uuid: fc67f19a-83af-4da9-879a-c6f630271cdf langcode: en status: true dependencies: module: - options - paragraphs _core: default_config_hash: AjvlK2fzIsvAqDuAqGACSQjorlTT7rQ4bqpk0PqQ7FI id: paragraph.field_race_ethnicity field_name: field_race_ethnicity entity_type: paragraph type: list_string settings: allowed_values: - value: 'White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British' label: 'White: English, Welsh, Scottish, Northern Irish or British' - value: 'White: Irish' label: 'White: Irish' - value: 'White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller' label: 'White: Gypsy or Irish Traveller' - value: 'White: Any other White background' label: 'White: Any other White background' - value: 'Mixed: White and Black Caribbean' label: 'Mixed: White and Black Caribbean' - value: 'Mixed: White and Black African' label: 'Mixed: White and Black African' - value: 'Mixed: White and Asian' label: 'Mixed: White and Asian' - value: 'Mixed: Other' label: 'Mixed: Other' - value: 'Asian: Indian' label: 'Asian: Indian' - value: 'Asian: Pakistani' label: 'Asian: Pakistani' - value: 'Asian: Bangladeshi' label: 'Asian: Bangladeshi' - value: 'Asian: Chinese' label: 'Asian: Chinese' - value: 'Asian: Other' label: 'Asian: Other' - value: 'Black: African' label: 'Black: African' - value: 'Black: Caribbean' label: 'Black: Caribbean' - value: 'Black: Other' label: 'Black: Other' - value: Arab label: Arab - value: Other label: Other allowed_values_function: '' module: options locked: false cardinality: 1 translatable: true indexes: { } persist_with_no_fields: false custom_storage: false