.content-box.with-form h1 Post a new job offer p.center This form allows you to share an offer to all members of the network. sib-widget(name='title-text') template p Be clear and specific with the name of your offer. You can indicate which skill is important, the start date or the name of the client. Ex: "Looking for a plumber for planet Mars ASAP". sib-widget(name='description-text') template p Be specific and exhaustive to avoid answering too many questions later. Indicate what is the best way to fill the offer, the prerequisites...' sib-form.block( data-src=`${sdn}/job-offers/`, range-skills= `${sdn}/skills/`, range-author= `${sdn}/users/`, data-fields='title, title-text, description, description-text, skills', label-title='Title*', label-description='Description*', label-skills='The required skills for this mission:*', widget-title-text='title-text', widget-description-text='description-text', widget-skills='sib-form-auto-completion', next="job-offers" )