This is What
Police Tech Looks Like

What stands out during the conversations both at Table meetings and elsewhere, is the great challenge to grasp the exact nature and consequences of the trend towards more data-driven policing. Anecdotal information and incidental reports provide us with some direction but there is still a lack of clarity about the extent of data-driven policing and high-tech surveillance and how this emergent issue touches the daily lives of racialised and marginalised groups.

Therefore, there is an urgent need to surface, document and expose local stories and experiences of the harms inflicted upon racialised communities by the use of new forms of surveillance and control. Such inquiries help to gain crucial insights from the ground to inform strategies contestation and community resilience, and inspire coordinated strategies and actions. Furthermore, stories of how implementation works out in real life are needed to challenge mainstream assumptions on racialised criminalisation and to shift industry lead tech narratives.

This is What Police Tech Looks Like explores what monitoring and documenting projects exist across Europe and how stories of harm can inform potential coordinated actions.

Refusing Control:
Stories of Organising

Slowly but surely a push-back against data-driven technologies is growing. There is a great potential here to learn from each other and the different present-day campaigns and strategies – both from close allies as across movements. Similarly, insights from a wealth of histories of resistance against repression can inform and inspire organising today. Collecting stories places struggles side by side, makes struggles visible to one another, surfaces our connected experiences and broadens our scope of what is possible.

With Refusing Control we want to recognise and uplift efforts of organising and movement building. We will do so by documenting and sharing stories of relevant community organising and advocacy, facilitating collective learning about practises of organising and connecting the dots for future collaborations.

Please get in touch if your work touches upon these issues!

Whether you are an organiser or researcher around data-driven tech, policing or discrimination, or you are working to document harms or to collect organising stories, we would be happy to connect.