# frozen_string_literal: true class BidirectionalLinksGenerator < Jekyll::Generator def generate(site) graph_nodes = [] graph_edges = [] all_notes = site.collections['notes'].docs all_pages = site.pages all_docs = all_notes + all_pages link_extension = !!site.config["use_html_extension"] ? '.html' : '' # Convert all Wiki/Roam-style double-bracket link syntax to plain HTML # anchor tag elements () with "internal-link" CSS class all_docs.each do |current_note| all_docs.each do |note_potentially_linked_to| title_from_filename = File.basename( note_potentially_linked_to.basename, File.extname(note_potentially_linked_to.basename) ).gsub('_', ' ').gsub('-', ' ').capitalize new_href = "#{site.baseurl}#{note_potentially_linked_to.url}#{link_extension}" anchor_tag = "\\1" # Replace double-bracketed links with label using note title # [[A note about cats|this is a link to the note about cats]] current_note.content = current_note.content.gsub( /\[\[#{title_from_filename}\|(.+?)(?=\])\]\]/i, anchor_tag ) # Replace double-bracketed links with label using note filename # [[cats|this is a link to the note about cats]] current_note.content = current_note.content.gsub( /\[\[#{note_potentially_linked_to.data['title']}\|(.+?)(?=\])\]\]/i, anchor_tag ) # Replace double-bracketed links using note title # [[a note about cats]] current_note.content = current_note.content.gsub( /\[\[(#{note_potentially_linked_to.data['title']})\]\]/i, anchor_tag ) # Replace double-bracketed links using note filename # [[cats]] current_note.content = current_note.content.gsub( /\[\[(#{title_from_filename})\]\]/i, anchor_tag ) end # At this point, all remaining double-bracket-wrapped words are # pointing to non-existing pages, so let's turn them into disabled # links by greying them out and changing the cursor current_note.content = current_note.content.gsub( /\[\[(.*)\]\]/i, # match on the remaining double-bracket links <<~HTML.chomp # replace with this HTML (\\1 is what was inside the brackets) [[ \\1 ]] HTML ) end # Identify note backlinks and add them to each note all_notes.each do |current_note| # Nodes: Jekyll notes_linking_to_current_note = all_notes.filter do |e| e.content.include?(current_note.url) end # Nodes: Graph graph_nodes << { id: note_id_from_note(current_note), path: "#{site.baseurl}#{current_note.url}#{link_extension}", label: current_note.data['title'], } unless current_note.path.include?('_notes/index.html') # Edges: Jekyll current_note.data['backlinks'] = notes_linking_to_current_note # Edges: Graph notes_linking_to_current_note.each do |n| graph_edges << { source: note_id_from_note(n), target: note_id_from_note(current_note), } end end File.write('_includes/notes_graph.json', JSON.dump({ edges: graph_edges, nodes: graph_nodes, })) end def note_id_from_note(note) note.data['title'] .dup .gsub(/\W+/, ' ') .delete(' ') .to_i(36) .to_s end end