/* GoToSocial Copyright (C) 2021 GoToSocial Authors admin@gotosocial.org This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ package typeutils import ( "fmt" "time" "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/api/model" "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/db" "github.com/superseriousbusiness/gotosocial/internal/gtsmodel" ) func (c *converter) AccountToMastoSensitive(a *gtsmodel.Account) (*model.Account, error) { // we can build this sensitive account easily by first getting the public account.... mastoAccount, err := c.AccountToMastoPublic(a) if err != nil { return nil, err } // then adding the Source object to it... // check pending follow requests aimed at this account fr := []gtsmodel.FollowRequest{} if err := c.db.GetFollowRequestsForAccountID(a.ID, &fr); err != nil { if _, ok := err.(db.ErrNoEntries); !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting follow requests: %s", err) } } var frc int if fr != nil { frc = len(fr) } mastoAccount.Source = &model.Source{ Privacy: c.VisToMasto(a.Privacy), Sensitive: a.Sensitive, Language: a.Language, Note: a.Note, Fields: mastoAccount.Fields, FollowRequestsCount: frc, } return mastoAccount, nil } func (c *converter) AccountToMastoPublic(a *gtsmodel.Account) (*model.Account, error) { // count followers followers := []gtsmodel.Follow{} if err := c.db.GetFollowersByAccountID(a.ID, &followers); err != nil { if _, ok := err.(db.ErrNoEntries); !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting followers: %s", err) } } var followersCount int if followers != nil { followersCount = len(followers) } // count following following := []gtsmodel.Follow{} if err := c.db.GetFollowingByAccountID(a.ID, &following); err != nil { if _, ok := err.(db.ErrNoEntries); !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting following: %s", err) } } var followingCount int if following != nil { followingCount = len(following) } // count statuses statuses := []gtsmodel.Status{} if err := c.db.GetStatusesByAccountID(a.ID, &statuses); err != nil { if _, ok := err.(db.ErrNoEntries); !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting last statuses: %s", err) } } var statusesCount int if statuses != nil { statusesCount = len(statuses) } // check when the last status was lastStatus := >smodel.Status{} if err := c.db.GetLastStatusForAccountID(a.ID, lastStatus); err != nil { if _, ok := err.(db.ErrNoEntries); !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting last status: %s", err) } } var lastStatusAt string if lastStatus != nil { lastStatusAt = lastStatus.CreatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339) } // build the avatar and header URLs avi := >smodel.MediaAttachment{} if err := c.db.GetAvatarForAccountID(avi, a.ID); err != nil { if _, ok := err.(db.ErrNoEntries); !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting avatar: %s", err) } } aviURL := avi.URL aviURLStatic := avi.Thumbnail.URL header := >smodel.MediaAttachment{} if err := c.db.GetHeaderForAccountID(header, a.ID); err != nil { if _, ok := err.(db.ErrNoEntries); !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting header: %s", err) } } headerURL := header.URL headerURLStatic := header.Thumbnail.URL // get the fields set on this account fields := []model.Field{} for _, f := range a.Fields { mField := model.Field{ Name: f.Name, Value: f.Value, } if !f.VerifiedAt.IsZero() { mField.VerifiedAt = f.VerifiedAt.Format(time.RFC3339) } fields = append(fields, mField) } var acct string if a.Domain != "" { // this is a remote user acct = fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", a.Username, a.Domain) } else { // this is a local user acct = a.Username } return &model.Account{ ID: a.ID, Username: a.Username, Acct: acct, DisplayName: a.DisplayName, Locked: a.Locked, Bot: a.Bot, CreatedAt: a.CreatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339), Note: a.Note, URL: a.URL, Avatar: aviURL, AvatarStatic: aviURLStatic, Header: headerURL, HeaderStatic: headerURLStatic, FollowersCount: followersCount, FollowingCount: followingCount, StatusesCount: statusesCount, LastStatusAt: lastStatusAt, Emojis: nil, // TODO: implement this Fields: fields, }, nil } func (c *converter) AppToMastoSensitive(a *gtsmodel.Application) (*model.Application, error) { return &model.Application{ ID: a.ID, Name: a.Name, Website: a.Website, RedirectURI: a.RedirectURI, ClientID: a.ClientID, ClientSecret: a.ClientSecret, VapidKey: a.VapidKey, }, nil } func (c *converter) AppToMastoPublic(a *gtsmodel.Application) (*model.Application, error) { return &model.Application{ Name: a.Name, Website: a.Website, }, nil } func (c *converter) AttachmentToMasto(a *gtsmodel.MediaAttachment) (model.Attachment, error) { return model.Attachment{ ID: a.ID, Type: string(a.Type), URL: a.URL, PreviewURL: a.Thumbnail.URL, RemoteURL: a.RemoteURL, PreviewRemoteURL: a.Thumbnail.RemoteURL, Meta: model.MediaMeta{ Original: model.MediaDimensions{ Width: a.FileMeta.Original.Width, Height: a.FileMeta.Original.Height, Size: fmt.Sprintf("%dx%d", a.FileMeta.Original.Width, a.FileMeta.Original.Height), Aspect: float32(a.FileMeta.Original.Aspect), }, Small: model.MediaDimensions{ Width: a.FileMeta.Small.Width, Height: a.FileMeta.Small.Height, Size: fmt.Sprintf("%dx%d", a.FileMeta.Small.Width, a.FileMeta.Small.Height), Aspect: float32(a.FileMeta.Small.Aspect), }, Focus: model.MediaFocus{ X: a.FileMeta.Focus.X, Y: a.FileMeta.Focus.Y, }, }, Description: a.Description, Blurhash: a.Blurhash, }, nil } func (c *converter) MentionToMasto(m *gtsmodel.Mention) (model.Mention, error) { target := >smodel.Account{} if err := c.db.GetByID(m.TargetAccountID, target); err != nil { return model.Mention{}, err } var local bool if target.Domain == "" { local = true } var acct string if local { acct = fmt.Sprintf("@%s", target.Username) } else { acct = fmt.Sprintf("@%s@%s", target.Username, target.Domain) } return model.Mention{ ID: target.ID, Username: target.Username, URL: target.URL, Acct: acct, }, nil } func (c *converter) EmojiToMasto(e *gtsmodel.Emoji) (model.Emoji, error) { return model.Emoji{ Shortcode: e.Shortcode, URL: e.ImageURL, StaticURL: e.ImageStaticURL, VisibleInPicker: e.VisibleInPicker, Category: e.CategoryID, }, nil } func (c *converter) TagToMasto(t *gtsmodel.Tag) (model.Tag, error) { tagURL := fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s/tags/%s", c.config.Protocol, c.config.Host, t.Name) return model.Tag{ Name: t.Name, URL: tagURL, // we don't serve URLs with collections of tagged statuses (FOR NOW) so this is purely for mastodon compatibility ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ }, nil } func (c *converter) StatusToMasto( s *gtsmodel.Status, targetAccount *gtsmodel.Account, requestingAccount *gtsmodel.Account, boostOfAccount *gtsmodel.Account, replyToAccount *gtsmodel.Account, reblogOfStatus *gtsmodel.Status) (*model.Status, error) { repliesCount, err := c.db.GetReplyCountForStatus(s) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error counting replies: %s", err) } reblogsCount, err := c.db.GetReblogCountForStatus(s) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error counting reblogs: %s", err) } favesCount, err := c.db.GetFaveCountForStatus(s) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error counting faves: %s", err) } var faved bool var reblogged bool var bookmarked bool var pinned bool var muted bool // requestingAccount will be nil for public requests without auth // But if it's not nil, we can also get information about the requestingAccount's interaction with this status if requestingAccount != nil { faved, err = c.db.StatusFavedBy(s, requestingAccount.ID) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking if requesting account has faved status: %s", err) } reblogged, err = c.db.StatusRebloggedBy(s, requestingAccount.ID) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking if requesting account has reblogged status: %s", err) } muted, err = c.db.StatusMutedBy(s, requestingAccount.ID) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking if requesting account has muted status: %s", err) } bookmarked, err = c.db.StatusBookmarkedBy(s, requestingAccount.ID) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking if requesting account has bookmarked status: %s", err) } pinned, err = c.db.StatusPinnedBy(s, requestingAccount.ID) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error checking if requesting account has pinned status: %s", err) } } var mastoRebloggedStatus *model.Status // TODO var mastoApplication *model.Application if s.CreatedWithApplicationID != "" { gtsApplication := >smodel.Application{} if err := c.db.GetByID(s.CreatedWithApplicationID, gtsApplication); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error fetching application used to create status: %s", err) } mastoApplication, err = c.AppToMastoPublic(gtsApplication) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing application used to create status: %s", err) } } mastoTargetAccount, err := c.AccountToMastoPublic(targetAccount) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing account of status author: %s", err) } mastoAttachments := []model.Attachment{} // the status might already have some gts attachments on it if it's not been pulled directly from the database // if so, we can directly convert the gts attachments into masto ones if s.GTSMediaAttachments != nil { for _, gtsAttachment := range s.GTSMediaAttachments { mastoAttachment, err := c.AttachmentToMasto(gtsAttachment) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting attachment with id %s: %s", gtsAttachment.ID, err) } mastoAttachments = append(mastoAttachments, mastoAttachment) } // the status doesn't have gts attachments on it, but it does have attachment IDs // in this case, we need to pull the gts attachments from the db to convert them into masto ones } else { for _, a := range s.Attachments { gtsAttachment := >smodel.MediaAttachment{} if err := c.db.GetByID(a, gtsAttachment); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting attachment with id %s: %s", a, err) } mastoAttachment, err := c.AttachmentToMasto(gtsAttachment) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting attachment with id %s: %s", a, err) } mastoAttachments = append(mastoAttachments, mastoAttachment) } } mastoMentions := []model.Mention{} // the status might already have some gts mentions on it if it's not been pulled directly from the database // if so, we can directly convert the gts mentions into masto ones if s.GTSMentions != nil { for _, gtsMention := range s.GTSMentions { mastoMention, err := c.MentionToMasto(gtsMention) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting mention with id %s: %s", gtsMention.ID, err) } mastoMentions = append(mastoMentions, mastoMention) } // the status doesn't have gts mentions on it, but it does have mention IDs // in this case, we need to pull the gts mentions from the db to convert them into masto ones } else { for _, m := range s.Mentions { gtsMention := >smodel.Mention{} if err := c.db.GetByID(m, gtsMention); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting mention with id %s: %s", m, err) } mastoMention, err := c.MentionToMasto(gtsMention) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting mention with id %s: %s", gtsMention.ID, err) } mastoMentions = append(mastoMentions, mastoMention) } } mastoTags := []model.Tag{} // the status might already have some gts tags on it if it's not been pulled directly from the database // if so, we can directly convert the gts tags into masto ones if s.GTSTags != nil { for _, gtsTag := range s.GTSTags { mastoTag, err := c.TagToMasto(gtsTag) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting tag with id %s: %s", gtsTag.ID, err) } mastoTags = append(mastoTags, mastoTag) } // the status doesn't have gts tags on it, but it does have tag IDs // in this case, we need to pull the gts tags from the db to convert them into masto ones } else { for _, t := range s.Tags { gtsTag := >smodel.Tag{} if err := c.db.GetByID(t, gtsTag); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting tag with id %s: %s", t, err) } mastoTag, err := c.TagToMasto(gtsTag) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting tag with id %s: %s", gtsTag.ID, err) } mastoTags = append(mastoTags, mastoTag) } } mastoEmojis := []model.Emoji{} // the status might already have some gts emojis on it if it's not been pulled directly from the database // if so, we can directly convert the gts emojis into masto ones if s.GTSEmojis != nil { for _, gtsEmoji := range s.GTSEmojis { mastoEmoji, err := c.EmojiToMasto(gtsEmoji) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting emoji with id %s: %s", gtsEmoji.ID, err) } mastoEmojis = append(mastoEmojis, mastoEmoji) } // the status doesn't have gts emojis on it, but it does have emoji IDs // in this case, we need to pull the gts emojis from the db to convert them into masto ones } else { for _, e := range s.Emojis { gtsEmoji := >smodel.Emoji{} if err := c.db.GetByID(e, gtsEmoji); err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting emoji with id %s: %s", e, err) } mastoEmoji, err := c.EmojiToMasto(gtsEmoji) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error converting emoji with id %s: %s", gtsEmoji.ID, err) } mastoEmojis = append(mastoEmojis, mastoEmoji) } } var mastoCard *model.Card var mastoPoll *model.Poll return &model.Status{ ID: s.ID, CreatedAt: s.CreatedAt.Format(time.RFC3339), InReplyToID: s.InReplyToID, InReplyToAccountID: s.InReplyToAccountID, Sensitive: s.Sensitive, SpoilerText: s.ContentWarning, Visibility: c.VisToMasto(s.Visibility), Language: s.Language, URI: s.URI, URL: s.URL, RepliesCount: repliesCount, ReblogsCount: reblogsCount, FavouritesCount: favesCount, Favourited: faved, Reblogged: reblogged, Muted: muted, Bookmarked: bookmarked, Pinned: pinned, Content: s.Content, Reblog: mastoRebloggedStatus, Application: mastoApplication, Account: mastoTargetAccount, MediaAttachments: mastoAttachments, Mentions: mastoMentions, Tags: mastoTags, Emojis: mastoEmojis, Card: mastoCard, // TODO: implement cards Poll: mastoPoll, // TODO: implement polls Text: s.Text, }, nil } // VisToMasto converts a gts visibility into its mastodon equivalent func (c *converter) VisToMasto(m gtsmodel.Visibility) model.Visibility { switch m { case gtsmodel.VisibilityPublic: return model.VisibilityPublic case gtsmodel.VisibilityUnlocked: return model.VisibilityUnlisted case gtsmodel.VisibilityFollowersOnly, gtsmodel.VisibilityMutualsOnly: return model.VisibilityPrivate case gtsmodel.VisibilityDirect: return model.VisibilityDirect } return "" }