--- date: 2021-04-18 status: 🌱 --- ![Mockup of the Xanadu project in 1972](assets/images/xanadu2.jpeg) > Project Xanadu was the first hypertext project, founded in 1960 by Ted Nelson. Administrators of Project Xanadu have declared it an improvement over the [[World Wide Web]], with the mission statement: "Today's popular software simulates paper. The World Wide Web (another imitation of paper) trivialises our original [[hypertext]] model with one-way ever-breaking links and no management of version or contents." ![Boxes and lines drawing of Xanadu's concept](assets/images/xanadu.png) ## THE XANADU® PARALLEL UNIVERSE ### Visibly Connected Pages and Documents for a New Kind of Writing > Conventional electronic documents were designed in the 1970s by well-funded conventional thinkers at Xerox PARC, who asked, "How can we imitate paper?" The result is today's electronic document-- Microsoft Word format and the printout format PDF. They imitate paper and emphasize appearance and fonts. > > But much earlier, in 1960, the Xanadu project started with a completely different idea: since interactive screens are coming (who else knew?), we asked a different question: How can we IMPROVE on paper? > > We foresaw a new screen literature of parallel, interconnected documents.