# frozen_string_literal: true require 'rubygems/package' require_relative '../../config/boot' require_relative '../../config/environment' require_relative 'cli_helper' module Mastodon class AccountsCLI < Thor option :all, type: :boolean desc 'rotate [USERNAME]', 'Generate and broadcast new keys' long_desc <<-LONG_DESC Generate and broadcast new RSA keys as part of security maintenance. With the --all option, all local accounts will be subject to the rotation. Otherwise, and by default, only a single account specified by the USERNAME argument will be processed. LONG_DESC def rotate(username = nil) if options[:all] processed = 0 delay = 0 Account.local.without_suspended.find_in_batches do |accounts| accounts.each do |account| rotate_keys_for_account(account, delay) processed += 1 say('.', :green, false) end delay += 5.minutes end say say("OK, rotated keys for #{processed} accounts", :green) elsif username.present? rotate_keys_for_account(Account.find_local(username)) say('OK', :green) else say('No account(s) given', :red) exit(1) end end option :email, required: true option :confirmed, type: :boolean option :role, default: 'user' option :reattach, type: :boolean option :force, type: :boolean desc 'create USERNAME', 'Create a new user' long_desc <<-LONG_DESC Create a new user account with a given USERNAME and an e-mail address provided with --email. With the --confirmed option, the confirmation e-mail will be skipped and the account will be active straight away. With the --role option one of "user", "admin" or "moderator" can be supplied. Defaults to "user" With the --reattach option, the new user will be reattached to a given existing username of an old account. If the old account is still in use by someone else, you can supply the --force option to delete the old record and reattach the username to the new account anyway. LONG_DESC def create(username) account = Account.new(username: username) password = SecureRandom.hex user = User.new(email: options[:email], password: password, admin: options[:role] == 'admin', moderator: options[:role] == 'moderator', confirmed_at: Time.now.utc) if options[:reattach] account = Account.find_local(username) || Account.new(username: username) if account.user.present? && !options[:force] say('The chosen username is currently in use', :red) say('Use --force to reattach it anyway and delete the other user') return elsif account.user.present? account.user.destroy! end end account.suspended = false user.account = account if user.save if options[:confirmed] user.confirmed_at = nil user.confirm! end say('OK', :green) say("New password: #{password}") else user.errors.to_h.each do |key, error| say('Failure/Error: ', :red) say(key) say(' ' + error, :red) end exit(1) end end option :role option :email option :confirm, type: :boolean option :enable, type: :boolean option :disable, type: :boolean option :disable_2fa, type: :boolean desc 'modify USERNAME', 'Modify a user' long_desc <<-LONG_DESC Modify a user account. With the --role option, update the user's role to one of "user", "moderator" or "admin". With the --email option, update the user's e-mail address. With the --confirm option, mark the user's e-mail as confirmed. With the --disable option, lock the user out of their account. The --enable option is the opposite. With the --disable-2fa option, the two-factor authentication requirement for the user can be removed. LONG_DESC def modify(username) user = Account.find_local(username)&.user if user.nil? say('No user with such username', :red) exit(1) end if options[:role] user.admin = options[:role] == 'admin' user.moderator = options[:role] == 'moderator' end user.email = options[:email] if options[:email] user.disabled = false if options[:enable] user.disabled = true if options[:disable] user.otp_required_for_login = false if options[:disable_2fa] user.confirm if options[:confirm] if user.save say('OK', :green) else user.errors.to_h.each do |key, error| say('Failure/Error: ', :red) say(key) say(' ' + error, :red) end exit(1) end end desc 'delete USERNAME', 'Delete a user' long_desc <<-LONG_DESC Remove a user account with a given USERNAME. LONG_DESC def delete(username) account = Account.find_local(username) if account.nil? say('No user with such username', :red) exit(1) end say("Deleting user with #{account.statuses_count} statuses, this might take a while...") SuspendAccountService.new.call(account, remove_user: true) say('OK', :green) end desc 'backup USERNAME', 'Request a backup for a user' long_desc <<-LONG_DESC Request a new backup for an account with a given USERNAME. The backup will be created in Sidekiq asynchronously, and the user will receive an e-mail with a link to it once it's done. LONG_DESC def backup(username) account = Account.find_local(username) if account.nil? say('No user with such username', :red) exit(1) end backup = account.user.backups.create! BackupWorker.perform_async(backup.id) say('OK', :green) end option :dry_run, type: :boolean desc 'cull', 'Remove remote accounts that no longer exist' long_desc <<-LONG_DESC Query every single remote account in the database to determine if it still exists on the origin server, and if it doesn't, remove it from the database. Accounts that have had confirmed activity within the last week are excluded from the checks. If 10 or more accounts from the same domain cannot be queried due to a connection error (such as missing DNS records) then the domain is considered dead, and all other accounts from it are deleted without further querying. With the --dry-run option, no deletes will actually be carried out. LONG_DESC def cull domain_thresholds = Hash.new { |hash, key| hash[key] = 0 } skip_threshold = 7.days.ago culled = 0 dead_servers = [] dry_run = options[:dry_run] ? ' (DRY RUN)' : '' Account.remote.where(protocol: :activitypub).partitioned.find_each do |account| next if account.updated_at >= skip_threshold || account.last_webfingered_at >= skip_threshold unless dead_servers.include?(account.domain) begin code = Request.new(:head, account.uri).perform(&:code) rescue HTTP::ConnectionError domain_thresholds[account.domain] += 1 if domain_thresholds[account.domain] >= 10 dead_servers << account.domain end rescue StandardError next end end if [404, 410].include?(code) unless options[:dry_run] SuspendAccountService.new.call(account) account.destroy end culled += 1 say('.', :green, false) else say('.', nil, false) end end # Remove dead servers unless dead_servers.empty? || options[:dry_run] dead_servers.each do |domain| Account.where(domain: domain).find_each do |account| SuspendAccountService.new.call(account) account.destroy culled += 1 say('.', :green, false) end end end say say("Removed #{culled} accounts (#{dead_servers.size} dead servers)#{dry_run}", :green) unless dead_servers.empty? say('R.I.P.:', :yellow) dead_servers.each { |domain| say(' ' + domain) } end end option :all, type: :boolean option :domain desc 'refresh [USERNAME]', 'Fetch remote user data and files' long_desc <<-LONG_DESC Fetch remote user data and files for one or multiple accounts. With the --all option, all remote accounts will be processed. Through the --domain option, this can be narrowed down to a specific domain only. Otherwise, a single remote account must be specified with USERNAME. All processing is done in the background through Sidekiq. LONG_DESC def refresh(username = nil) if options[:domain] || options[:all] queued = 0 scope = Account.remote scope = scope.where(domain: options[:domain]) if options[:domain] scope.select(:id).reorder(nil).find_in_batches do |accounts| Maintenance::RedownloadAccountMediaWorker.push_bulk(accounts.map(&:id)) queued += accounts.size end say("Scheduled refreshment of #{queued} accounts", :green, true) elsif username.present? username, domain = username.split('@') account = Account.find_remote(username, domain) if account.nil? say('No such account', :red) exit(1) end Maintenance::RedownloadAccountMediaWorker.perform_async(account.id) say('OK', :green) else say('No account(s) given', :red) exit(1) end end private def rotate_keys_for_account(account, delay = 0) if account.nil? say('No such account', :red) exit(1) end old_key = account.private_key new_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(2048).to_pem account.update(private_key: new_key) ActivityPub::UpdateDistributionWorker.perform_in(delay, account.id, sign_with: old_key) end end end