# frozen_string_literal: true

require_relative '../../config/boot'
require_relative '../../config/environment'
require_relative 'cli_helper'

module Mastodon
  class StatusesCLI < Thor
    include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper

    def self.exit_on_failure?

    option :days, type: :numeric, default: 90
    option :clean_followed, type: :boolean
    desc 'remove', 'Remove unreferenced statuses'
    long_desc <<~LONG_DESC
      Remove statuses that are not referenced by local user activity, such as
      ones that came from relays, or belonging to users that were once followed
      by someone locally but no longer are.

      This is a computationally heavy procedure that creates extra database
      indices before commencing, and removes them afterward.
    def remove
      say('Creating temporary database indices...')

      ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index(:accounts, :id, name: :index_accounts_local, where: 'domain is null', algorithm: :concurrently) unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.index_name_exists?(:accounts, :index_accounts_local)
      ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index(:status_pins, :status_id, name: :index_status_pins_status_id, algorithm: :concurrently) unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.index_name_exists?(:status_pins, :index_status_pins_status_id)
      ActiveRecord::Base.connection.add_index(:media_attachments, :remote_url, name: :index_media_attachments_remote_url, where: 'remote_url is not null', algorithm: :concurrently) unless ActiveRecord::Base.connection.index_name_exists?(:media_attachments, :index_media_attachments_remote_url)

      max_id   = Mastodon::Snowflake.id_at(options[:days].days.ago)
      start_at = Time.now.to_f

      say('Beginning removal... This might take a while...')

      scope = Status.remote.where('id < ?', max_id)
      # Skip reblogs of local statuses
      scope = scope.where('reblog_of_id NOT IN (SELECT statuses1.id FROM statuses AS statuses1 WHERE statuses1.id = statuses.reblog_of_id AND (statuses1.uri IS NULL OR statuses1.local))')
      # Skip statuses that are pinned on profiles
      scope = scope.where('id NOT IN (SELECT status_pins.status_id FROM status_pins WHERE statuses.id = status_id)')
      # Skip statuses that mention local accounts
      scope = scope.where('id NOT IN (SELECT mentions.status_id FROM mentions WHERE statuses.id = mentions.status_id AND mentions.account_id IN (SELECT accounts.id FROM accounts WHERE domain IS NULL))')
      # Skip statuses which have replies
      scope = scope.where('id NOT IN (SELECT statuses1.in_reply_to_id FROM statuses AS statuses1 WHERE statuses.id = statuses1.in_reply_to_id)')
      # Skip statuses reblogged by local accounts or with recent boosts
      scope = scope.where('id NOT IN (SELECT statuses1.reblog_of_id FROM statuses AS statuses1 WHERE statuses.id = statuses1.reblog_of_id AND (statuses1.uri IS NULL OR statuses1.local OR statuses1.id >= ?))', max_id)
      # Skip statuses favourited by local users
      scope = scope.where('id NOT IN (SELECT favourites.status_id FROM favourites WHERE statuses.id = favourites.status_id AND favourites.account_id IN (SELECT accounts.id FROM accounts WHERE domain IS NULL))')
      # Skip statuses bookmarked by local users
      scope = scope.where('id NOT IN (SELECT bookmarks.status_id FROM bookmarks WHERE statuses.id = bookmarks.status_id AND bookmarks.account_id IN (SELECT accounts.id FROM accounts WHERE domain IS NULL))')

      unless options[:clean_followed]
        # Skip accounts followed by local accounts
        scope = scope.where('account_id NOT IN (SELECT follows.target_account_id FROM follows WHERE statuses.account_id = follows.target_account_id)')


      say('Beginning removal of now-orphaned media attachments to free up disk space...')


      say("Done after #{Time.now.to_f - start_at}s", :green)
      say('Removing temporary database indices to restore write performance...')

      ActiveRecord::Base.connection.remove_index(:accounts, name: :index_accounts_local) if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.index_name_exists?(:accounts, :index_accounts_local)
      ActiveRecord::Base.connection.remove_index(:status_pins, name: :index_status_pins_status_id) if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.index_name_exists?(:status_pins, :index_status_pins_status_id)
      ActiveRecord::Base.connection.remove_index(:media_attachments, name: :index_media_attachments_remote_url) if ActiveRecord::Base.connection.index_name_exists?(:media_attachments, :index_media_attachments_remote_url)