main { height: 100vh; } .no-background-image { background-image: none !important; } /* Styles of the right-hand menu + pages with that menu */ .with-sidebar { flex-grow: 1; display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: stretch; /*margin-top: 50px;*/ overflow: hidden; .views-container { flex: 1 0 0; /*-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;*/ &.sidebar-is-closed { @media(min-width: 768.01px) { margin-left: -152px; transform: translate(152px); } } } >div { transition: all 0.5s; } .sidebar { background: #F1F1F1; height: calc(100vh - 50px); transition: all 0.5s; width: 217px; @media (max-width: 768px) { width: 65px; } ul { li { border-bottom: 1px solid #D6CECE; &>a { vertical-align: super; } } &>li:first-child>a { vertical-align: middle; } >solid-route { &[active]>li { background-color: var(--color-heading); color: white; } &:hover:not([active])>li { background: #E4E4E4; } } } /* Styles use with JS to open/close the sidebar */ &.jsRightMenu { display: block; @media (max-width: 768px) { position: fixed; top: 101px; right: 3px; height: auto; z-index: 2999; box-shadow: 0 4px 6px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.14); } solid-link[active] { color: white; background: var(--color-heading); >li { border-bottom: 1px solid var(--color-heading); } } solid-link:not([active]):hover { background: #e4e4e4; } } &.jsRightMenu:not([open]) { @media (min-width: 768.01px) { transform: translate(152px); } /* Quick fix. When you got time, use animation on the span instead */ /*@media (max-width: 768px) { ul>li:first-child>span, ul>li:first-child>a { visibility: hidden; } }*/ } &.jsRightMenu[open] { display: block; bottom: 0; right: 0; /*@media(max-width: 768px) { box-shadow: 0 2px 9px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.12); min-width: 60%; position: fixed; top: 50px; z-index: 3000; }*/ } } } /* Add scrollbar to the left menu and to the content */ .scrollbar-nav, .scrollbar-content { overflow-y: auto; height: calc(100vh - 50px); /* 50px == header's height */ -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch; -ms-overflow-style: none; } .scrollbar-nav { height: 100vh; } /* Custom scrollbar of the right-menu */ /* Works on Firefox*/ .scrollbar-nav { scrollbar-width: thin; scrollbar-color:#D6CECE var(--color-heading); } /* Works on Chrome, Edge, and Safari */ .scrollbar-nav { &::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 12px; } &::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: var(--color-heading); /* color of the tracking area */ } &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#D6CECE; /* color of the scroll thumb */ border-radius: 6px; /* roundness of the scroll thumb */ border: 3px solid var(--color-heading); /* creates padding around scroll thumb */ } } /* Custom scrollbar of the content */ /* Works on Firefox */ .scrollbar-content { scrollbar-width: thin; scrollbar-color:#D6CECE white; /* scroll thumb and track */ } /* Works on Chrome, Edge, and Safari */ .scrollbar-content { &::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 12px; } &::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: white; /* color of the tracking area */ } &::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#D6CECE; /* color of the scroll thumb */ border-radius: 6px; /* roundness of the scroll thumb */ border: 3px solid white; /* creates padding around scroll thumb */ } } /* End scrollbar*/ solid-display-value-markdown { p { margin: 0; } }