# Hubl Hubl is the magic tool that allows the Freelance Network to thrive in a decentralized way. ## Getting Started These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. ### Prerequisites To install Hubl, you'll need: * A Hubl Server (djangoldp>=0.7.11) with the appropriate modules * A Prosody Server (with [appropriate modules](https://git.startinblox.com/infra/prosody-modules/) * A SMTP Server (optional) * NodeJS on your machine Before diving in you have to check your Hubl Server supports the following LDP packages: * djangoldp_account * djangoldp_notification * djangoldp_profile * djangoldp_skill * djangoldp_uploader * oidc_provider: 'git+https://github.com/jblemee/django-oidc-provider.git@develop' Those packages are given with the last stable version tested. Refer to the [documentation to install a Hubl Server](https://git.startinblox.com/documentation/doc/wikis/devops/install_sib_server) with this configuration. ## Build the application In order to find your server(s) the client application needs to be assembled with the proper configuration. Get the code of the Hubl on your machine: ```bash git clone ... cd hubl npm install ``` Then create a `config.json` based on your needs, see Mandatory and Optional Modules on this page. For convienence a `config.sample.json` exists in the source. Federated Hubl needs to use `config.sample.federated.json` example. You can quickly update your API URI from the samples: ``` $ sed 's/http:\/\/localhost:8000/https:\/\/api.your-server.startinblox.com/' config.sample.json > config.json ``` Then build your new Hubl: ```bash npm run build ``` The application bundle is in the `dist` folder, ready to be deployed everywhere as a static file. ## Developpers Serve, watch files & rebuild on change with this command: ```bash npm run watch ``` ## Mandatory modules By default, a Hubl includes only individual chat modules. On Server: `djangoldp_account`, `djangoldp_profile`, `djangoldp_notification`, `djangoldp_skill`, `djangoldp_upload`, `oidc_provider` packages On `config.json`: ```json { "xmpp": "https://jabber.happy-dev.fr/http-bind/", "authority": "http://localhost:8000/", "endpoints": { "skills": "http://server.url/skills/", "users": "http://server.url/users/", "uploads": "http://server.url/upload/" } } ``` Where: * `xmpp` is your [Prosody](https://prosody.im/) with [appropriate modules](https://git.startinblox.com/infra/prosody-modules/) configured on. * `authority` is the OpenID Provider. Usually, if you use `djangoldp-account` it's the same as your djangoldp server. * `endpoints.users` is the API endpoints for Users on your djangoldp server. ### Optional personalisation On `config.json`: ```json "clientName": "Hubl", "clientFavicon": "/images/favicon.png", "clientLogo": "/images/logo.png", "clientLogoHeight": "32px", "clientCSS": "/path/to/custom.css", "authorityName": "djangoldp-server-name" ``` Where: * `clientName` is the name of your Hubl. * `clientFavicon` is an URL to a distant favicon * `clientLogo` is an URL to a distant logo for your client * `clientLogoHeight` allow a quick fix to manage different height logos * `clientCSS` is an URL to a distant CSS that'll be the last one loaded by the Hubl * `authorityName` is a visual name of your OpenID Provider ## Optional modules ### Analytics Hubl support Google or Matomo as analytics trackers. To use them, add to your `config.json`: ```json "analytics": [ { "type": "matomo", //Or "google" "url": "https://my-personal.matomo.cloud/", "id": "1" } ] ``` ### Circles Circles are a public group chat. To activate them, you need: On Server: `djangoldp_circle` packages On `config.json`: ```json "endpoints": { "circle": "http://server.url/circles/" } ``` ### Dashboard Dashboard includes card generation from HTML. To activate them, you need: On Server: `djangoldp_dashboard` packages On `config.json`: ```json "endpoints": { "dashboard": "http://server.url/dashboard/" } ``` A [sample fixture](https://git.startinblox.com/djangoldp-packages/djangoldp-dashboard/blob/master/djangoldp_dashboard/fixtures/sample.json) can be loaded with `./manage.py loaddata path/to/djangoldp_dashboard/fixtures/sample.json`. ### Project Project are a private group chat including Customer and Business Provider management. To activate them, you need: On Server: `djangoldp_project` packages On `config.json`: ```json "endpoints": { "projects": "http://server.url/projects/", "customers": "http://server.url/customers/", "businessproviders": "http://server.url/businessproviders/", "skills": "http://server.url/skills/" } ``` ### Users Directory Directory includes a listing of each users of your app and editable individual profile. To activate them, you need: On Server: `djangoldp_skill`, `djangoldp_upload` packages On `config.json`: ```json "publicDirectory": true, "endpoints": { "groups": "http://server.url/groups/", "skills": "http://server.url/skills/", "uploads": "http://server.url/upload/" } ``` ### Job Offers Job Offers includes a job board with conversation. To activate them, you need: On Server: `djangoldp_joboffer`, `djangoldp_skill`, `djangoldp_upload`, `djangoldp_conversation` packages On `config.json`: ```json "endpoints": { "joboffers": "http://server.url/joboffers/", "skills": "http://server.url/skills/", "uploads": "http://server.url/upload/" } ``` ### Events The events module includes a listing of upcoming events and the capability to create new ones. This module will also work inside the circles. To activate it, you need: On Server: `djangoldp_event`, `djangoldp_upload` packages On `config.json`: ```json "endpoints": { "events":"http://server.url/events/", "typeevents":"http://server.url/typeevents/", "uploads": "http://server.url/upload/" } ``` ### Resources The resources module includes a listing of indexed resources and the capability to index new ones. This module will also work inside the circles. To activate it, you need: On Server: `djangoldp_resource`, `djangoldp_upload`, `djangoldp_conversation` packages On `config.json`: ```json "endpoints": { "resources":"http://server.url/resources/", "resourceskeywords":"http://server.url/keywords/", "resourcestypes":"http://server.url/types/", "uploads": "http://server.url/upload/" } ``` ### Polls The polls module allows user to create polls related (or not) to circles. To activate it, you need: On Server: `djangoldp_polls`, `djangoldp_upload`, `djangoldp_conversation` packages On `config.json`: ```json "endpoints": { "polls":"http://server.url/polls/" } ``` ## Use with docker ### Multi services Run with a local binding on localhost: ```bash docker-compose build docker-compose up -d client server ``` Use in CI context: ```bash docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml build docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml up -d client server docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml run --rm e2e ``` Build and push the server to registry: ```bash docker build -f docker/djangoldp.docker --build-arg serve="http://localhost:8000" -t registry.startinblox.com/applications/hubl/server:0.1 . docker push registry.startinblox.com/applications/hubl/server:0.1 ``` Note: within a Kubernetes pod all services are bound to `localhost`. ## Built With * [Sib-Core](https://git.startinblox.com/framework/sib-core/) - An awesome new framework!