#!/usr/bin/env python3 # See https://www.keycloak.org/docs/latest/server_admin/#user-operations # The following command must be run beforehand to log into the keycloak: # /opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/kcadm.sh config credentials --server http://localhost:8080/auth --realm master --user admin from os.path import exists from pathlib import Path from shlex import split from subprocess import run from sys import exit KCADM = "/opt/jboss/keycloak/bin/kcadm.sh" REALM = "lumbung-space" def confirm(): answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input("OK to create account [Y/N]? ").lower() return answer == "y" if not exists(Path("emails.txt").absolute()): print("Missing emails.txt!") exit(1) with open("emails.txt") as handle: emails = handle.readlines() for email in emails: username = email.split("@")[0].strip() print(f"processing {email} now...") print(f"deriving {username} from {email} for account creation...") create_command = split( f""" {KCADM} create users -r {REALM} -s enabled=true -s username={username} -s 'requiredActions=["VERIFY_EMAIL","UPDATE_PROFILE","UPDATE_PASSWORD"]' """ ) password_command = split( f""" {KCADM} set-password \ -r {REALM} \ --username {username} --new-password lumbung --temporary """ ) print(f"Intending to run {create_command}...") print(f"And then {password_command}...") if not confirm(): print("Bailing out on request...") exit(1) run(create_command) run(password_command)