# HD app HD app is the magic tool that allows the Happy Dev network to thrive in a decentralized way. ## Use cases Identified and scheduled use cases of the application includes (but are not limited to): - Listing of projects - Listing of members - Search of members by skills - Invoicing and billing - Project-scoped chat - Personal messaging ### Chat The repository of the SIB Chat component can be found here: - https://git.happy-dev.fr/startinblox/sib-chat It is based on XMPP as messaging protocol, Prosody as the server and ConverseJS as the client. ### Project The repository of the project listing components is the core and can be found here: - https://git.happy-dev.fr/startinblox/sib-core ### Invoicing The invoicing component is still at an early stage. Its repository is here: - https://git.happy-dev.fr/startinblox/sib-invoicing ## Architecture Some general schema of the existing StartinBlox applications architecture can be found here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1iCRGaJpFvZjhjIUnpsn6lRTJJ31ES6n94BNkJygzUwM/edit?usp=sharing ## Installation If you want to contribute or test the app, please follow those steps. ### Requirements You need to have both NodeJS and NPM installed and working. ### Installation process clone then: * `make install` Edit the created `./src/config.pug` file to : - update the `client_id` [you generated on the server](https://git.happy-dev.fr/startinblox/applications/sib-app-data-server/blob/master/README.md#openidconnect-configuration) / OIDC provider - update the `sdn` / Server Domain Name to match yours ## Build A first build is mandatory for compiling the static assets. * `make build` or * `make watch` if you are working on something and want to benefit of the hot reload feature. ## Run server * `make serve`