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cooperative that develops open source tools to easily and cheaply build federated and interoperable applications based on the latest web standards pushed by the SOLID project.", "paragraph2": "Its mission is to empower users by enabling them to regain control of their digital tools and benefit from a network effect within a chosen ecosystem in order to emancipate themselves from large platforms." }, "card2": { "subTitle": "Contact us", "paragraph1": "You want to contribute, report a bug, suggest an improvement, work with us?", "link": "Contact" } }, "admin": { "menuRight": { "fold": "Fold the menu", "community": "Communities", "circles": "Circles", "projects": "Projects" } }, "dashboard": { "title": "Dashboard" }, "circle": { "menuRight": { "buttonMobile": "MENU", "fold": "Fold the menu", "chat": "Chat", "information": "Information", "resources": "Resources", "events": "Events", "polls": "Polls" }, "create": { "backlink": "Back", "title": " Create a circle", "labelStatus": "Circle 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"paragraphQuit": "You left this circle.", "paragraphJoin": "To join it again, go to the panel", "paragraphContact": "or contact an admin.", "admin": "administration" }, "profile": { "creationDate": "Creation date : ", "buttonModify": "Edit and add a member", "buttonAdd": "Add a member", "buttonDelete": "Remove the circle", "buttonQuit": "Leave the circle", "buttonJoin": "Join the circle", "description": "Description :", "subTitle": "Members :" }, "extensions": { "associated": "Associated circle", "republiqueESS": { "associatedThematic": "Associated thematic" } } }, "communities": { "title": "Administration", "menuMobile": "MENU", "linkInvite": "Invite a new user", "noPermission": "Member, no permission", "subTitle": "Communities", "tableHeader1": "Name", "tableHeader2": "Action", "searchBy": "Find a community by name", "index": { "youKnow": "Do you know the place?", "newUser": "Are you new around here?", "createAccount": "Create an account on", "login": "Connect to my account", "first_name": "First name*", "last_name": "Last name*", "email": "Email*", "password": "Password*", "formCreateAccount": "Create an account" } }, "project": { "menuRight": { "buttonMobile": "MENU", "fold": "Fold the menu", "chat": "Chat", "information": "Information" }, "create": { "backlink": "Back", "title": " Create a nouveau project", "labelName": "Project name*", "labelDescription": "Project description", "descriptionHelp": "You can use markdown", "labelCustomer": "Customer name*", "labelCaptain": "Project captain*", "buttonSubmit": "Save" }, "edit": { "buttonDelete": "Remove", "backlink": "Back", "title": "Edit your project", "labelName": "Project name *", "labelCustomer": "Customer name *", "labelCaptain": "Captain *", "labelDescription": "Project description", "descriptionHelp": "You can use markdown", "subTitle": "Team members :", "tableHeader1": "Name", "tableHeader2": "Access", "buttonSubmit": "Save", "buttonAddMember": "Add a member" }, "modifyPicture": { "backlink": "Back", "title": "Modify the project picture" }, "list": { "title": "Administration", "buttonMobile": "MENU", "subTitle": "Projects", "buttonCreate": "Create a new project", "tableHeader1": "Name", "tableHeader2": "Admins", "tableHeader3": "Captains", "tableHeader4": "Join", "buttonQuit": "Leave", "buttonJoin": "Join", "searchBy": "Find a project by name" }, "left": { "paragraphQuit": "You left this project.", "paragraphJoin": "This is a private project. To join it again, go to the panel", "paragraphContact": "and request an invitation.", "admin": "administration" }, "profile": { "creationDate": "Creation date : ", "buttonModify": "Edit and add a member", "buttonAdd": "Add a member", "buttonDelete": "Delete the project", "buttonQuit": "Leave the project", "buttonJoin": "Join the project", "captain": "Captain :", "description": "Description :", "subTitle": "Team :" } }, "user": { "create": { "backlink": "Back", "title": "Invite a user to ", "labelUsername": "Username*", "labelUsernameTitle": "Alphanumeric characters only", "labelEmail": "E-mail *", "labelFirstname": "Firstname *", "labelLastname": "Lastname *", "buttonSubmit": "Invite" } }, "notification": { "circle": { "in": "in" }, "private": { "private": "in private" } }, "template-captain": { "isLead": "Captain" }, "hublStatus": { "private": "Private", "public": "Public" }, "success": "Success!", "errors": { "somethingGoesWrong": "Something goes wrong, try to", "reload": "reload" }, "goButton": "GO", "directory": { "back": "Back to the profile directory", "members": "members", "module.name": "Members directory", "picture.delete": "Remove the picture", "picture.upload": "Upload the picture", "profile.city": "City", "profile.edit": "Edit my profile", "profile.email": "E-mail", "profile.firstName": "Firstname", "profile.job": "Job", "profile.name": "Name", "profile.phone": "Phone", "profile.smile": "Show us your best smile", "profile.smileParagraph": "Pictures help us to know ourselves but also to recognize us, so don't be afraid to show", "profile.smileParagraph2": "your pretty face and avoid weird avatars.", "profile.website": "Website", "save": "Save", "search.by.city": "Search by city", "search.by.job": "Search by job", "search.by.name": "Search by name and/or firstname", "search.by.skill": "Add a skill filter", "sendMessage": "Send a message", "settings.receiveMail": "I would like to receive notifications by email", "skills.main": "Main skills:", "skills": "Skills", "profileHidden.lineOne": "Your profile is not visible on this directory", "profileHidden.lineTwoOne": "To activate it, ", "profileHidden.lineTwoTwo": "go to your profile", "profileHidden.lineTwoThree": ". You need to add a photo.", "myProfileHidden.lineOne": "Your profile is not visible to other members", "myProfileHidden.lineTwo": "To activate it, you need to add a photo.", "activeProfiles": "Show only active profiles", "goButton": "GO", "search.noResult": "There are no results for your search", "search.tryAnother": " " }, "jobboard": { "joboffers": "Job offers", "joboffer.description": "Here you will find job offers", "joboffer.edit": "Modify the job offer", "joboffer.shownUntil": "THE OFFER WILL BE VISIBLE UNTIL", "joboffer.title": "Title", "joboffer.save": "SAVE MY OFFER", "joboffer.requiredSkills": "REQUIRED SKILLS", "joboffer.desc": "DESCRIPTION", "joboffer.create": "POST A NEW JOB OFFER", "joboffer.post": "Post a job offer", "search.by.skills": "Search by skills", "search.noResult": "There are no results for your search", "search.tryAnother": "Try another skill ", "edit": "Edit", "back": "Back", "goButton": "GO" } }