/// /* globals cy, expect */ context('Retire Project Browser Testing', () => { before(() => { cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null }); cy.clearCookies({ domain: null }); }); it('should visit user login screen', () => cy.userLogin()); describe('Project Retirement process', () => { it('should login', () => cy.login()); it('should visit the project creation screen', () => cy.naviagte('/admin/admin-projects')); it('should visit the last project edit screen', () => { cy.get('solid-display[widget-project="hubl-menu-fix-url-project"][fields="project"]:last-child solid-display') .invoke('attr', 'data-src') .then(url => cy.encodeUrl(url).then(id => { cy.naviagte('/project/@' + id + '/project-information/project-edit'); })); }); it('should click button to retire the project', () => { cy.scrollTo('bottom'); cy.get('solid-delete[data-label="Retirer"] button').click(); }); it('should stay on project edit screen', () => { cy.get('solid-display[widget-project="hubl-menu-fix-url-project"]:last-child solid-display') .invoke('attr', 'data-src') .then(url => cy.encodeUrl(url).then(id => { cy.location().should((loc) => { expect(loc.pathname).to.eq('/project/@' + id + '/project-information/project-edit'); }); })); }); // TO-DO: ceraify what needs to happen after and do the checks }); });