/* 0 ) { // Divi Theme addEditorInstance( codeEditor, $( '#divi_custom_css' ), configCSS ); addEditorInstance( codeEditor, $( '#divi_integration_head' ), configHTML ); addEditorInstance( codeEditor, $( '#divi_integration_body' ), configHTML ); addEditorInstance( codeEditor, $( '#divi_integration_single_top' ), configHTML ); addEditorInstance( codeEditor, $( '#divi_integration_single_bottom' ), configHTML ); } else if ( $( '#extra_custom_css' ).length > 0 ) { // Extra Theme addEditorInstance( codeEditor, $( '#extra_custom_css' ), configCSS ); addEditorInstance( codeEditor, $( '#extra_integration_head' ), configHTML ); addEditorInstance( codeEditor, $( '#extra_integration_body' ), configHTML ); addEditorInstance( codeEditor, $( '#extra_integration_single_top' ), configHTML ); addEditorInstance( codeEditor, $( '#extra_integration_single_bottom' ), configHTML ); } } var $palette_inputs = $( '.et_color_palette_main_input' ); $( '#epanel-content,#epanel-content > div' ).tabs( { fx: { opacity: 'toggle', duration: 'fast' }, selected: 0, activate: function( event, ui ) { $epanel = $( '#epanel' ); if ( $epanel.hasClass( 'onload' ) ) { $epanel.removeClass( 'onload' ); } } } ); $('.et-box-description').on('click', function(){ var descheading = $( this ).parent( '.et-epanel-box' ).find( ".et-box-title h3" ).html(); var desctext = $( this ).parent( '.et-epanel-box' ).find( ".et-box-title .et-box-descr" ).html(); $( 'body' ).append( "
" + ePanelishSettings.help_label + "

" + descheading + "

" + desctext + "
" ); et_pb_center_modal( $( '.et-box-desc' ) ); $('.et-lightbox-close').on('click', function(){ et_pb_close_modal( $( '#custom-lbox' ) ); }); }); $('.et-defaults-button.epanel-reset').on('click', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $( ".reset-popup-overlay, .defaults-hover" ).addClass( 'active' ); et_pb_center_modal( $( '.defaults-hover' ) ); }); $('.no').on('click', function(){ et_pb_close_modal( $( '.reset-popup-overlay' ), 'no_remove' ); //clean the modal classes when animation complete setTimeout( function() { $( '.reset-popup-overlay, .defaults-hover' ).removeClass( 'active et_pb_modal_closing' ); }, 600 ); }); // ":not([safari])" is desirable but not necessary selector // ":not([safari])" is desirable but not necessary selector $( '#epanel input:checkbox:not([safari]):not(.yes_no_button)' ).checkbox(); $( '#epanel input[safari]:checkbox:not(.yes_no_button)' ).checkbox( { cls: 'jquery-safari-checkbox' } ); $( '#epanel input:radio:not(.yes_no_button)' ).checkbox(); // Yes - No button UI $( '.yes_no_button' ).each( function() { var $checkbox = $( this ); var value = $checkbox.is( ':checked' ); var state = value ? 'et_pb_on_state' : 'et_pb_off_state'; var $template = $( $( '#epanel-yes-no-button-template' ).html() ).find( '.et_pb_yes_no_button' ).addClass( state ); $checkbox.hide().after( $template ); } ); $( '.et-box-content' ).on( 'click', '.et_pb_yes_no_button', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); // Fix for nested .et-box-content triggering checkboxes multiple times. e.stopPropagation(); var $click_area = $( this ); var $box_content = $click_area.closest( '.et-box-content' ); var $checkbox = $box_content.find( 'input[type="checkbox"]' ); var $state = $box_content.find( '.et_pb_yes_no_button' ); if ( $state.parent().next().hasClass( 'et_pb_clear_static_css' ) ) { $state = $state.add( $state.parent() ); if ( $checkbox.is( ':checked' ) ) { $box_content.parent().next().hide(); } else { $box_content.parent().next().show(); } } $state.toggleClass( 'et_pb_on_state et_pb_off_state' ); if ( $checkbox.is( ':checked' ) ) { $checkbox.prop( 'checked', false ); } else { $checkbox.prop( 'checked', true ); } } ); var $save_message = $( "#epanel-ajax-saving" ); $('#epanel-save-top').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $( '#epanel-save' ).trigger( 'click' ); }); $('#epanel-save').on('click', function() { epanel_save( false, true ); return false; }); function epanel_save( callback, message ) { // If CodeMirror is used if ( editors.length > 0 ) { $.each( editors, function( i, editor ) { if ( editor.save ) { // Make sure we store changes into original textarea editor.save(); } } ); } var options_fromform = $( '#main_options_form' ).formSerialize(); var add_nonce = '&_ajax_nonce=' + ePanelishSettings.epanelish_nonce; options_fromform += add_nonce; $.ajax( { type: "POST", url: ajaxurl, data: options_fromform, beforeSend: function( xhr ) { if ( message ) { $save_message.removeAttr( 'class' ).fadeIn( 'fast' ); } }, success: function( response ) { if ( message ) { $save_message.addClass( 'success-animation' ); setTimeout( function() { $save_message.fadeOut(); }, 500 ); } if ( 'function' === typeof callback ) { callback(); } } } ); } function et_pb_close_modal( $overlay, no_overlay_remove ) { var $modal_container = $overlay; // add class to apply the closing animation to modal $modal_container.addClass( 'et_pb_modal_closing' ); //remove the modal with overlay when animation complete setTimeout( function() { if ( 'no_remove' !== no_overlay_remove ) { $modal_container.remove(); } }, 600 ); } if ( $palette_inputs.length ) { $palette_inputs.each( function() { var $this_input = $( this ); var $palette_wrapper = $this_input.closest( '.et-box-content' ); var $colorpalette_colorpickers = $palette_wrapper.find( '.input-colorpalette-colorpicker' ); var colorpalette_colorpicker_index = 0; var saved_palette = $this_input.val().split( '|' ); $colorpalette_colorpickers.each( function() { var $colorpalette_colorpicker = $( this ); var colorpalette_colorpicker_color = saved_palette[colorpalette_colorpicker_index]; $colorpalette_colorpicker.val( colorpalette_colorpicker_color ).wpColorPicker( { hide: false, default: $( this ).data( 'default-color' ), width: 313, palettes: false, change: function( event, ui ) { var $input = $( this ); var data_index = $input.attr( 'data-index' ); var $preview = $palette_wrapper.find( '.colorpalette-item-' + data_index + ' .color' ); var color = ui.color.toString(); $input.val( color ); $preview.css( { 'backgroundColor': color } ); saved_palette[data_index - 1] = color; $this_input.val( saved_palette.join( '|' ) ); } } ); $colorpalette_colorpicker.trigger( 'change' ); colorpalette_colorpicker_index++; } ); $palette_wrapper.on( 'click', '.colorpalette-item', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $colorpalette_item = $( this ); var data_index = $colorpalette_item.attr( 'data-index' ); // Hide other colorpalette colorpicker $palette_wrapper.find( '.colorpalette-colorpicker' ).removeClass( 'active' ); // Display selected colorpalette colorpicker $palette_wrapper.find( '.colorpalette-colorpicker[data-index="' + data_index + '"]' ).addClass( 'active' ); } ); } ); } if ( typeof etCore !== 'undefined' && typeof etCore.portability !== 'undefined' ) { // Portability integration. etCore.portability.save = function( callback ) { epanel_save( callback, false ); }; } function et_pb_center_modal( $modal ) { var modal_height = $modal.outerHeight(); var modal_height_adjustment = (0 - (modal_height / 2)) + 'px'; $modal.css( { top: '50%', bottom: 'auto', marginTop: modal_height_adjustment } ); } } ); /* ]]> */