#!/usr/bin/env bash set -eo pipefail; [[ $DOKKU_TRACE ]] && set -x # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$PLUGIN_CORE_AVAILABLE_PATH/common/functions" dokku-ansible-deploy-validate-dependencies() { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 declare desc="check that ansible dependencies are available" if ! command -v "ansible-playbook" &>/dev/null; then dokku_col_log_info1_quiet "Missing ansible dependency, run dokku plugin:install-dependencies" exit 1 fi } dokku-ansible-deploy-vault-pass-cmd() { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 declare desc="add new app vault password for decryption of passwords" declare APP="$2" declare vault_file="$DOKKU_LIB_ROOT/data/deploy.d/$APP/.vault-password.sh" if [[ ! -n "$APP" ]]; then dokku_col_log_info1_quiet "missing app name, try 'dokku ansible-deploy:vault-pass myappname'" exit 1 fi if [[ -f $vault_file ]]; then dokku_col_log_info1_quiet "Vault password already setup for $APP" exit 0 fi # shellcheck disable=SC2162 disable=SC2116 disable=SC2006 read -p "Please enter your vault password for $APP: `echo $'\n> '`" vault_password if [[ ! -d "$DOKKU_LIB_ROOT/data/deploy.d/$APP" ]]; then mkdir -p "$DOKKU_LIB_ROOT/data/deploy.d/$APP" fi dokku_col_log_info1_quiet "Created $DOKKU_LIB_ROOT/data/deploy.d/$APP" { echo "#!/bin/bash"; echo ""; echo "set -eu -o pipefail"; echo ""; echo "echo \"$vault_password\""; } > "$vault_file" chmod +x "$vault_file" dokku_col_log_info1_quiet "Generated $vault_file for $APP" } dokku-ansible-deploy-dependencies() { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 declare desc="install plugin dependencies" declare DEPENDENCIES="ansible python3 python3-dev python3-ruamel.yaml" dokku_col_log_info1_quiet "Ensuring the following packages are installed: $DEPENDENCIES" export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt install -qq -y "$DEPENDENCIES" } dokku-ansible-deploy-post-extract() { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 declare desc="run the post-extract hook to setup the plugin" declare APP="$1" TMPDIR="$2" if [[ -d "$TMPDIR/deploy.d" ]] && [[ "$(ls -A "$TMPDIR/deploy.d")" ]]; then mkdir -p "$DOKKU_LIB_ROOT/data/deploy.d/$APP" cp -r "$TMPDIR/deploy.d/." "$DOKKU_LIB_ROOT/data/deploy.d/$APP" dokku_col_log_info1_quiet "Copied deploy.d files into place" if [[ -d "$TMPDIR/deploy.d/vault" ]]; then if [[ ! -f "$DOKKU_LIB_ROOT/data/deploy.d/$APP/.vault-password.sh" ]]; then dokku_col_log_info1_quiet "Vault directory discovered but missing vault password" dokku_col_log_info1_quiet "Please run dokku ansible-deploy:vault-password $APP" exit 1 fi fi fi } dokku-ansible-deploy-pre-deploy() { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 declare desc="run the pre-deploy hook to setup an app" declare APP="$1" declare PREDEPLOY="$PLUGIN_CORE_AVAILABLE_PATH/ansible-deploy/scripts/predeploy.py" dokku_col_log_info1_quiet "Running pre-deployment steps" /usr/bin/python3 "$PREDEPLOY" } dokku-ansible-deploy-post-deploy() { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 declare desc="run the post-deploy hook to finish an app setup" declare APP="$1" declare POSTDEPLOY="$PLUGIN_CORE_AVAILABLE_PATH/ansible-deploy/scripts/postdeploy.py" dokku_col_log_info1_quiet "Running post-deploy steps" /usr/bin/python3 "$POSTDEPLOY" "$APP" } dokku-ansible-deploy-post-delete() { # shellcheck disable=SC2034 declare desc="run the post-delete hook to remove an app" declare APP="$1" declare POSTDELETE="$PLUGIN_CORE_AVAILABLE_PATH/ansible-deploy/scripts/postdelete.py" dokku_col_log_info1_quiet "Running post-delete steps" /usr/bin/python3 "$POSTDELETE" "$APP" }