# Adding new client using the GUI ## Tests for GUI settings * When adding a new client in the GUI, the status should default to Lead and the substatus to New Lead. (Setting: default values for those fields.) * Neither the status nor the substatus dropdown should not contain a placeholder option such as "None" or "Select". (Setting: Required field) ## Tests for JS code in js/edit_client.js * If you change the substatus, the status should automatically change accordingly (e.g. "One-off Training" -> "Confirmed", or "3-month follow-up due" -> "Accredited"). * You should not be able to change the status except by changing the substatus. * Initially the client type should be "-None-" and the only thing in the subtypes dropdown should be "-None-" also. * If you change the client type, the options in the subtype dropdown should populate accordingly (e.g. "Licensed Premises" -> a list including "Pub or Bar", or "Nightlife Organisation" -> a list including "Festival" and "Staffing Agency") * The "-None-" option should always remain present in the subtypes dropdown. # Linked clients * Client screen should have a button to add a linked client * When you click it it should take you to a screen saying "Add linked client" with an autocomplete box * Add One * You should then see the linked client in the list on the original client's screen * Clink on the linked client's name in the list and you should see that the original client is in the list of linked clients for it (i.e. it is a symmetrical relation) * The delete link in the list should work, i.e. remove the linked client from the list # Editing a client using the GUI ## Tests for JS code in js/edit_client.js * The subtypes dropdown should be populated according to the existing value of the types dropdown. E.g. save a client as "licensed premises" type and reopen; the subtypes should be a list including "Pub or Bar" * The status dropdown should be populated according to the existing value of the substatuses dropdown. E.g. save a client as substatus "One-off Training" and reopen; the status should be set to "Confirmed" and that should be the only option in the status dropdown. # Automatic client status ## Tests for presave hook in goodnightout_opencase.module * Setup a client with status "Lead" and give it multiple trainings - leave the training status as N/A. * Set some but not all of the trainings to status "post training materials sent" * The status of the client should not change * Set all the remaining trainings to status "post training materials sent" * This should automatically set the client status to "Accredited" and their substatus to "Recently Accredited" # Trainings linked to projects or clients * Add a training from a client screen * It should have the client filled in by default, and a box for the project * Fill in a project and save * On the training screen there should be a link to the project * Click it to open the project, then add another training * The project field should default to the project and there should be a box for the client * Add a client and save * There should be a link to the client on the project screen * Click it and the project should be listed there # Email notification ## Tests for mail hook and post-save hook in goodnightout_opencase.module * Change a client's status from something else to "3-month followup due" - the site admin should receive an email about it with "3-month followup due for " as the subject and a link to the client in the body * Same for 6-month * Same for the substatus that is just "follow-up due" * Should not happen when client is saved without changing status * Should not happen when status is changed to something else * Create new clients with those substatuses - notification should happen