from django.apps import apps from django.conf import settings from django.db import models from djangoldp.models import Model from djangoldp_notification.models import send_request, Subscription from djangoldp_notification.middlewares import MODEL_MODIFICATION_USER_FIELD class technical_user: urlid = settings.BASE_URL def add_arguments(parser): parser.add_argument( "--ignore-subscriptions", default=False, nargs="?", const=True, help="Ignore subscriptions related check", ) parser.add_argument( "--send-subscription-notifications", default=False, nargs="?", const=True, help="Send an update notification for every local resources to every subscribers", ) def check_integrity(options): print('---') print("DjangoLDP Notification") if(not options["ignore_subscriptions"]): models_list = apps.get_models() resources = set() resources_map = dict() for model in models_list: for obj in model.objects.all(): if hasattr(obj, "urlid"): if(obj.urlid): if(obj.urlid.startswith(settings.BASE_URL)): if(type(obj).__name__ != "ScheduledActivity" and type(obj).__name__ != "LogEntry" and type(obj).__name__ != "Activity"): resources.add(obj.urlid) resources_map[obj.urlid] = obj print("Found "+str(len(resources_map))+" local resources on "+str(len(models_list))+" models for "+str(Subscription.objects.count())+" subscribers") if(options["send_subscription_notifications"]): sent=0 for resource in sorted(resources): resource = resources_map[resource] recipients = [] try: url_container = settings.BASE_URL + Model.container_id(resource) url_resource = settings.BASE_URL + Model.resource_id(resource) except NoReverseMatch: continue for subscription in Subscription.objects.filter(models.Q(object=url_resource) | models.Q(object=url_container)): if subscription.inbox not in recipients and not subscription.is_backlink: # I may have configured to send the subscription to a foreign key if subscription.field is not None and len(subscription.field) > 1: try: resource = getattr(resource, subscription.field, resource) # don't send notifications for foreign resources if hasattr(resource, 'urlid') and Model.is_external(resource.urlid): continue url_resource = settings.BASE_URL + Model.resource_id(resource) except NoReverseMatch: continue except ObjectDoesNotExist: continue setattr(resource, MODEL_MODIFICATION_USER_FIELD, technical_user) try: send_request(subscription.inbox, url_resource, resource, False) sent+=1 except: print("Failed to create subscription activity for "+url_resource) recipients.append(subscription.inbox) print("Sent "+str(sent)+" activities to "+str(Subscription.objects.count())+" subscribers") print("Depending on your server configuration, you may have to restart the ActivityQueue or the server to properly process em.") else: print("Send an update notification for all those resources to all of their subscribers with `./ check_integrity --send-subscription-notifications`") else: print("Ignoring djangoldp-notification checks")