be overwritten or not.
* IMPORTANT: make sure to reset it later
* @since 3.29
* @param string $product_id Post id.
* @return bool
function et_builder_wc_need_overwrite_global( $product_id = 'current' ) {
$is_current_product_page = 'current' === $product_id;
// There are three situation which requires global value overwrite: initial builder
// ajax request, computed callback jax request (all ajax request has faulty global variable),
// and if `product` attribute is not current page's product id (ie Woo Tabs being used
// on non `product` CPT).
$need_overwrite_global = ! $is_current_product_page
|| et_fb_is_builder_ajax()
|| et_fb_is_computed_callback_ajax();
return $need_overwrite_global;
* Helper to render module template for module's front end and computed callback output
* @since 3.29
* @param string $function_name Rendering method name.
* @param array $args Method arguments.
* @param array $overwrite List of global variables to overwrites e.g $product, $post and $wp_query.
* @return string
function et_builder_wc_render_module_template( $function_name, $args = array(), $overwrite = array( 'product' ) ) {
// Shouldn't be fired in Backend to not break the BB loading.
if ( is_admin() && ! wp_doing_ajax() ) {
// Check if passed function name is allowlisted or not.
$allowlisted_functions = array(
if ( ! in_array( $function_name, $allowlisted_functions, true ) ) {
return '';
// phpcs:disable WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride -- Overwrite global variables when rendering templates which are restored before this function exist.
global $product, $post, $wp_query;
$defaults = array(
'product' => 'current',
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );
$overwrite_global = et_builder_wc_need_overwrite_global( $args['product'] );
$overwrite_product = in_array( 'product', $overwrite, true );
$overwrite_post = in_array( 'post', $overwrite, true );
$overwrite_wp_query = in_array( 'wp_query', $overwrite, true );
$is_tb = et_builder_tb_enabled();
if ( $is_tb ) {
// global object needs to be set before output rendering. This needs to be performed on each
// module template rendering instead of once for all module template rendering because some
// module's template rendering uses `wp_reset_postdata()` which resets global query.
} elseif ( $overwrite_global ) {
$is_latest_product = 'latest' === $args['product'];
$is_current_product_page = 'current' === $args['product'];
if ( $is_latest_product ) {
// Dynamic filter's product_id need to be translated into correct id
$product_id = ET_Builder_Module_Helper_Woocommerce_Modules::get_product_id( $args['product'] );
} elseif ( $is_current_product_page && wp_doing_ajax() && class_exists( 'ET_Builder_Element' ) ) {
// $product global doesn't exist in ajax request; thus get the fallback post id
// this is likely happen in computed callback ajax request
$product_id = ET_Builder_Element::get_current_post_id();
} else {
// Besides two situation above, $product_id is current $args['product'].
if ( false !== get_post_status( $args['product'] ) ) {
$product_id = $args['product'];
} else {
// Fallback to Latest product if saved product ID doesn't exist.
$product_id = ET_Builder_Module_Helper_Woocommerce_Modules::get_product_id( 'latest' );
if ( 'product' !== get_post_type( $product_id ) ) {
// We are in a Theme Builder layout and the current post is not a product - use the latest one instead.
$products = new WP_Query(
'post_type' => 'product',
'post_status' => 'publish',
'posts_per_page' => 1,
'no_found_rows' => true,
if ( ! $products->have_posts() ) {
return '';
$product_id = $products->posts[0]->ID;
// Overwrite product.
if ( $overwrite_product ) {
$original_product = $product;
$product = wc_get_product( $product_id );
// Overwrite post.
if ( $overwrite_post ) {
$original_post = $post;
$post = get_post( $product_id );
// Overwrite wp_query.
if ( $overwrite_wp_query ) {
$original_wp_query = $wp_query;
$wp_query = new WP_Query( array( 'p' => $product_id ) );
switch ( $function_name ) {
case 'woocommerce_breadcrumb':
$breadcrumb_separator = et_()->array_get( $args, 'breadcrumb_separator', '' );
$breadcrumb_separator = str_replace( '”', '', $breadcrumb_separator );
'delimiter' => ' ' . $breadcrumb_separator . ' ',
'home' => et_()->array_get( $args, 'breadcrumb_home_text', '' ),
case 'woocommerce_show_product_images':
// WC Images module needs to modify global variable's property. Thus it is performed
// here instead at module's class since the $product global might be modified.
$gallery_ids = $product->get_gallery_image_ids();
$image_id = $product->get_image_id();
$show_image = 'on' === $args['show_product_image'];
$show_gallery = 'on' === $args['show_product_gallery'];
$show_sale_badge = 'on' === $args['show_sale_badge'];
// If featured image is disabled, replace it with first gallery image's id (if gallery
// is enabled) or replaced it with empty string (if gallery is disabled as well).
if ( ! $show_image ) {
if ( $show_gallery && isset( $gallery_ids[0] ) ) {
$product->set_image_id( $gallery_ids[0] );
// Remove first image from the gallery because it'll be added as thumbnail and will be duplicated.
unset( $gallery_ids[0] );
$product->set_gallery_image_ids( $gallery_ids );
} else {
$product->set_image_id( '' );
// Replaced gallery image ids with empty array.
if ( ! $show_gallery ) {
$product->set_gallery_image_ids( array() );
if ( $show_sale_badge && function_exists( 'woocommerce_show_product_sale_flash' ) ) {
// @phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.ForbiddenFunctions.Found
call_user_func( $function_name );
// Reset product's actual featured image id.
if ( ! $show_image ) {
$product->set_image_id( $image_id );
// Reset product's actual gallery image id.
if ( ! $show_gallery ) {
$product->set_gallery_image_ids( $gallery_ids );
case 'wc_get_stock_html':
echo wc_get_stock_html( $product ); // phpcs:ignore WordPress.Security.EscapeOutput -- `wc_get_stock_html` include woocommerce's `single-product/stock.php` template.
case 'wc_print_notice':
// @phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.ForbiddenFunctions.Found
call_user_func( $function_name, wc_add_to_cart_message( $product->get_id(), false, true ) );
case 'wc_print_notices':
// Save existing notices to restore them as many times as we need.
$et_wc_cached_notices = WC()->session->get( 'wc_notices', array() );
// @phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.ForbiddenFunctions.Found
call_user_func( $function_name );
// Restore notices which were removed after wc_print_notices() executed to render multiple modules on page.
if ( ! empty( $et_wc_cached_notices ) && empty( WC()->session->get( 'wc_notices', array() ) ) ) {
WC()->session->set( 'wc_notices', $et_wc_cached_notices );
case 'woocommerce_upsell_display':
$order = isset( $args['order'] ) ? $args['order'] : '';
// @phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.ForbiddenFunctions.Found
call_user_func( $function_name, '', '', '', $order );
// @phpcs:ignore Generic.PHP.ForbiddenFunctions.Found
call_user_func( $function_name );
$output = ob_get_clean();
// Reset original product variable to global $product.
if ( $is_tb ) {
} elseif ( $overwrite_global ) {
// Reset $product global.
if ( $overwrite_product ) {
$product = $original_product;
// Reset post.
if ( $overwrite_post ) {
$post = $original_post;
// Reset wp_query.
if ( $overwrite_wp_query ) {
$wp_query = $original_wp_query;
// phpcs:enable WordPress.WP.GlobalVariablesOverride -- Enable global variable override check.
return $output;
* Renders the content.
* Rendering the content will enable Divi Builder to take over the entire
* post content area.
* @since 3.29
function et_builder_wc_product_render_layout() {
do_action( 'et_builder_wc_product_before_render_layout' );
do_action( 'et_builder_wc_product_after_render_layout' );
* Force WooCommerce to load default template over theme's custom template when builder's
* et_builder_from_scratch is used to prevent unexpected custom layout which makes builder
* experience inconsistent
* @since 3.29
* @param string $template Path to template file.
* @param string $slug Template slug.
* @param string $name Template name.
* @return string
function et_builder_wc_override_template_part( $template, $slug, $name ) {
// Only force load default `content-single-product.php` template.
$is_content_single_product = 'content' === $slug && 'single-product' === $name;
return $is_content_single_product ? WC()->plugin_path() . "/templates/{$slug}-{$name}.php" : $template;
* Disable all default WooCommerce single layout hooks.
* @since 4.0.10
function et_builder_wc_disable_default_layout() {
// To remove a hook, the $function_to_remove and $priority arguments must match
// with which the hook was added.
* Overrides the default WooCommerce layout.
* @see woocommerce/includes/wc-template-functions.php
* @since 3.29
function et_builder_wc_override_default_layout() {
if ( ! is_singular( 'product' ) ) {
// global $post won't be available with `after_setup_theme` hook and hence `wp` hook is used.
global $post;
if ( ! et_pb_is_pagebuilder_used( $post->ID ) ) {
$product_page_layout = et_builder_wc_get_product_layout( $post->ID );
$is_product_content_modified = 'modified' === get_post_meta( $post->ID, ET_BUILDER_WC_PRODUCT_PAGE_CONTENT_STATUS_META_KEY, true );
$is_preview_loading = is_preview();
// BFB was enabled but page content wasn't saved yet. Load default layout on FE.
if ( 'et_build_from_scratch' === $product_page_layout && ! $is_product_content_modified && ! $is_preview_loading ) {
* The `has_shortcode()` check does not work here. Hence solving the need using `strpos()`.
* The WHY behind the check is explained in the following issue.
* @see
if ( ! $product_page_layout && ! et_core_is_fb_enabled() || ( $product_page_layout && 'et_build_from_scratch' !== $product_page_layout )
) {
// Force use WooCommerce's default template if current theme is not Divi or Extra (handling
// possible custom template on DBP / Child Theme).
if ( ! in_array( wp_get_theme()->get( 'Name' ), array( 'Divi', 'Extra' ), true ) ) {
add_filter( 'wc_get_template_part', 'et_builder_wc_override_template_part', 10, 3 );
do_action( 'et_builder_wc_product_before_render_layout_registration' );
// Add render content on product page.
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_single_product_summary', 'et_builder_wc_product_render_layout', 5 );
* Skips setting default content on Product post type during Builder activation.
* Otherwise, the description would be shown in both Product Tabs and at the end of the
* default WooCommerce layout set at
* @see et_builder_wc_get_initial_content()
* @since 3.29
* @param bool $flag Whether to skips the content activation.
* @param WP_Post $post Post.
* @return bool
function et_builder_wc_skip_initial_content( $flag, $post ) {
if ( ! ( $post instanceof WP_Post ) ) {
return $flag;
if ( 'product' !== $post->post_type ) {
return $flag;
return true;
* Determine whether given content has WooCommerce module inside it or not
* @since 4.0 Added ET_Builder_Element class exists check.
* @since 3.29
* @param string $content Content.
* @return bool
function et_builder_has_woocommerce_module( $content = '' ) {
if ( ! class_exists( 'ET_Builder_Element' ) ) {
return false;
$has_woocommerce_module = false;
$woocommerce_modules = ET_Builder_Element::get_woocommerce_modules();
foreach ( $woocommerce_modules as $module ) {
if ( has_shortcode( $content, $module ) ) {
$has_woocommerce_module = true;
// Stop the loop once any shortcode is found.
return apply_filters( 'et_builder_has_woocommerce_module', $has_woocommerce_module );
* Check if current global $post uses builder / layout block, not `product` CPT, and contains
* WooCommerce module inside it. This check is needed because WooCommerce by default only adds
* scripts and style to `product` CPT while WooCommerce Modules can be used at any CPT
* @since 3.29
* @since 4.1.0 check if layout block is used instead of builder
* @since bool
function et_builder_wc_is_non_product_post_type() {
global $post;
if ( $post && 'product' === $post->post_type ) {
return false;
$types = et_theme_builder_get_layout_post_types();
$layouts = et_theme_builder_get_template_layouts();
foreach ( $types as $type ) {
if ( ! isset( $layouts[ $type ] ) ) {
if ( $layouts[ $type ]['override'] && et_builder_has_woocommerce_module( get_post_field( 'post_content', $layouts[ $type ]['id'] ) ) ) {
return true;
// If no post found, bail early.
if ( ! $post ) {
return false;
$is_builder_used = et_pb_is_pagebuilder_used( $post->ID );
$is_layout_block_used = has_block( 'divi/layout', $post->post_content );
// If no builder or layout block used, bail early.
if ( ! $is_builder_used && ! $is_layout_block_used ) {
return false;
$has_wc_module = et_builder_has_woocommerce_module( $post->post_content );
if ( ( $is_builder_used || $is_layout_block_used ) && $has_wc_module ) {
return true;
return false;
* Load WooCommerce related scripts. This function basically redo what
* `WC_Frontend_Scripts::load_scripts()` does without the `product` CPT limitation.
* Once more WooCommerce Modules are added (checkout, account, etc), revisit this method and
* compare it against `WC_Frontend_Scripts::load_scripts()`. Some of the script queues are
* removed here because there is currently no WooCommerce module equivalent of them.
* @since 3.29
* @since 4.3.3 Loads WC scripts on Shop, Product Category & Product Tags archives.
* @since 4.9.11 Avoid invalid argument supplied for foreach() warning.
function et_builder_wc_load_scripts() {
global $post;
$is_shop = function_exists( 'is_shop' ) && is_shop();
// is_product_taxonomy() is not returning TRUE for Category & Tags.
// Hence we check Category & Tag archives individually.
$is_product_category = function_exists( 'is_product_category' ) && is_product_category();
$is_product_tag = function_exists( 'is_product_tag' ) && is_product_tag();
// If current page is not non-`product` CPT which using builder, stop early.
if ( ( ! et_builder_wc_is_non_product_post_type()
|| ! class_exists( 'WC_Frontend_Scripts' ) )
&& function_exists( 'et_fb_enabled' )
&& ! et_core_is_fb_enabled()
&& ! $is_shop
&& ! $is_product_category
&& ! $is_product_tag
) {
// Simply enqueue the scripts; All of them have been registered.
if ( 'yes' === get_option( 'woocommerce_enable_ajax_add_to_cart' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'wc-add-to-cart' );
if ( current_theme_supports( 'wc-product-gallery-zoom' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'zoom' );
if ( current_theme_supports( 'wc-product-gallery-slider' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'flexslider' );
if ( current_theme_supports( 'wc-product-gallery-lightbox' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'photoswipe-ui-default' );
wp_enqueue_style( 'photoswipe-default-skin' );
add_action( 'wp_footer', 'woocommerce_photoswipe' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'wc-single-product' );
if ( 'geolocation_ajax' === get_option( 'woocommerce_default_customer_address' ) ) {
$ua = strtolower( wc_get_user_agent() ); // Exclude common bots from geolocation by user agent.
if ( ! strstr( $ua, 'bot' ) && ! strstr( $ua, 'spider' ) && ! strstr( $ua, 'crawl' ) ) {
wp_enqueue_script( 'wc-geolocation' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'woocommerce' );
wp_enqueue_script( 'wc-cart-fragments' );
// Enqueue style.
$wc_styles = WC_Frontend_Scripts::get_styles();
* Since $wc_styles is passed in to `woocommerce_enqueue_styles` filter,
* ensure that the value is array.
* @see
if ( ! is_array( $wc_styles ) ) {
foreach ( $wc_styles as $style_handle => $wc_style ) {
if ( ! isset( $wc_style['has_rtl'] ) ) {
$wc_style['has_rtl'] = false;
wp_enqueue_style( $style_handle, $wc_style['src'], $wc_style['deps'], $wc_style['version'], $wc_style['media'], $wc_style['has_rtl'] );
* Add WooCommerce body class name on non `product` CPT builder page
* @param array $classes CSS class names.
* @return array
* @since 3.29
function et_builder_wc_add_body_class( $classes ) {
if ( et_builder_wc_is_non_product_post_type() ) {
$classes[] = 'woocommerce';
$classes[] = 'woocommerce-page';
return $classes;
* Add product class name on inner content wrapper page on non `product` CPT builder page with woocommerce modules
* And on Product posts
* @param array $classes Product class names.
* @return array
* @since 3.29
function et_builder_wc_add_inner_content_class( $classes ) {
// The class is required on any post with woocommerce modules and on product pages.
if ( et_builder_wc_is_non_product_post_type() || is_product() ) {
$classes[] = 'product';
return $classes;
* Add WooCommerce class names on Divi Shop Page (not WooCommerce Shop).
* @since 4.0.7
* @param array $classes Array of Classes.
* @return array
function et_builder_wc_add_outer_content_class( $classes ) {
$body_classes = get_body_class();
// Add Class only to WooCommerce Shop page if built using Divi (i.e. Divi Shop page).
if ( ! ( function_exists( 'is_shop' ) && is_shop() ) ) {
return $classes;
// Add Class only when the WooCommerce Shop page is built using Divi.
if ( ! et_builder_wc_is_non_product_post_type() ) {
return $classes;
// Precautionary check: $body_classes should always be an array.
if ( ! is_array( $body_classes ) ) {
return $classes;
// Add Class only when the
tag to keep the paragraph sanity. * - runs other shortcodes if any using do_shortcode. * * @since 4.4.1 * * @param string $description Product description i.e. Post content. * * @return string */ function et_builder_wc_parse_description( $description ) { if ( ! is_string( $description ) ) { return $description; } global $wp_embed; $parsed_description = et_strip_shortcodes( $description ); $parsed_description = $wp_embed->run_shortcode( $parsed_description ); $parsed_description = do_shortcode( $parsed_description ); $parsed_description = wpautop( $parsed_description ); return $parsed_description; } /** * Entry point for the woocommerce-modules.php file. * * @since 3.29 */ function et_builder_wc_init() { // global $post won't be available with `after_setup_theme` hook and hence `wp` hook is used. add_action( 'wp', 'et_builder_wc_override_default_layout' ); // Add WooCommerce class names on non-`product` CPT which uses builder. add_filter( 'body_class', 'et_builder_wc_add_body_class' ); add_filter( 'et_builder_inner_content_class', 'et_builder_wc_add_inner_content_class' ); add_filter( 'et_builder_outer_content_class', 'et_builder_wc_add_outer_content_class' ); // Load WooCommerce related scripts. add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'et_builder_wc_load_scripts', 15 ); add_filter( 'et_builder_skip_content_activation', 'et_builder_wc_skip_initial_content', 10, 2 ); // Show Product Content dropdown settings under // Divi Theme Options ⟶ Builder ⟶ Post TYpe Integration. add_filter( 'et_builder_settings_definitions', 'et_builder_wc_add_settings' ); /** * Adds the metabox only to Product post type. * * This is achieved using the post type hook - add_meta_boxes_{post_type}. * * @see * * @since 3.29 */ add_action( 'add_meta_boxes_product', 'et_builder_wc_long_description_metabox_register' ); // Saves the long description metabox data. // Since `et_pb_metabox_settings_save_details()` already uses `save_post` hook // to save `_et_pb_old_content` post meta, // we use this additional hook `et_pb_old_content_updated`. add_action( 'et_pb_old_content_updated', 'et_builder_wc_long_description_metabox_save', 10, 3 ); // 01. Sets the initial Content when `Use Divi Builder` button is clicked // in the Admin dashboard. // 02. Sets the initial Content when `Enable Visual Builder` is clicked. add_filter( 'et_fb_load_raw_post_content', 'et_builder_wc_set_initial_content', 10, 2 ); add_action( 'et_save_post', 'et_builder_set_product_page_layout_meta' ); /* * Set the Product modified status as modified upon save to make sure default layout is not * loaded more than one time. * * @see */ add_action( 'et_update_post', 'et_builder_set_product_content_status' ); /* * Handle get Woocommerce tabs AJAX call initiated by Tabs checkbox in settings modal. */ add_action( 'wp_ajax_et_builder_get_woocommerce_tabs', 'et_builder_get_woocommerce_tabs' ); /* * Fix Woo Extra Product Options addon compatibility. * @see */ add_filter( 'thwepof_hook_name_before_single_product', 'et_builder_trigger_extra_product_options' ); /* * Fix nested parsing on non-builder product pages w/ shortcode content. * @see */ add_filter( 'the_content', 'et_builder_avoid_nested_shortcode_parsing' ); add_filter( 'et_builder_wc_description', 'et_builder_wc_parse_description' ); /* * In the case of dynamic module framework's shortcode manager * we need to fire this hook on its own, */ if ( ! et_builder_should_load_all_module_data() ) { add_action( 'et_builder_module_lazy_shortcodes_registered', [ 'ET_Builder_Module_Woocommerce_Cart_Notice', 'disable_default_notice', ] ); } } et_builder_wc_init();