### Feature: `Role or Persona` `Priority` `Objective` `Role or persona` What kind of users are we talking about in this particular user story? `Priority` We need to ask users about how important each feature is. Using the MoSCow method to prioritize requirements. This method is based on four main categories: must, should, could, and won't. `Objective` What is the users' final objective by using this feature? *Example* > Feature: User must log in to access the app. #### User story: As a `role or persona` I `must/should/could/won't` `goal/need` So that `value` *Example* > User story: > > As a user, > I must be sent a link to reinitialize password when requested, > So that I can log in and access the app. #### Acceptance criteria ###### Scenario-oriented acceptance criteria `Scenario` the name for the behavior that will be described - `Given` the beginning state of the scenario - `When` specific action that the user makes - `Then` the outcome of the action in “When” - `And` used to continue any previous statement *Example* > Scenario: User Forgot password > - Given: The user has navigated to the login page > - When: The user selected forgot password option > - And: Entered a valid email to receive a link for password recovery > - Then: The system sent the link to the entered email > - Given: The user received the link via the email > - When: The user navigated through the link received in the email > - Then: The system enables the user to set a new password ###### Rule-oriented acceptance criteria format In some cases, it’s difficult to fit acceptance criteria into the Given/When/Then structure. For instance, design and UX features. Also when visuals exist they should be linked. - [ ] item 1 - [ ] item 1-1 - [ ] item 1-2 - [ ] item 1-3 - [ ] item 1-4 - [ ] item 2 - [ ] item 2-1 - [ ] item 2-2 - [ ] item 2-3 - [ ] item 2-4 *Example* > - [ ] Basic new password interface acceptance criteria > - [ ] Password must be > 8 characters > - [ ] Password must contain at least one special character > - [ ] Password must contain at least one upper case letter > - [ ] Password must contain at least one minus case letter > - [ ] Password must contain at least one number > - [ ] Max password length is 255 characters