- Log in as a user with the role "GNO Standard User".
# Client & training & project
- Billing fields are not there at first but there is a button to add them and when you click it is adds them.
- Save the client without filling in any billing fields, then edit it - the fields should be gone and the button shoud be there
- Add one or more billing fields, save and edit - all the billing fields should show, and not the button.
- You can upload files, and when you save it you can view or download them.
- Client shows up on "all clients" list
- Searching for the client by name brings them up
- On the client screen there is a button to add a training
- Add training with 3 trainers:
- one with no rate (rate input should disappear), then change it to Standard and the box should appear and be disabled and grey and say 115, then change to custom and the box shuould clear and become editable, then input 400
- Add another trainer with "None" rate and one with Standard
- Save it, the trainers and rates should show , then when you edit it again the input box should be gone for the none one and disabled for the standard
- The training immediately shows up in the training list for that client
- It also appears in "All trainings", at the top
- Add a project and add multiple fees
- Save it and all the fees should be displayed
- The project should appear in the project list for the client and also in All Projects
# Umbrella client
- Choose menu item "Add new umbrella client" and add one
- Client shows up on "all umbrella clients" list
- There is a button on the umbrella client screen to add a client
- Adding a client creates one attached to that umbrella client and it immediately shows up in the client list for that umbrella client and also in "All clients", at the top of each
- You can add a project to the umbrella client and it appears at the top of the list on the umbrella client screen
- You can add a training to the umbrella client and it appears at the top of the list on the umbrella client screen
- Add a training to the client who is attached to the umbrella client. It should show up on the umbrella client screen in the "Trainings for clients within this umrella" list.
# Equal opps
- Should not be able to see the menu items for adding or listing EOs as GNO standard user
* When adding a new client in the GUI, the status should default to Lead and the substatus to New Lead. (Setting: default values for those fields.)
* Neither the status nor the substatus dropdown should not contain a placeholder option such as "None" or "Select". (Setting: Required field)
## Tests for JS code in js/edit_client.js
* If you change the substatus, the status should automatically change accordingly (e.g. "One-off Training" -> "Confirmed", or "3-month follow-up due" -> "Accredited").
* If you change the client type, the options in the subtype dropdown should populate accordingly (e.g. "Licensed Premises" -> a list including "Pub or Bar", or "Nightlife Organisation" -> a list including "Festival" and "Staffing Agency")
* Clink on the linked client's name in the list and you should see that the original client is in the list of linked clients for it (i.e. it is a symmetrical relation)
* The delete link in the list should work, i.e. remove the linked client from the list
* The subtypes dropdown should be populated according to the existing value of the types dropdown. E.g. save a client as "licensed premises" type and reopen; the subtypes should be a list including "Pub or Bar"
* The status dropdown should be populated according to the existing value of the substatuses dropdown. E.g. save a client as substatus "One-off Training" and reopen; the status should be set to "Confirmed" and that should be the only option in the status dropdown.
## Tests for mail hook and post-save hook in goodnightout_opencase.module
* Change a client's status from something else to "3-month followup due" - the site admin should receive an email about it with "3-month followup due for <clientname>" as the subject and a link to the client in the body
* Same for 6-month
* Should not happen when client is saved without changing status