[tox] envlist = py38 lint sort format type skip_missing_interpreters = True isolated_build = True [testenv] [testenv:lint] description = lint the source skipdist = True deps = flake8 commands = flake8 {posargs} magic_app/ test/ [testenv:sort] description = sort the source skipdist = True deps = isort commands = isort {posargs:-c} -sp setup.cfg magic_app/ test/ [testenv:format] description = format the source skipdist = True deps = black commands = black {posargs:--check} magic_app/ test/ [testenv:type] description = type check the source skipdist = True deps = mypy commands = mypy magic_app/ test/ [testenv:release] description = make a release deps = twine commands = rm -rf {toxworkdir}/dist python -m setup sdist --dist-dir {toxworkdir}/dist bdist_wheel python -m setup sdist --dist-dir {toxworkdir}/dist bdist_egg twine upload {toxworkdir}/dist/* whitelist_externals = rm