function recursiveAdaptWidgets(prefix, element, user) { //- This function is a workaround for the currently unworking populate //- Feel free to see examples on page-circles- element.querySelectorAll("[" + prefix + "-user-id]").forEach(el => { el.setAttribute(el.getAttribute(prefix + "-user-id"), user["@id"]); }); if (element != document) { //- Allow to bind-user on selected attribute if (element.getAttribute(prefix + "-user-id")) { element.setAttribute( element.getAttribute(prefix + "-user-id"), user["@id"] ); } //- Allow to set data-src to a children sib-form if (element.getAttribute(prefix + "-bind-resources")) { let form = element.querySelector( element.getAttribute(prefix + "-bind-resources") + " sib-form" ); if (form) { form.setAttribute( "data-src", element.component.resourceId.replace("members/", "") ); } } //- Allow to put user on a targetted search field if (element.getAttribute(prefix + "-bind-user2input")) { element.querySelector( element.getAttribute(prefix + "-bind-user2input") ).value = user["@id"]; } //- In case your sib-display use a multiple, you have to target sub-sib-display auto-generated element.querySelectorAll("sib-display, sib-form, div > sib-display, div > sib-form").forEach(el => { el.setAttribute(prefix + "-widgets", ""); }); } //- This function is hooked every time a sib-something with prefix+"-widgets" is populated element.querySelectorAll("[" + prefix + "-widgets]").forEach(elementChild => { elementChild.addEventListener("populate", () => { recursiveAdaptWidgets(prefix, elementChild, user); }); }); } // auxiliary function closes the user profile menu function closeUserControls() { let userControls = document.querySelector("#user-controls"); if (userControls) userControls.removeAttribute("open"); } function closeLeftMenu() { let leftMenu = document.querySelector("#main__menu"); if (leftMenu) leftMenu.removeAttribute("open"); } function closeRightMenu() { let rightMenu = document.querySelectorAll(".jsRightMenu"); if (Array.from(rightMenu).filter(el => el.hasAttribute("open")).length > 0) { Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".views-container")).forEach(vC => vC.classList.toggle("sidebar-is-closed") ); Array.from(rightMenu).forEach(el => el.removeAttribute("open")); } } function openRightMenu() { let rightMenu = document.querySelectorAll(".jsRightMenu"); Array.from(rightMenu).forEach(el => el.setAttribute("open", "")); Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".views-container")).forEach(vC => vC.classList.toggle("sidebar-is-closed") ); } //auxiliary function clears cache & refreshes sib-displays for a given resource ID function refreshSibDisplays(resourceId, clearCache = true) { let cacheCleared = false; Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("sib-display")) .filter(sibDisplay => sibDisplay.component.resourceId == resourceId) // keep only elements with resource == edited resource .forEach(e => { //clear cache if we were unable to before if ((clearCache && !cacheCleared) && e.component.resource != null) { e.component.resource.clearCache(); cacheCleared = true; } e.dataset.src = e.dataset.src; }); // and update them } //auxiliary function updates displays using a given resource //NOTE: this is a temporary workaround and should be replaced by a reactive storage // async function refreshResource(event) { // if of the edited resource || id of the container of the created resource const resourceId = event.detail.resource["@id"] ||; let resource = document .querySelector('[data-src="' + resourceId + '"]') .component.resource.getResourceData(); //special case: refresh circles/X/ from circle-members/Y/ let partnerId = null; if (resourceId.includes("circle-members")) { partnerId = resource[""]["@id"]; } else if (resourceId.includes("project-members")) partnerId = resource[""]["@id"]; //refresh all resources using the partner ID if (partnerId != null) { refreshSibDisplays(partnerId); refreshSibDisplays(partnerId + "members/"); } //special cases updating users/X/circles for the left-side-menu (leaving or joining circle) let user = await document.querySelector('sib-auth').getUser(); if(resourceId.includes('circle') && user != null) { let userId = user['@id']; refreshSibDisplays(userId + "circles/"); refreshSibDisplays(resourceId.split('/').slice(0,4).join('/')+'/joinable/'); } //clear cache on this resource //NOTE: this is required because the cache is not refreshed after POSTing changes on the resource let cacheCleared = false; if ( != null) {; cacheCleared = true; } //update all displays which use this resource refreshSibDisplays(resourceId, cacheCleared); } //auxiliary function performs a redirect //NOTE: currently a sib-display is required to dispatch the requestNavigation event function performRedirect(route) { document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("requestNavigation", { bubbles: true, detail: { route: route } }) ); } //auxiliary function redirects after leaving a project/circle //NOTE: this is a temporary workaround until the following issues are resolved: // // async function checkForPostLeaveRedirect(event) { //a redirect will only be required if I left in the information page of the resource if(!window.location.href.includes('-information')) return; //first need to get a sib-display with this resource id (to have access to the target Proxy, containing model fields) const resourceId = event.detail.resource['@id'] ||; let target = document.querySelector('[data-src="' + resourceId + '"]'); let resource = target.component.resource.getResourceData(); //no redirect is required for public circles let targetCircleId = resource[""]["@id"]; if(targetCircleId != undefined) { let targetCircle = document.querySelector('[data-src="' + targetCircleId + '"]'); let targetCircleResource = targetCircle.component.resource.getResourceData(); if(targetCircleResource[''] == 'Public') return; } //a redirect will only be required if I've deleted myself let targetUser = resource['']; //compare with current user let user = await document.querySelector('sib-auth').getUser(); if(targetUser['@id'] != user['@id'] && targetUser['@id'] != undefined) return; //perform the redirect if(resourceId.includes('circle')) performRedirect('circle-left'); else if(resourceId.includes('project')) performRedirect('project-left'); } document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function(event) { const menuWrappers = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".menu-wrapper")); //- View change event window.addEventListener("navigate", event => { closeLeftMenu(); closeUserControls(); }); //- Toggle sub-menus menuWrappers.forEach(menuWrapper => { const menu = menuWrapper.querySelector(".menu"); menu.addEventListener("click", e => { menuWrapper.classList.toggle("is-closed"); }); }); //- Watch every sib-forms & update data-src of linked sib-display document.querySelector("body").addEventListener("save", event => { refreshResource(event); }); document.querySelector("body").addEventListener("resourceDeleted", event => { //I might need to be redirected from this page checkForPostLeaveRedirect(event).then(refreshResource(event)); }); document .querySelector("sib-auth") .getUser() .then(user => { if (user !== null) { document .querySelectorAll(".notLoggedIn") .forEach(el => ( = "visible")); // Hide login button if already logged document .querySelector('button[role="log in"]') .setAttribute("style", "display:none !important"); // Set current user id on set-user-id of sib-display recursiveAdaptWidgets("hd-inherit", document, user); for (leaveBtn of document.querySelectorAll( "admin-circle-leave > sib-ac-checker:not([hidden])" )) { leaveBtn.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.nextElementSibling.setAttribute( "style", "display:none !important" ); // Hide Join button } } }) .catch(error => console.log(error)); // Document -> close menu document.addEventListener("click", event => { if (!"#user-controls")) { closeUserControls(); } if ( !"#main__menu") && != "toggleMainMenu" ) { closeLeftMenu(); } if ( !"jsMobileSidebarOpenButton") && !"jsOffsiteToggle") ) { closeRightMenu(); } }); document.querySelector("#toggleMainMenu").addEventListener("click", event => { let leftMenu = document.querySelector("#main__menu"); if (leftMenu.hasAttribute("open")) { closeLeftMenu(); } else { leftMenu.setAttribute("open", ""); } }); Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".jsMobileSidebarOpenButton")).forEach( el => { el.addEventListener("click", event => { openRightMenu(); }); } ); const rightMenus = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("nav.jsRightMenu")); rightMenus.forEach(rightMenu => { const btnRightMenu = rightMenu.querySelector("li.jsOffsiteToggle"); btnRightMenu.addEventListener("click", e => { if (rightMenu.hasAttribute("open")) { closeRightMenu(); } else { openRightMenu(); } }); }); // listen for keypress document.onkeydown = e => { e = e || window.event; if (e.key === "Escape" || e.key === "Esc") { closeUserControls(); closeLeftMenu(); closeRightMenu(); } }; });