/// /* globals cy, expect */ context('Signup Browser Testing', () => { const username = 'testuser_signup_' + Math.floor(1000 + Math.random() * 9000), email = username + '@testemail.com', password = 'testpwd'; before(() => { cy.clearLocalStorage({ domain: null }); cy.clearCookies({ domain: null }); }); it('visit the homepage', () => { cy.visit('/'); }); it('should await for an user login', () => { cy.location().should((loc) => { expect(loc.pathname).to.eq('/auth/login/'); }); }); describe('Signup process', () => { it('should click on signup page link', () => { cy.get('.sib-link.sib-register-link').click(); }); it('should write erroneous user data', () => { cy.get('#id_username').type('!"#$%&'); cy.get('#id_username').should('have.value', '!"#$%&'); cy.get('#id_email').type(email.split('.')[0]); cy.get('#id_email').should('have.value', email.split('.')[0]); cy.get('#id_password1').type(password + 'wrong1'); cy.get('#id_password1').should('have.value', password + 'wrong1'); cy.get('#id_password2').type(password + 'wrong2'); cy.get('#id_password2').should('have.value', password + 'wrong2'); }); it('should click on signup button', () => { cy.get('.sib-registration-btn').click(); }); it('should provide errors about erroneous user data', () => { cy.get('tbody tr:nth-child(1) ul.errorlist li') .should('contain.text', 'Enter a valid username. This value may contain only letters, numbers, and ./+/-/_ characters.'); cy.get('tbody tr:nth-child(2) ul.errorlist li') .should('contain.text', 'Enter a valid email address.'); cy.get('tbody tr:nth-child(4) ul.errorlist li') .should('contain.text', 'The two password fields didn\'t match.'); }); it('should write correct user data', () => { cy.get('#id_username').clear().type(username); cy.get('#id_username').should('have.value', username); cy.get('#id_email').clear().type(email); cy.get('#id_email').should('have.value', email); cy.get('#id_password1').clear().type(password); cy.get('#id_password1').should('have.value', password); cy.get('#id_password2').clear().type(password); cy.get('#id_password2').should('have.value', password); }); it('should click on signup button', () => { cy.get('.sib-registration-btn').click(); }); }); });