#!/usr/bin/env python3 # See https://python-keycloak-client.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ import json from os import environ from os.path import exists from pathlib import Path from time import sleep from keycloak import KeycloakAdmin def init_keycloak(): KEYCLOAK_DOMAIN = environ.get("KEYCLOAK_DOMAIN") KEYCLOAK_REALM = environ.get("KEYCLOAK_REALM") KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET = environ.get("KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET") client = KeycloakAdmin( server_url=f"https://{KEYCLOAK_DOMAIN}/auth/", realm_name=KEYCLOAK_REALM, client_secret_key=KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET, verify=True, ) return client def confirm(): answer = "" while answer not in ["y", "n"]: answer = input("OK to continue [Y/N]? ").lower() return answer == "y" if not exists(Path("accounts.txt").absolute()): print("Missing accounts.txt!") exit(1) with open("accounts.txt") as handle: emails = [email.strip() for email in handle.readlines()] print(f"Parsed {emails} from accounts.txt") keycloak = init_keycloak() print(f"Current user account count: {keycloak.users_count()}") for email in emails: username = email.split("@")[0].strip() print(f"processing {email} now...") print(f"deriving {username} from {email} for account creation...") payload = { "email": email, "username": username, "enabled": True, "realmRoles": [ "user_default", ], "requiredActions": ["UPDATE_PASSWORD", "UPDATE_PROFILE"], } try: user_id = keycloak.create_user(payload, exist_ok=False) print(f"Account created for {email}") keycloak.send_verify_email(user_id=user_id) print(f"Verification mail sent to {email}") except Exception as exception: print(f"Keycloak user registration failed, saw: {exception}") if not confirm(): print("Bailing out on request...") exit(1) print("Sleeping one second to not overload the server...") sleep(1) print(f"Final user account count: {keycloak.users_count()}")