from textwrap import dedent from datetime import datetime, timedelta from import BaseCommand, CommandError from djangoldp_notification.models import Notification def _compute_time_limit(timeout): """ >>> _compute_time_limit('10') 10 >>> _compute_time_limit('10h') 600 >>> _compute_time_limit('10m') 10 >>> _compute_time_limit('10d') 14400 """ try: if timeout.endswith("d"): return int(timeout[:-1]) * 24 * 60 elif timeout.endswith("h"): return int(timeout[:-1]) * 60 elif timeout.endswith("m"): return int(timeout[:-1]) else: return int(timeout) except ValueError: raise CommandError("--older option is not correct") class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Suppress notifications older than 72h" def add_arguments(self, parser): parser.add_argument( "--older", action="store", default="72h", help=dedent( """ Set a different time period for notifications to be deleted. Default is 72h This parameters takes a interger value in minutes by default. 'd', 'h' and 'm' suffix also work. Examples: --older 10d, --older 10 """ ), ) def handle(self, *args, **options): older_than = _compute_time_limit(options["older"]) limit = - timedelta(minutes=older_than) Notification.objects.filter(date__lte=limit).delete()