/// /* globals cy, expect */ context('Edit Job Offer Browser Testing', () => { let jobDate = '', jobTitle = 'Edited Test Job Offer ', description = 'Edited Test Description ', menuQuery = [ 'solid-display.job-board__list', 'solid-display:last-child' ]; before(() => { cy.nextYear(2).then(year => { jobDate = year + '-12-31'; }); cy.randomNum().then(num => { jobTitle += num; description += num; }); cy.clearLocalStorageSnapshot(); cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null }); cy.clearCookies({ domain: null }); }); beforeEach(() => cy.restoreLocalStorage()); afterEach(() => cy.saveLocalStorage()); it('should visit user login screen', () => cy.userLogin()); describe('Job Offer Edition process', () => { it('should login', () => cy.login()); it('should visit the job offers list screen', () => cy.naviagte('/job-offers')); it('should visit the last project edit screen', () => { cy.get(menuQuery.join(' ')) .invoke('attr', 'data-src') .then(url => cy.encodeUrl(url).then(id => { cy.naviagte('/job-offers/job-offers-edit/@' + id); })); }); it('should enter new job offer data', () => { cy.get('#job-offers-edit input[name="closingDate"]').clear().type(jobDate); cy.get('#job-offers-edit input[name="closingDate"]').should('have.value', jobDate); cy.get('#job-offers-edit input[name="title"]').clear().type(jobTitle); cy.get('#job-offers-edit input[name="title"]').should('have.value', jobTitle); cy.get('#job-offers-edit textarea[name="description"]').clear().type(description); cy.get('#job-offers-edit textarea[name="description"]').should('have.value', description); }); it('should click button to save the job offer', () => { cy.get('#job-offers-edit input[type="submit"]').click(); }); it('should land on job offers list screen', () => { cy.location().should((loc) => { expect(loc.pathname).to.eq('/job-offers'); }); }); it('should show edited project data on project information screen', () => { cy.contains('solid-display-value[name="title"]', jobTitle).should("exist"); cy.contains('solid-display-value[name="description"]', description).should("exist"); }); }); });